What are the Ingredients in the Quantum Relief Strips from Tavala?

What are the Ingredients in the

Quantum Relief Strips from Tavala?

To say I am excited is an understatement. Tavala recently released a new game-changer in the WELLNESS MARKET! Quantum Relief Strips.

More and more people are understanding that EVERYTHING is ENERGY! Now there is a product to support POSITIVE ENERGY in our bodies on a daily basis.

What are Quantum Relief Strips?

Quantum Relief Strips bring energy to the body where the strip is applied, and these strips balance
the energy in the body and relieves negative energy. These silk strips contain no ingredients other than Quantum Energy, so there are no unpleasant smells or odors to deal with.

The Quantum Relief Strips are developed by a renowned doctor in Korea, and these exclusive and patented strips are to be applied to the area where Quantum Relief is wanted. The “QR Strips” (as I often call them) balance the energy in that area, and are effective for two days.

So, what makes the Strips so magical and effective? What is IN/ON the Quantum Relief Strips?

Active Ingredients: Quantum Energy, Ginger, Tourmaline
Inactive Ingredients: Silk, Adhesive
Recommended for adults 18+ years old.

(As a parent or grandparent, we get to choose if we feel these are right for the younger family members.)

Directions for use:

Apply the Quantum Relief Strip to area where Quantum Relief is wanted.
Each Strip is effective for two days.

To summarize, The Benefits of the Quantum Relief Strips:

  • Balance Energy
  • Brings Energy to problem areas
  • Relieves Negative Energy
  • Works with the Body’s CHI
  • Made of Energized Silk Strips

The human body is made up of a series of electrical impulses. Everything we do, every word we hear, every movement we make, has an electrical signal and energy associated with it.
Quantum Relief Strips are a method of natural energy that works with the chi in the body to
promote optimal wellness. Once you experience it, you’ll know that Quantum Relief Strips, by Tavala, are what you’ve been waiting for.

The cost of the Quantum Relief Strips are only $69.99 for members & customers! There are several size packs available. Tavala offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all their products, including the Quantum Relief Strips.

ORDER HERE: www.DaveandJoy.com

We are actively looking for people who UNDERSTAND & are passionate about this product and want to build an international organization.

Please call us today to see if this opportunity is right for you! 802-846-7530

Dave and Joy 802-846-7530 info@DaveandJoy.com www.DaveandJoy.com



No Script Prospecting Equals Inviting

No Script Prospecting Equals Inviting

People tend to make most tasks harder than they have to be.

Take prospecting for example. Most people think you need to sell, use techniques, apply pressure, etc….. usually the same people who say Network Marketing is hard. None of their friends will talk with them.

Reason: It’s NOT a sales pitch. Top producers know this one secret…. it’s about timing! Not your timing, but is it the right TIME for you prospect to get into something?


Here’s a 7 minute training I put together that can shift you entire business and your results!


No Script Prospecting Equals Inviting


So make a list, share 2 per day by INVITING, send them to your company tool (website, DVD, Live call), follow up within 24-48 hours and collect their decision. THAT’S IT !

I’d like to invite you to just take a look at what we do and come work with us ! (see how easy this is?)

Email or call us!


802-846-7530 h











No Script Prospecting Equals Inviting

No Script Prospecting Equals Inviting

No Script Prospecting Equals Inviting

No Script Prospecting Equals Inviting

Join FGXpress

Join FGXpress

Join the most authentic organization on the planet!

We got tired of all the hype in network marketing….. and just because some people do it, many newbies and some oldies think that by shouting as loud as you can from what ever platform you can find, works! It doesn’t.

If like attracts like and you are shouting be a millionaire (and you’re not) and join FGXpress, who will you attract? most certainly others who beat their chest and shout without results.

What if…… you gave first? What if you had a program that offered hope and food to starving children when people purchased our truly amazing products? Can you imagine how the conversation would change? Can you imagine the level of authentic new business partners would emerge? If you had a choice to buy Ketopia or Powerstrips from a team that contributed up to 10% to feeding starving children from your purchase wouldn’t that shift the energy? Do you think others might love that feeling too?

Logo Clear

We decided to do just that on our team. Team Impact 2020, What’s your vision?

Joining is easy! Making the decision to join the right team, just got easier.

Feed Children, Make a difference, create income, … Life is good!

I mention www.Feed5.org in the video. If you resonate with contribution while building your FGXpress business, we should talk!

Dave & Joy

Email: Feed5.org@gmail.com
Phone: 802-846-7530 (Eastern time zone USA)
Feed5: www.Feed5.org






Creating a change on the planet starts with you.


Join FGXpress

Join FGXpress

Join FGXpress

Join FGXpress

Join FGXpress


Menopause HOT FLASH Relief with PowerStrips and FrequenSea?

Menopause HOT FLASH Relief with PowerStrips and FrequenSea? hotflashes

A friend asked me today if I had any advice on PRODUCTS to HELP WITH MENOPAUSE OR HOT FLASHES. Since I have heard this question many times I thought I’d share my experiences here in hopes that it will assist others.
WHAT CAN HELP? or should I ask?

Several things come to mind.

FREQUENSEA…..I have many testimonials from years ago when I was in peri-menopause and women told me that they got tremendous relief consuming just 1 ounce of FrequenSea daily….as this product truly does balance both the PHYSICAL and the EMOTIONAL body! FrequenSea is a flagship product, which became available through ForeverGreen International August 2005. (side bar note: Now people can buy 4 bottles of FrequenSea in the Farmer’s Market for much less cost than what it used to cost due to ForeverGreen and FGXpress merging fall of 2014) Check out www.JoysFavorites.com Click on this link to learn about FrequenSea, with marine phtyoplankton.

Next- without question, are the POWERSTRIPS!

I began wearing a PowerStrip or ½ strip below my belly back in 2013….smack in the middle of my hot flashes and discomfort, which included night sweats! I don’t know when my hot flashes went away but about 2 months into using them on a regular basis and after several women telling me they no longer had hot-flashes I realized I didn’t either!!!! When something uncomfortable goes away we often don’t give it a thought….. Power Strips
When I realized it was the POWERSTRIPS I began sharing with other woman and we all noticed it helped OR eliminated our hot-flash symptoms! I then googled natural remedies for hot-flashes and some of the ingredients they mention are IN the PowerStrips- most likely due to the Marine Phytoplankton. UNIQUE, SAFE and EASY TO USE, check them out if you are experiencing any pain or discomfort.

To learn more about PowerStrips go to www.fgxnow.com

What ARE POWERSTRIPS & How do they work?

PowerStrips are a Class 1 medical device uniquely designed to provide temporary relief of minor aches and pains. Featuring a fusion of modern technology and ancient energies, PowerStrips provide effective pain-relieving results to areas of the body that are in need of a little extra love. (IN THIS CASE- EXTRA LOVE MENOPAUSE symptoms, like brain fog, restless sleep and hot flashes. etc.)


POWERSTRIPS give your body the extra love it needs by making PowerStrips the daily solution to your pain-management needs.PowerStrips provide temporary relief of pains associated with sore muscles,achy joints,common back and body aches,stiffness and inflammation.


Nature elements such as germanium, marine phytoplankton and red ginseng go into the making of PowerStrips to help provide optimum temporary relief of your common ailments. An all-natural adhesive layer also makes PowerStrips safe for daily use.
To learn more please visit www.fgxnow.com
Joy Edgerton, Dave DeBarardinis
802-846-7530 H

The Next 2 Days Will Create 2, 3, & 4 Stars by….

The Next 2 Days Will Create 2, 3, & 4 Stars by Convention May 25th
If you will apply these strategies many of you will hit 2, 3, or 4 Star at or by convention!
Let’s Plan for Success now by setting strategies.
1. Corporate Call Tonight 9 pm Eastern – Amazing Incentives (The Tuesday call info is below)
2. New Lead Special – Goes Live tonight – 50% More Promo – Only Thru TBS (www.TribeBuildingSystem.com) If you are not an active with TBS, get activated now.
3. Huge Team Call Wednesday Night 9 pm Eastern with Marilyn & Sarah, Joy & I. Where we layout a strategy to build before, During (This one idea will make you smile) and After Convention. And show you how to apply the strategy to get convention paid for. (The Wednesday call info is below)
4. Special Contest for our Team with 1 week Accommodation prizes !
The Secret of being Successful is not in hope or want, the secret is in the Pursuit. Dreams begin to crystallize into reality when they are pursued.
Pursuit is behaving and moving towards your goal. It shortens the distance between where you are and actually having your goal. ~ Price Pritchett
Wanting and dreaming without a plan is a hallucination ! ~ Mark J.
HUGE Corporate Announcement Tuesday Night
Join Jeff Graham on the North America call, Tuesday, April 7 at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time for important updates and information relevant to your business. Make sure to be on the call. It’s one you won’t want to miss!
April North America Call
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
7:00 p.m. U.S. Mountain Time
Join By Phone: +1 (425) 440-5100, Pin: 655117#


Wednesday Night HUGE Team Call 9 pm Eastern

Wednesday, April 8th
Primary Dial In Number: 425-440-5100
Secondary Dial In Number: (513) 233.7881
Pin Access Code: 833276#
Live Prospecting Calls with Dave – Tues & Wed.
Join me and listen in to LIVE Prospecting calls!!! (Listen as I build toward Convention.) You can too!
Tuesday and Wednesday
8 pm Eastern
Pin Code: 99-44-41
Looking for the right up line to crush your business?
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