Why Massage Therapists LOVE Tavala’s Quantum Relief Strips

Most people would agree that Massage Therapy is GOOD FOR THEIR HEALTH, but what about the Quantum Relief Strips? Have you heard of them and how are they helping massage therapists help their clients?

Would you agree that the real world can take a toll on well being, stress, anxiety, and self care feels like a luxury? The truth is this; Massage is an investment in your health. Physical and emotional pain doesn’t have to be chronic.

I don’t know about you but given the choice I would schedule a massage at least 1x a week….for relaxation and for my health. Even though I can afford both the treatment and the time, why is it that I don’t schedule massage on a regular basis? Why do I usually ‘treat’ myself to a massage rather than schedule it in as part of my health regime?

I am not alone in this lack of ‘self -care’ …. I think most people fall into this category, but do you realize how nice it is for a massage therapist to work on someone who does practice self-care and keeps their body well tuned so when they DO get a massage they are not tight, tense or in a ‘chronic’ state?

Do you feel like this?
Tense, stiff shoulders and neck with a painful upper back and lots of headaches? Or maybe lower back pain and hip problems? Or both of these? Regular massage can help ease these physical symptoms of stress. ​

​Is life like this for you?

Today, more than any other time on the planet people are busier and multi-tasking daily. Perhaps this is you? Do you rush from one thing to the next, feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Putting everyone else first and never recharging your own energy levels?

Regular massage & daily use of the Quantum Relief Strips, only from TAVALA, can help you feel calmer and better able to cope with the demands of a busy lifestyle.

Massage therapists that I know who have incorporated the Quantum Relief Strips into their practice are reaping the benefits, right along with their clients.

  1. Their clients no longer come to them in chronic physical states. This means the therapist can identify and work on the area in need rather than surface work to release the tension or pain.
  2. Their clients love that they have a product that they can use in between massage sessions to help keep themselves balanced and pain-free.
  3. Massage Therapists love the additional revenue the Quantum Relief Strips offer them. Whether an additional income of $200 a week or $2000 a month in sales, they are reaping the benefits of additional income without having to see more clients or work longer hours.
  4. This income can be residual income when set up correctly. Even though a client may not continue to see their massage therapist weekly or monthly- the massage therapist can still benefit month after month when clients (or their clients friends/family) purchase the QR Strips off their website. No one is required to have inventory on hand, which makes it simple, and Tavala ships products daily so your clients receive their product quickly.
  5. Massage Therapists LOVE it that they can earn more money without having to increase the price of the product to earn income or without having to charge more for their services. In addition more revenue can be generated without working harder or by seeing more clients or physically doing more massage. Also one price for all. You as a massage therapist do not have to talk anyone into JOINING your business in order to get the low price of $64.99 for a 28-day supply. What a concept? Everyone pays the same low price.

First of all, what are Quantum Relief Strips?

The Quantum Relief Strips are a topical ‘strip’ that you apply, sticky side down, on the skin-that offers energy to the body once placed ON THE BODY. It helps balance the chi, keep positive energy flowing and helps bring your body into balance.

Often people go to a massage therapist or a doctor when the body is out of balance. Symptoms of being out of balance are pain, discomfort, sickness, etc.

The body needs energy to heal. That’s why the Quantum Relief Strips from TAVALA use a mineral called tourmaline, one of the most energy-conductive crystals on earth. They charge these crystals with Quantum Energy. When applied and worn the ‘QR STRIPS’ release that energy into your body when the which provides relief to areas of discomfort.

The human body is made up of a series of electrical impulses. Everything we do, every word we hear, every movement we make, has an electrical signal and energy associated with it. Quantum Relief Strips are a method of natural healing that works with the chi in the body to promote optimal wellness.

Where do you place the Quantum Relief Strip?

The easiest way to know where to place the Quantum Relief Strips is PLACE IT WHERE IT HURTS! Or place it where you ‘feel’ or ‘think’ you’d like to bring energy.



If you are a massage therapist and are interested in carrying the Quantum Relief Strips please call us at 802-846-7530 or email us at info@DaveandJoy.com In addition you can join HERE and simply become a Tavala Member (aka rep.) for free.www.DaveandJoy.com

If you are an entrepreneur who is looking to build a team and enjoys helping others, Tavala could be for you!

Dave and Joy/Global Leaders at Tavala




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