From Flab to Fab at 64! What Can YOU do in 66 Days???

From Flab to Fab at 64: In 2 months I am not on track to become functionally fit again.

“I was tired, unmotivated, and out of shape when I began ZipSlim, just a week before Christmas 2020. With Covid, gyms were closed, and my fitness level was the worse it’s ever been. Since menopause, in my mid-50’s, I had gained approximately 2 pounds per year. It may not sound like a lot of weight, but 10 years x 2 pounds per year = 20 pounds of weight gain, and it was NOT muscle.

I wasn’t feeling my usual motivated, fit self. As I look back the gradual weight gain and lack of exercise /motivation in 2020 had me quite unhappy. Before using the ZipSlim, I struggled to do 5 pushups in a row to currently doing workouts that exceed 100 pushups in one workout (25 in a row) and enjoying P90X again. I’m getting fitter, healthier, and happier and I know that the ZipSlim is helping with my newfound endurance, strength, and energy. This additional PEP IN MY STEP from the ZipSlim, plus getting a great night sleep has me waking up with gusto and energy each morning.

Thanks to adhering to the 9 Reboot Ritual program and ZipSlim, I’m motivated, back lifting weights and daily cardio. I’ve released 9 pounds and most likely added lean muscle. As a former personal trainer, I know the long-term benefits of changing my body composition and adding more lean muscle. By month two I had released lots of fat inches, including a whopping 4” around my men-o-pot (belly).

I’m grateful and optimistic that ZipSlim will help me reach my ideal weight and size by summertime. Usually, I’m not one to feel hopeless, negative, or discouraged but I honestly don’t know what I’d be doing or feeling at this time if I hadn’t found the ZipSlim. I now have HOPE for regaining my healthy, fit body at the young age of 64.

I love being a coach for such a healthy and life changing product and am confident everyone can benefit in more ways than just weight loss. I believe “Beyond Slim” is a great name for the company as it’s so much more. I encourage anyone looking for the health and weight loss benefits of ZipSlim to give it a try.”

This is just the beginning. The first picture was before starting ZipSlim. Truth be told, my belly was fatter, I just had stopped taking BEFORE photos of myself. The second photo was after a month and I could ‘snuggly fit’ into my tester jeans. I remember thinking “There is HOPE” when they went past my hips and I could close the front.

This photo collage is ‘before to beyond’ and the one in the bottom are today, March 12th, 2021. Just a little over 2 months after using the ZipSlim. At this rate, I hope to reach my goal of FITTER, HEALTHER, HAPPIER and SLIMMER by summer time and I honestly believe for the first time in a long time, that I WILL reach my goal.

If you or anyone YOU know is looking to feel better, healthier, shed pounds and be functionally fit, I highly recommend trying the ZipSlim. There is a 90-Day Money Back Guarantee so what do you have to lose? Nothing? What do you have to gain? Everything!”

If you have questions or would like to order go to my simple website that I originally set up for my previous weight loss customers or click the link below my photo.


Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach at Beyond Slim

802-999-1815/ 802-846-7530

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