Today I was thinking of my ideal Business Partner and Ideal Customer. I made a list, reviewed it twice and then asked if I AM that kind of person. If you have never asked yourself those questions and are in network marketing, give it a try.
So I made my list, reviewed it and evaluated how I measure up…. Ah, a slight reality check. The answer was ‘YES’ in most areas, but not all. So what do I needed to do? Raise MY skill set, my mind set and ‘vibration’ to become the person I’d love to attract. Simple? Not always.
Getting clear on who you want to attract to your business is crucial, otherwise you may end up spending 80% of your time with those who are not actually dedicated to the business. Those people are the ones who will ask questions and waste your time but never be serious about growing the business… but boy do they love the attention they get by asking questions. If you’ve heard of the 80/20% rule, make sure you spend 80% of your time with those who bring you joy and are worthy of your time….AND on your list of ideals.
Personally, I want to work with people I truly like and enjoy being around. That most likely means meeting new people as I may not KNOW these people ‘yet’. In network marketing it is about building a relationship with people -hopefully from ‘now on’, and hopefully a relationship where you remain friends long after one of you decides to do some other business or work with another company…. because let’s face it, things change. I was with a company for over 10 years and there came a time that for my own personal life and goals, I had to move on….so I resigned and joined another company that resonated

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much stronger with what I was looking for. Am I still friends with some of my old team mates, you bet!
Hopefully, for us (Dave and I) at this stage in our career, we seriously plan on being with our current company from NOW ON……Yes, it is our 100% desire to work with and be with our current company through the next 10+ years…..into and past retirement. Pie in the sky thinking? I don’t know. But one thing for sure is we don’t jump from company to company…we look for a HOME. (As I said, the last company we were with over 10 years.)
My 8 TOP qualities I’d like to attract to our business? (grab a paper and pen and write yours too.)
TOP 8 qualities in my my ideal ‘Brand Partner’ or Business associate.
- Leader: someone who enjoys the role of leader and possesses, and uses Leadership skills.
- Self-Starter: someone who ignites their own inner fire & desire each and every day.
- Self-Motivated and Hungry for Success. It’s not just being self-motivated but someone who is HUNGRY for success and contribution…. someone willing to do what it takes…and needs to make it happen.
- Integrity: Someone who does what they say they will do. Keeps their word.
- Loves the industry of network marketing. Someone who enjoys helping and teaching others.
- Positive outlook. Shines with (and sees) positivities.
- Coachable and Trainable. The industry changes, has ebbs and flows, as do all company’s with their products and company growth. Being open to learning new ways and implementing new ideas is crucial.
- MLM experience. This is certainly not a requirement, but why NOT want someone who has experience and can bring a team of others with them to the business?
We LOVE our Customers: Here are the ideal qualities of my ideal customer.
Follows instructions so they get the best results possible!
- Goes on a monthly auto-ship
- Can afford the products
- Gives us referrals
- Calls US, versus us having to call them for follow up.
Who are your ideal business associates and customers? I once had a list of over 25 qualities for business partners and 10 qualities for customers, but have honed it down to the ones above.
If I STOP attracting those people that I desire in my life and into my business, I stop and ask myself why. Often times it just takes me reviewing the list and becoming aware. In no time, those ‘kind of people’ then begin to show up again.
(It becomes obvious for me to evaluate when I begin to attract whiny people who complain about everything and always have excuses or blame others! I quickly take off time, evaluate and get clear before I get back in my business mode, especially into recruiting.) 🙂
If you believe in the law of attraction or vibration you will understand what I mean.
I’d love to see YOUR list and see you attract what you want into your life and business. Let’s manifest together. We’re only an email or phone call away. 802-846-7530.
Dave and Joy