Day 12- Joy’s TAVALA Journey
Today is Mother’s Day and Day 12 on my TAVALA Journey. In all honesty, I am in quite a ‘groove’ with my eating that I don’t have to give it much thought day to day. I simply eat sensibly and in smaller portions and it is easy as I have no cravings as the TRIM has nipped that on day 1.
I use all of the TAVALA products daily (although sometimes I do not drink the Bru, Cacao drink, as I simply am not hungry after dinner and that is when I was drinking it as a healthy beverage before bedtime. In addition I rarely use the ALERT, micro-mist for energy as the TRIM gives me as much energy as I need. No additional energy required!
The only thing I missed at all, and not dramatically enough to have it, was a glass of wine when visiting my mother for Mothers Day. Everyone enjoyed a cocktail that I prepared for them, except me. That’s OK, my reward is staying true to my word and also to enjoy the morning clarity that I have daily from not consuming alcohol at night.
Today I enjoyed several gifts- beautiful hanging basket of colorful flowers, flowers for the window box, bird feeders for the deck and 2 pair of new workout pants.
Now that my clothes are fitting better I figured I deserved to buy some new capri workout pants. Most of my older workout pants are stretched out or coming apart at the seams. Perhaps you may know how it feels to BURST at the seams???
I’m anxious to evaluate my results after 14 days using the TAVALA products. I’ll be evaluating my overall health, my energy, my sleep, my weight and inches lost and overall sense of well-being.
If you could change anything, what would YOU want to change in your life?
Can you imagine incorporating TAVALA products into your life?
Can you imagine sharing products that change peoples lives and that enhance their well-being?
Can you imagine earning additional income, part time, simply by sharing these new revolutionary products? To learn about each one take a minute and watch the videos. They are approximately 1 minute each. Brief video on Trim product (42 seconds long) Brief video on CONTROL product (1:14 long) Micro-Misters SNOOZE and ALERT Quantum Energy Relief
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