Have you ever heard of Intermittent Fasting?
The first time I heard of Intermittent Fasting (IF) was when I was a body builder getting ready for an upcoming competition. But today, it’s becoming one of the fastest health trends!
What if you could effectively achieve a reduction of body fat while maintaining lean muscle by fasting for 16 hours every day? This, my friends, is Intermittent Fasting. (IF)
Intermittent Fasting – What Is it?
Intermittent fasting (IF) is a pattern of eating that doesn’t change WHAT you eat, but rather changes WHEN you eat. In simple terms, “IF” (Intermittent Fasting) means occasionally going for extended periods without eating. It’s not a diet.
You may ask, “Don’t we fast every single day, when we sleep?” And, yes, unless you’re getting up in the middle of the night, you’re effectively fasting while you sleep. In fact, the time from your last meal in the evening until your first meal the next day is part of your “fasting” interval in the form of intermittent fasting. (I.F.) we’re about to discuss – 16:8 intermittent fasting.
There are too many methods of IF to list but the 16:8 method (16 hours of not eating, 8 hours of eating during a day) is a great place to start, as most people can easily tolerate fasting from 8 p.m. to 12 noon, which equals 16 hours of fasting.
For more aggressive IF methods, look at fasting for 24 hours (often dinner to dinner) once or twice a week, or the 5:2 diet – where you eat as much as you need to feel satisfied 5 days of the week and then eat calorie-restricted on two days (500 calories per day).
Intermittent Fasting – Why? AND most importantly, how can I do it with the TAVALA PRODUCTS?
Face it, Traditional Diets Just Don’t Work!
Shedding pounds has turned into an American pastime. We turn to questionable fad diets with strict instructions on what, how and when to eat. And still, over two-thirds of adults are overweight. How can it be that almost everyone wants to lose weight, yet we’re all getting fatter?
This is where the product TAVALA TRIM comes into play. Trim is a thermogenic product that boost the metabolism, gives you energy & focus, suppresses the appetite and cravings and aids in healthy weight loss.
The latest research shows that with traditional diets, your metabolism slows down and burns less fat. (TRIM boosts it!) Unfortunately when your metabolism typically slows down with dieting alone, it can stay that way for a year or more after you’ve stopped dieting. Even if you’re able to lose weight, your slowed metabolism makes it almost impossible to keep it off. Sound familiar?
Well now, there’s a successful dieting method that’s backed by solid science. It’s called Intermittent Fasting and it’s becoming one of the world’s most popular health trends. Intermittent fasting doesn’t mean going without food completely. It’s a simple and practical process that doesn’t slow your metabolism because you only reduce calories for short periods of time….and it’s easy to do incorporating 3 of the Tavala products.
OK, so how can I use the TAVALA products with Intermittent Fasting?
Let’s start with the Transformation Pack, available through Tavala, www.DaveandJoy.com.
You’ll need Tavala Trim, Control and the Tavala Weight Loss Protein Shake.

Intermittent fasting simply allows the body to burn off excess body fat (which is just energy from food that’s been stored away.) This was a natural process for our ancestors, as the body adapted to store body fat for energy when food was scarce. When you fast your body will simply “eat” its own fat for energy. It’s that simple.
By having the Tavala products on hand you’ll be able to become decisive eaters, with less cravings and less of an appetite. “Ease and simplicity is good!”
Remember, please, Intermittent fasting is not a free ticket to load up on junk food or eat whatever you want, and the basic rules of healthy diets still apply – if you eat more calories than you burn off, you will gain weight. Ideally your macros should not change; you’re now simply eating all your food in a shorter window of time.
16:8 Intermittent Fasting and Working Out
If you work out in the morning, at noon or in the evening, the 16:8 method of I.F. can work for you. Here’s how: (If you aren’t currently working out, do your best to begin walking 20-30 minutes a day.)
Below is a guideline for healthy eating while using the Tavala products, Trim, Control and the Weight Loss Shake. With Intermittent Fasting it’s simple…. make sure you go 16 hours without eating, and eat your meals (see below) in an 8 hour time frame. (Thus, the 16:8 program).
As mentioned above, for more aggressive IF methods, look at fasting for 24 hours (often dinner to dinner) once or twice a week, or the 5:2 diet – where you eat as much as you need to feel satisfied 5 days of the week and then eat calorie-restricted on two days (500 calories per day).
We’d love to hear your results. It’s important to change things up from time to time to keep your body from becoming stagnant or at a plateau. This can help.
USE THE GUIDE BELOW but time out your eating 16:8 is a great place to begin. Eat within an 8 hour time frame and ‘fast’ for 16 hours. NOT difficult if you don’t eat after dinner and then eat again around lunchtime the following day.

If you’ve tried Intermittent Fasting with the Tavala products we’d love to hear your results. The TRIM will help keep your energy high, your metabolism boosted and appetite & cravings at a minimal.
The CONTROL will help you avoid plateaus, continue to work on maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and support healthy weight loss.
The WEIGHT LOSS PROTEIN SHAKE will give you ‘healthy nutrition’ without ‘junk’ calories. It also will support a healthy protein content and gut health.
Where can you purchase your Tavala products? www.DaveandJoy.com (click on individual products OR purchase the Transformation Pack). The cost in the USA is $169.99. Most people save a considerable amount of money and will save money on unnecessary snacking or eating out. (Not to mention saving money on sodas, Starbuck’s mocha coffees etc.)
Ready to Transform Your Body and Health? Let Tavala be your source.

Dave and Joy/ Global Leaders and Trainers with Tavala
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