If you are looking at joining a network marketing company do your due diligence. I have seen way too many people join due to a hyped up pitch only to find that the company’s CORE VALUES do not come close to matching what they are looking for or what they personally believe in.
One of the reasons why so many experienced network marketers are joining Tavala is because they LOVE the network marketing industry but are tired of and fed up with the typical hype and BS that has been prevalent in many companies. I do believe that is changing and TAVALA is definitely setting the new standard and ‘bar’.
At Tavala, they believe in practicing honesty and integrity in their business and their lives. They like to work hard and have fun. WE DO TOO!
Tavala wants all of their Members and Customers to feel like they are a part of the Tavala family. THEY HAVE ACCOMPLISHED THIS AS WELL!
Tavala’s goal is to deliver a great experience and real value to the end consumer. They promise great products at the best prices they can give and a personalized experience for all who join.
Tavala is Vemma Compliant, which means that they are in alignment with the FTC in all areas of doing business. Some highlights that make TAVALA unique, other than their array of products in this picture are:
No Joining Fee
- Customers and Members pay the same low price
- No monthly auto ship requirement
- Customers volume can qualify you to earn commissions
- FREE shipping on monthly subscription box orders
Are you looking to join a company and a team that is growing FAST? Our business is more than doubling each month. We resigned from a company we had been with for 10+ years to come to TAVALA based on their vision, their core values, the timing, the products and the corporate staff. We love the industry of network marketing and love TAVALA.
If you are open to taking a serious look at Tavala we are looking for leaders who wish to earn a 6-figure income or greater in their first year.
All Training is provided and no experience is necessary- however for those WITH network marketing experience you’ll find Tavala is an easy build. It is a uni-level compensation plan with 70% of the commissions paid on the first 3 levels. Very generous and extremely simple to understand.
Tavala is now open in the USA, the Carribean, Bermuda, Europe, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, the Philippines, Japan, India….and the list continues to grow. To see if a particular country is open go to www.DaveandJoy.com and click on the drop down box and check out countries available.
We’d love to hear from you! Give us a call 802-846-7530, info@DaveandJoy.com, or visit www.DaveandJoy.com