I’ve had some recent conversations with Linda Amann and encouraged her to share how she got into network marketing and how it fits so well in the lifestyle that she wanted to create for she and her family. Master Esthetician, Day Spa owner, Travel Agent and also Network Marketer. Enjoying being her own boss!
In her own words….
“It wasn’t always my goal to own my own business but after moving numerous times due to my husband’s career where he was working for large corporations, we dealt with numerous transfers and occasional layoffs that had us moving every two years on four separate occasions!!!! Randy was tired of putting all his work efforts into something that a ‘boss’ just pushed aside so he made the decision to leave the corporate world and start a company doing something he loved to do- invest in real-estate. This way he was in control of his work and we would build OUR own business and dreams rather than build someone else!
At that time I was a Tax Accountant Specialist working for a corporation and decided I wanted to branch out and be my own boss. I was working from home but after a while I became tired of that industry and changed careers all together to work in an industry that I love! I then opened my own Day Spa.
Being a Master Esthetician I own a Day Spa (You- Niquely You Day Spa, http://www.youniquely-you.com/ (named that because everyone is different and unique.) and every day of work is different and unique. I have clients coming to me to look and feel great. As a result, often times they share products or services with ME, but I also share products with THEM that I believe will support their inner and outer beauty and health goals.
Face it, many of the best products on the market ARE sold through network marketing! When people share with me that they want more energy, want to lose weight, aren’t sleeping well, want the best organic skin care, live with pain or want more prosperity in their lives, what comes to me first are products from TAVALA- a company that I am very passionate about and lucky for me, they are located in Utah, not far from where I live.
What’s also easy with Tavala is the product prices for customers and members are the same so my clients never feel like I am pushing them to ‘join’ anything….simply sharing a product that I love and believe will help them. They Trust Me and Tavala never disappoints! http://tavala.biz/Linda/
When I’m not is not in my Day Spa or with my grandchildren you can usually find Randy and I on a cruise ship. Today, I enjoy being my own boss- enjoy ‘time freedom’- which includes family time with our children and grandchildren.
Without being our own bosses or owners of our own businesses we wouldn’t have the time to travel like we do. Work Hard- Play Hard has great rewards.
(ME: “I have never known anyone who loves to travel and cruise more than Linda….and she KNOWS that business as well!”)
Viewing Linda’s Facebook page had ME asking HER about travel and I learned that she and Randy also have a travel agency, specializing in cruises. http://www.cruising2travel.com/ We plan on booking a cruise through their site in the future knowing with confidence we’ll get not only the best price BUT the best advice. Knowing what to visit- what NOT to miss- when you are in one of the daily cruise ports is important. On several occasions, both in Alaska and in the Caribbean islands, I simply walked around aimlessly- taking in the site or shopping…but there is so much more.
One of their favorite Cruises is when they take their family with them- especially one grandchild at a time so they have quality time together.
If you are looking for products to support your health and vitality reach out to Linda. 801-400-3565. She knows the best products in several industries and lucky for her Tavala has most of them! you_niquely_you@comcast.net. http://tavala.biz/Linda/
In Our Words:
It is fun highlighting not only a nice person, but a multi-talented woman who is passionate about life, family and business. As you can see from this picture…she also likes having FUN!
We admire and love how she has found a nice balance between owning her own business (spa), working her network marketing business “in the cracks of her life”, and working aside her husband Randy in their travel business. Network Marketing can be fun and versatile and Linda is proving it is. Working with Tavala in particular, you can share products ‘on the go’ because they WORK and have samples to share with ease. Who wouldn’t like a product like Tavala Trim (boost the metabolism and lose weight) before or after a cruise?”
Dave and Joy/Global Leaders with Tavala.