CAN’T SLEEP? TRY “SNOOZE” – Available only Through Tavala
I had no idea that 36 billion people worldwide have sleep disorders of some kind. If you are someone who craves a full night sleep, or knows someone who does, please share this information with them.
TAVALA recently launched a new MICOMIST product called SNOOZE that delivers PURE MELATONIN, within SECONDS which results in a deep night sleep. Some of our friends who have tried everything on the market, from drugs, to head gear, to different pillows, you name it, are LOVING how the SNOOZE is helping them get a good night sleep. We LOVE the product and use it each night.
SNOOZE Micromist is a faster, smarter, and easier alternative to fall asleep naturally with the power of Melatonin. By delivering a small amount of Melatonin to the lungs as a micro mist, the effects are felt within seconds. SNOOZE Micromist should only be used if it is safe to sleep.
Order YOUR SNOOZE today! We’re confident you will enjoy the results! Only $29.99
Dave and Joy