Tavala launches a new product called SNOOZE -An All-Natural Aid for Sleep

Tavala launches a new product called SNOOZE -An All-Natural Aid for Sleep

Go ahead, snooze! There is nothing quite like a good night’s sleep, but unfortunately many people have a tough time getting a solid night’s rest….but NOW, they can, with a new cutting edge product called SNOOZE.

No matter your age, gender or circumstance, your quality of life will improve dramatically with a good night sleep. Check out this new product below:

What is SNOOZE? A Micro Mister that delivers Melatonin within seconds.

How it works and how to use Snooze


Sleep makes you feel better, but its importance goes way beyond just boosting your mood or banishing under-eye circles. Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your heart, weight, mind, and more.

Information and ingredients :

We can’t wait to hear how YOU sleep after using Snooze. You can order today at www.DaveandJoy.com or call us today, 802-846-7530.

Dave and Joy


