How my friend lost 15 pounds in just 21 days with ZipSlim…
This is my friends story….her experience with ZipSlim that I thought it was worth sharing! At this time she wishes to stay ‘under the radar’ but I suspect as she reaches her goal of losing 40+ pounds, that she will become a POSTER CHILD for ZipSlim.
No doubt there are others out there that would love to lose weight, rid the ‘bloat’ and begin their journey towards their ideal weight. The story below is her journey and MY journey is here:
IN HER OWN WORDS: “The new year had begun, I was over tired from all the holiday sugary foods, from too many parties & holiday ‘cheer’ and too much stress. When I am stressed I eat….most of the times unconsciously. I prayed for a solution – as I didn’t know how I could do this on my own.
I promised not to set WEIGHT LOSS as a New Years Resolution as every time I have done this in the past, I failed. But that doesn’t change the fact that I was desperate to drop weight and was willing to do almost anything to have that happen.
My friend contacted me the end of December and told me she had just started a new product that she loved, called ZipSlim. She promised it tasted great too- which was a good thing as the last ‘diet’ drink/program I had tried- at her suggestion too, tasted ‘horrible’….like” ‘plug your nose, horrible’.
I trusted my friend and agreed to give it a try, especially when she said SHE had dropped 8 pounds in her first week and hadn’t even ‘dieted’….all she had done was to drink this ZipSlim drink 2x day an hour before her largest 2 meals of the day! She, like me, has a slow metabolism- so I agreed to try it. I committed to the ‘subscribe and save’ for the best price, knowing they also offer a 90-Day money back guarantee.
This is all she shared: ZipSlim comes in a delicious drink form (powder, add water to it) in both Charged and Decaf. I purchased one bag of each and decided to commit for 90-Days as I knew I needed that amount of time to give it a full assessment.
She then went on to tell me that I won’t believe the ENERGY & FOCUS you get-as well as the other benefits. Yeah yeah, I thought, now THAT would be a bonus….but I had NO idea what kind of energy she was talking about.
She then told me something that was magic to my ears. EVEN IF YOU DON’T EXERCISE OR ALTER YOUR DIET DRAMATICALLY, (but do your best to follow the 9-Reboot rituals’) you will improve your health and lose weight.
Really? In fact, scientific studies show that those dieting alone in a study only lost 10 lbs. but those dieting (meaning eating healthy) and using ZipSlim lost 3x more weight or 30 lbs.
It seemed impossible but here is what I found. First of all, I am an emotional eater and often can not control my carbohydrate or sugar intake. I know it is my weakness. So, when I started drinking the ZipSlim 2x day I realized that my friend was right- NO CRAVINGS AT ALL….and My Appetite was zilch. This Dramatically suppressed my cravings, including with alcohol. (sugar)
I still ate 3 meals a day but they were healthy meals and 1/4 of what I had been eating over the past year. In fact, I had to remind myself to eat! I simply didn’t want to eat more food than my body wanted…and if I took a bite of something ‘junk food like’ I only took one bite. WOW, I was onto something here! ZipSlim is a DREAM COME TRUE!!!
I HATE the scale, but I did weigh myself on Day 1, 7 and again on Day 30! the Reboot Rituals suggest daily but I couldn’t get myself to do that BUT I DID assess daily, how I felt, how clothes felt, and occasional weighing in.
Normally I want to pick up the scale and SMASH it, but in my first 7 days I had dropped 6 lbs. and by day 21 I had lost 15 pounds. WOW, that motivated me to keep on track. Even though many of the pounds may have been holiday bloat, I didn’t care. It was gone and my clothes already felt baggier.
Since I was on such a great ‘roll’ I decided to clean up my diet even more, increase my water and begin working out…moving my body daily by walking, at least 30 minutes per day. I was committed to giving it a GO for a full 30 days and then 60 and ultimately 90 days. On my 30th day I slid on jeans that had not fit me in over a year. I had dropped 15 lbs. by day 21- only 3 weeks…. and felt great.
The price was EASILY paid for with the money that I no longer spent on energy drinks, afternoon Starbucks or snacks during the day or at night. Not to mention, I was eating out less and eating smaller portions.
Now this product may not be for everyone, but certainly helped me and is helping my friends I have shared it with. Also Beyond Slim offers a generous 90-Day Money Back Guarantee….so you either get your SEXY MOJO back or your money back.
What more could you ask for? Summer is just around the corner and I have a feeling I won’t be embarrassed in my shorts year. Thank you Beyond Slim for bringing this amazing products to the world!!!!!”
If YOU are like my friend who shared her story, or know anyone who is struggling with losing weight please share this info with them. I coach people for FREE and for anyone who purchases a 30-day supply of the ZipSlim, I’ll immediately give them (or ship) a sample so that they can begin immediately… or give the sample to a friend. (future accountable buddy?) All they need to do is call me at 802-846-7530 or 802-999-1815 and tell me they ordered through our website or email me at
To place your order go to
I have coached hundreds of people with weight loss challenges, when I was a personal trainers and managing a gym….so you’ll be in good hands! If you know anyone who’d like to become a coach with Beyond Slim and earn additional info by sharing these (and other) wonderful products….let’s talk. Coaches can also earn FREE PRODUCT.
FACTS TELL but STORIES SELL so please share your story with us!
Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach at Beyond Slim
802-999-1815/ or 802-846-7530