How do you spell relief these days? Q.R.S. of course.
Perhaps I shouldn’t say ‘of course’ just yet….because you may not be familiar with a product called the Quantum Relief Strips – but mark my word….you will soon as more and more people are turning to natural ways to balance their bodies with positive ‘energy’ and bring relief to places that are out of balance.
How do they do it? With the Q.R.S. which stands for Quantum Relief Strips.
Dr. Min Soo Kim, a well known and prominent doctor in South Korea, created his newest version 2 years ago and Tavala, a network marketing company out of American Fork, Utah, has exclusivity to his latest version.
Some people may be familiar with his first ‘strip’ he created back in 2012 called the PowerStrips. The similarities are that they both use a technology with Quantum Energy….but that is where it ends. Dr. Min Soo Kim’s latest version, in his own words, is 10x more effective than his original strip, although that product is a good product and I know first hand as I used it for several years.
The new Quantum Relief Strip, however, uses newer and more up to date technology and also has an adhesive that is superior to the other strip. The Quantum Relief Strip is made of synthetic silk and like the other strip, it lasts 48-hours and rarely if ever rolls or falls off, even in water. (including swimming).
Click below to learn more about the Quantum Relief Strips, why they work and how they are made.
I have collected over 100 different testimonials from customers who are using the Quantum Relief Strips. If you’d like a copy I’m happy to email you a copy of the ever-growing document. Simply email us at and in the subject please put “QRS Testimonials Please”.
So whether you are experiencing pain or discomfort or want a product that can be worn daily to bring (and keep) balance to the body? If so, the Quantum Relief Strips can help. 1/3 of the people who use the Quantum Relief Strips notice something significant within minutes to hours, 1/3 within days to a week and the other 1/3 within weeks to a month. Many people who have suffered with long term health challenges (including pain) find that these work…so be patient. We definitely recommend giving the strips a full month to experience the maximum benefits.
Samples are available at 2-pack strips cost $9.99 (free shipping) or simply go to and place your order for a 28-day supply. The cost here in the USA is only $54.99 (USA price) which is less than an hour massage at a spa.
Tavala is growing rapidly and is in the need of reps (members) to help with distribution throughout the world. If you are entrepreneurial and would like to earn money working with our team, please give us a call. 802-846-7530. There is no cost to join Tavala.
Tavala also has products that are in the categories of Weight Loss (TRIM, CONTROL and the TAVALA WEIGHT LOSS PROTEIN SHAKE), Organic Skin Care (Tamanu Organics), Sleep (Snooze), Energy (Alert, Quantum Relief Strips and Trim) and High Antioxidant Cacao (Bru)
If you are already familiar with Dr. Min Soo Kim’s work and his first ‘Strip’ product that will give you an advantage as you already understand what this topical product with Quantum Energy can do!