Sleep Loss and Brain Aging- Tavala SNOOZE can help!

Sleep Loss and Brain Aging- Tavala SNOOZE can help!

A physician that I admire and trust, Dr. Deborah MD. sent me her February newsletter today and it included a topic that is forefront on many people’s minds….people of ALL AGES. This is her information on Sleep Loss and Brain Aging.

Customary is NOT the same optimal when it comes to sleep. Specifically, let’s talk about a commonly repeated disclaimer, “No, I don’t sleep so well, but, hey, people always sleep less as they get older.” The defense is repeated for good reason as it does seem to be true – the quality and duration of sleep both decline in many if not most people with aging, starting even in your 40’s, which to me sounds still very young! However, accepting shorter sleep because it’s common is not such a good idea.
Duke researchers (link is external) have identified the ways in which aging brains deteriorate when they have shortened sleep. Brain function was evaluated by in-person and MRI assessments every two years following 66 generally healthy Chinese adults, starting at the age of 55.

For every hour of lost sleep, the ventricles expanded and cognitive skills declined, compared to those who maintained a healthy sleep duration. The sleep-deprived brains looked more like the brain on the right in the picture: the brain with the large black (no-brain) spaces, now filled with fluid where there used to be brain, what is called “ventricular enlargement,” which really amounts to loss of brain tissue.
The pictures, by the way, should be labeled “Normal” on the left and “Alzheimer’s” on the right.
Need I say more? Figure out a way to prioritize sleep. If you have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep, there are gentle and health-promoting ways to enhance sleep. Sleeping pills and anti-histamine sleepers (Unisom) do not provide normal sleep. Tryptophan, l-theanine, and melatonin – among others – are tools that can help preserve normal sleep brain function and health.

The SNOOZE is a pharmaceutical grade micro-mister that delivers melatonin within seconds which will help you get a good night sleep.

Related Articles:

This information goes hand in hand with a new product launched last week called SNOOZE. Snooze Micromist is a faster, smarter,and easier alternative to fall asleep naturally with the power of Melatonin. By delivering a small amount of Melatonin to the lungs as a micro mist, the effects are felt within seconds. Snooze Micromist should only be used if it is safe to sleep. Immediate results, no calories, no sugar make Snooze Micromist the fast, effective way to fall asleep naturally.

If you are in need of a good night sleep, check out this video


For information please contact us at

To order Snooze, please visit


Dave’s Day 20 On Ketopia – Tips and Insights

The FAT Keeps Falling Off

Personal Stats on Day 20 of Ketopia

Age 58

Down just over 17 lbs.

FAT loss of 10.6 lbs. This is the number I watch. For me, the lower Fat, the healthier the body.

Body Fat down 2.5%

BMI down 2.5 points

4 3/8 inches off my chest

3 inches off my belly

1 inch off my thighs

Stamina way up… Joy & I are now playing nearly an hour of full on tennis daily!

Tips from a 20 Day Journey

1. Water, water, water index

2. Very important to space the Dough Bites 3 hours from the Morning KetonX drink.

3. Very important to space the FIXX Shake 3 hours from the Dough Bites

4. If you need to snack, have a snack around the time you have your Dough Bites or FIXX.

5. Did I mention Water? 1/2 oz per pound of body weight.

6. Don’t get hung up on one measurement. Your body may drop inches before weight or be dropping Fat and that doesn’t show up on the Scale!

7. Choose 4-5 ways to measure YOUR success. I use Fat Loss, weight, inch loss, how my clothes fit, compliments I hear, energy level, better sleep. What ever one is good today, I WIN !

tennis8. Move your body. 30 minutes daily. Walk, tennis, bike, workout, run, jog, chase good looking ladies….. it’s all about your health! Don’t worry what you look like, just get out and MOVE !

9. If you only have 1 Ketopia Pack on order….. when you hit Day 11 you will be ticked off at yourself for not having more on hand…. Just Sayin’. Order more Ketopia Packs NOW!

10. Just noticed I lost less weight since we ran out of Pulse-8… um? 2 more tubs coming tomorrow. Keep your body edified with great supplements. I have 2 Solar Strips daily and 1-2 scoops of Pulse-8 daily!

You can order Ketopia Today ! Call or email us. or go to and place your order!

Imagine how much weight and fat you could lose on this 10 Day Reset program. And you don’t have to stop there! I’ve decided to do 3 programs in a row…. 30 days to lose 25-30 lbs!

BTW, if you not earning too much money already, you can, by simply sharing and helping friends and family look fabulous? Sign up for more details on Ketopia and follow our progress. Send an email to be part of this to

Join us on this journey!

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton

802-846-7530 h

Dave’s Ketopia Day 15

Dave’s Ketopia Day 15

Day 15 and half way thru my 30 day Reset with Ketopia

Down 15 lbs, Fat loss of 9.2 lbs!

What I’m most amazed with is the lack of craving and hunger on this program.

If you have some fat to lose, Get Ketopia! Really, it works!

Imagine how much weight and fat you could lose on this 10 Day Reset program. And you don’t have to stop there! I’ve decided to do 3 programs in a row…. 30 days to lose 25-30 lbs!

BTW, if you not earning too much money already, you can, by simply sharing and helping friends and family look fabulous? Sign up for more details on Ketopia and follow our progress. Send an email to be part of this to

Join us on this journey!

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton

802-846-7530 h


Do you need People or Meetings First?

People or Meetings First?



If you’re having success with your business now and want to increase the duplication process and assist many on your team…. subscribe to our newsletter.

If you’re looking for a team where your up line actually works hands on with you till you’re earning $1500-2500 per month. Send us an email


Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


Attracting a 6 Figure Earner to Your Business

How to attract a 6 figure earner to your business.

Everybody says, you will grow the fastest if you can just find a couple of superstars for your team. I think that is true, but tt might not happen the way you think it will.



You’ve got to put in the mental work. What you put in comes back, energy doesn’t lie. The more you practice this, the easier it becomes.

If you’re having success with your business now and want to increase the duplication process and assist many on your team…. subscribe to our newsletter.

If you’re looking for a team where your up line actually works hands on with you till you’re earning $1500-2500 per month. Send us an email


Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton



Creating your Ideal Distributor

It doesn’t happen by chance……

finding and connecting with your perfect distributor…… what part to you play in finding your ideal.


Short Video we did as part of our Coffee and Conversation videos


If you’re looking for a team where your up line actually works hands on with you till you’re earning $1500-2500 per month. Send us an email


Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


New “Hands On” Training Approach Setting Records

Setting new records in your business

January 3rd 2015 we started a new Training program with our team. It’s a Hands On” approach and the results so far have been fabulous.

Instead of the normal 20% of the people we speak with agreeing to go see our company presentation, we now have over 80% agreeing to go to see our presentation. Imagine your business when you are getting 4 times the number of people to go and view your info. Imagine what your check will do!

In the video below, we shared the overview with our team.

If you’re having success with your business now and want to increase the duplication process and assist many on your team…. Check out this overview.

If you’re looking for a team where your up line actually works hands on with you till you’re earning $1500-2500 per month. Send us an email


Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


Advice for the Entrepreneur Building Their FGXpress Business with the PowerStrips

FGXpress Business with the PowerStrips

Entrepreneurship- working with our team with FG Xpress.

I receive great emails BLOGS from Marc and Angel Hack and the insight I personally received from their BLOG today is worth passing along.

As we build our Global FG Xpress business with the PowerStrips, I feel this information is worth passing along to all team members and potential entrepreneurs who are looking for the “right team” to join. Afterall relationship marketing, also known as Network Marketing is truly a personal development business. In addition much like interviewing for a job or company YOU get to choose who you wish to work with!

Our team strongly believes in leadership- helping each team member grow so they reach their goals- and to help develop the leader that is waiting to emerge. We have Master Mind Calls for Leadership and Strategy, Team Business Calls, Personal Development Training, Testimonial Calls- which are nothing but 15-25 min. of straight testimonials on how the PowerStrips are helping people with pain and discomfort AND also one-on-one strategy calls for those who want to reach specific goals.


Advise for the Entrepreneur Building their FG Xpress Business with the PowerStrips

1. Wisdom is not about knowing all the answers.

It’s not the answers you get from others, or even the ones you formulate, that will help you in the long run. It’s the simple questions you ask yourself on a regular basis that will determine the type of person you become. Wisdom is about asking the right questions.

Regardless of your age or stature, life is always filled with unanswered questions. It is the courage to ask these questions and adventurously seek the answers that continues to give life meaning. Have patience with everything that remains unresolved in your heart. Try to love the unanswered questions themselves. Do not demand all the answers; they cannot be given to you because you have to live through them. It is a matter of experiencing everything. Only when you do will you gradually, perhaps without even noticing it, find yourself arriving at the answers you seek.

POINT: Network Marketing is a people business and one about asking questions. WIFM=What’s in it for me?

2. You have to do lots of things you may not be good at to grow.

If you do what you have always done, you will get the same results you have been getting. If you want to stunt your growth and feel stuck in the same place forever, keep making excuses. If, on the other hand, you want to stop feeling trapped, you have to start doing things that make you uncomfortable, things you may not be very good at. You have to stretch yourself.

There is no excuse for remaining stuck. There is no excuse for doing the same things over and over again. Life is too short. Ask yourself if what you’re doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.

The day is rapidly approaching when the risk to remain perched in your nest is far more detrimental than the risk it takes to fly. Fly! Spread your wings. Start now. What a disgrace it would be for you to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of your full potential.

POINT: What are your goals with FG Xpress? Write them down! List 30 day, 60 day, 90 day as well as 1 year and 5 year goals. I know, the ones out there in the distance seem crazy to put in writing but do it. Your success multiples when you write them down! Then, share your goals with your upline support! Everyone benefits.

“You can get everything in your life that you want if you just help enough people get what they want”. Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar







3. Everything you own has an emotional cost of ownership.

No matter what you own there is a maintenance cost. We can speak in dollars – insurance, taxes and interest. Or even in time – cleaning, updating and protecting. But the hardest maintenance cost for most people is simply sentimental value.

We transfer our feelings and memories onto an object and decide we can’t let go because we’ll risk losing the feeling or memory. Before long, we become surrounded by these visual reminders of our memories and no longer have room to make new ones. It’s hard to move forward in your life when your past is crowding your present.

The answer, of course, is to get rid of some of this stuff. But that’s way easier said than done. We often need to be compelled to do this with a move or a lifestyle change. Imagine how much richer life would be if you moved the junk out and made room for new opportunities instead of grudgingly making room only when it was forced upon you. (Read The Joy of Less by Marc and Angel Hack.)

POINT: We know how “stuff” can clutter our life, imagine your health to be like a bank account. What can you do today to become more healthy both physically and financially? Each decision you make is either a deposit into your BANK ACCOUNT OF LIFE, or a withdrawal. Which will YOU do?

4. Flaws are beautiful and likeable.

Nothing is perfect; the world itself is not perfect. But we’re all here living for our dreams and each other, trying the very best we can. And that’s what makes us so darn beautiful. The little things about you that you think are your flaws are often the reasons others fall in love with you.

Accept your flaws. Admit your mistakes. Don’t hide and don’t lie. Deal with the truth, learn the lessons, endure the consequences of reality, and move on. Your truth won’t penalize you. The mistakes won’t hurt you. The denial and cover-up will. People with flaws are beautiful and likeable. Liars and phonies are not. Every beautiful human being is made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions and finished with unique edges.

POINT: Be authentic! Sometimes I think it is difficult in this industry of Network Marketing, but it shouldn’t be!!! Don’t pretend to be anything other than who you are and don’t pretend to be successful and wealthy if you are not. Be transparent. When Dave and I have been totally open and honest, not exaggerating our income or successes, people are attracted to our business on a whole new level AND they are the kind of people we want to be working with. (We call them our HOT TUB friends!) Yes, I hate to admit it but there was a business years ago when almost everyone- including us- inflated how well we were doing….living from one amazing and successful weekly check. Yes in all honestly it WAS what we really did earn- but not consistently. That is not residual income!

5. The things you do for fun can pay the bills if you do them right.

Work, if it is interesting, is a stimulant. It’s worry and a lack of interest in what you’re doing that drains and discourages you. Every one of us should have our hobbies and side interests – as many as we can handle efficiently and happily. Our interests should never be allowed to lag or get cold so that all enthusiasm and passion is wasted. Each day can be a success if you feed your interests as graciously as they feed you.

Happiness is found where interests and capabilities intersect. If you do what you love and then master it so you can do it much better than anyone else you know, it is entirely possible to make a living from it. Even better, you will not get tired out from working when your work interests you. The key is to find the point at which what you love, what you’re good at, and what people will pay for, intersect.

POINT: If you are a “people person”, enjoy helping people, love the industries of personal development, coaching, health, wellness, time freedom….then working with our team with FG Xpress and the PowerStrips may be one of the most rewarding choices you make.


6. Some of the most unpleasant people just need a little love.

Provide support when it makes sense, even when people are cold and unfriendly. Some people are rude and complain as a way of crying for help. They may not be conscious of it though, so their comments come across as attacks rather than requests.

Show a little love and concern. Do something nice for them. Just a simple “Are you okay?” or “Is there anything I can do to help you?” can do wonders in certain situations. Resist the urge to judge or assume. It’s hard to offer compassion when you assume you have them figured out. Let them know they are not alone. People overcome the forces of negative emotions, like anger and hatred, when the counter-forces of love and support are in full effect. (Read The Mastery of Love.)

POINT: You will not be able to control everyone who ends up in your network marketing group. Work with the willing, and if you clash with a particular personality, find someone who can help them so they get what they came for. You never know who they may lead TO your team so treat them with love and respect. Having said that, also work with the willing. Spend 80% of your time with the “willing”.

7. Sometimes the best thing you can do is nothing at all.

Sometimes you need to be alone… not to be lonely, but to enjoy some free time just breathing and being YOU.

In order to be one with your relationships and life’s work, you have to turn away from the busyness of the world for a while. You need to find solitude to refuel. You must become so alone that you withdraw into your innermost self. You must do nothing at all, except to be still with the moment.

You need to ponder your successes and failures in seclusion; you need the sunshine and the moonlight to warm you without companions to distract you, without the ongoing banter, face to face with your inner core, with only the sound of your heartbeat for company.

POINT: There are days when I simply do not want to be on the phone talking to prospects or people on the team. I simply need ME time to replenish my energy! In those unique times, I refuel my life and when I return, I come back fresh and recharged. People will FEEL your energy through your voice, vibration, and very “essence” so if you are not into a certain aspect of the business on a particular day- take the day off or do those behind the scene things that need to be handled to run your business and life effectively and in harmony.



FG Xpress

Want to learn more?

Want to try the Power Strips ?

Click here

FG Xpress

Take a seat in the front row of a day one, ground floor, residual business opportunity. The entire world’s address system, available to you DAY ONE! Seamless. One product, one price, patented, doctor-formulated, brand new, first of its kind, category creator and exclusively ours!

Join the race, the human race, in a brother and sisterhood that erases all country lines, politics and logistical obstacles. Don’t miss out, get in now! Start celebrating your suXess!


  • Global Distribution Ready
  • One Product. One Price
  • Doctor Formulated
  • Patented
  • Seamless!


Click here


Power Strips

Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


Skype: dave.deberardinis

FGXpress PowerStrips

FGXpress PowerStrips

FGXpress PowerStrips

FGXpress PowerStrips

FGXpress PowerStrips

Power Strips for Pain

Power Strips for Pain

Ashley Story will break your heart and give you hope!

Want to learn more?

Want to try the Power Strips ?

Click here

FG Xpress

Take a seat in the front row of a day one, ground floor, residual business opportunity. The entire world’s address system, available to you DAY ONE! Seamless. One product, one price, patented, doctor-formulated, brand new, first of its kind, category creator and exclusively ours!

Join the race, the human race, in a brother and sisterhood that erases all country lines, politics and logistical obstacles. Don’t miss out, get in now! Start celebrating your suXess!


  • Global Distribution Ready
  • One Product. One Price
  • Doctor Formulated
  • Patented
  • Seamless!

Click here


Power Strips

Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


Skype: dave.deberardinis




Power Strips for Pain

Power Strips for Pain

Power Strips for Pain

Power Strips for Pain

Power Strips for Pain

Power Strips for Pain

My MLM Story

My MLM Story

I’m a traditional network marketer…..old fashion in my marketing approach. Sure, I use the computer but I had never generated my leads/customers through the internet. (Notice the word never…up til now….so read through this entire post!)

When I joined my FIRST MLM company, Matol Botanical, in the early 1990’s all I had was the phone and my circle of friends and family….so that is how I built my business and you are right…it didn’t grow too quickly! PHONE CALLS all day long and into the night….no wonder one shoulder –to this day- is higher than the other!

My kids were pre-teens in the early 1990s and with ONE phone line in the house- and no cell phones- that was not a fun experience!!! I remember being on a training call or with someone from my downline and one of my kids standing next to me with their hands on their hips literally watching their watch….as in “when the heck can THEY use the phone”! Surely it was more important than anything I may be saying…..

Yes, I have always been a ‘product person’ who in my networking career that spreads over 20 years off and on (mainly off) I always lead with the product- rather than the business. Of the handful of companies I have been a part of they were all in the nutritional industry and I LOVED the products and naturally consumed and sold only what I totally believed in! I spent a LOT of money consuming “from my own store” (as they say in MLM) but where did it get me financially? If I was lucky in the beginning, I broke even!

Well, I‘ve had a somewhat fun and successful run in this industry- working from home and earning enough to not have to have an outside income (job, Just over broke!), but I in order to earn what I had been earning each month I had to HAMMER the phones, talk to friends, family and even seek out strangers…and although I continued to preach the dream- the reality is I was living the nightmare…up until now…..

Being open to new MLM possibilities….

Last summer, July 2012 I was on my way to my job where I was managing a health club. It was in an industry I was passionate about but something important to me was missing. Dave and I had moved back to Vermont from Arizona when my first granddaughter was born… but I was always working…and didn’t have the time freedom to really spend as much time with her or my family as I had wanted. I worked crazy hours and was always working during the lunch and dinner hours because that is when the gym was busiest. I remember last year being resentful that I was missing the short window of summer in Vermont because I was always inside …and on top of that I was helping someone else (great owners) build THEIR dream business.

This is when I said ENOUGH….there has to be more! I literally threw my hands up into the air on my way to work that day and prayed out load for the Universe to hear my plea and to send me a business opportunity that I could wrap my head and heart around, work from home and earn a substantial income on my own terms. I had been my own boss for so many years and I craved and missed that time freedom. I remember praying and stating that I would be open to ANYTHING that was for my higher good…. And yes, EVEN if it was in an industry that was unfamiliar to me…..

….And I believe because of my sincere open mind, almost instantaneously I received a call from two different friends, who both told me about the same incredible product (here we go again!) and solid company (really- OK….prove it!) This time, unlike all others over the past two years, we really were intrigued and open minded…..Once we learned more – did our research- we realized it WAS something that we could embrace….and so we did. And this is when we joined Nerium International…..

Nerium fit what I was looking for on many levels. A Different Industry… It is in the Anti-Aging industry of Skin Care. The Anti-Aging industry is an $80-billion industry in the US, expected to grow to $114 billion in 3 years. (AND at age 55 that appealed to me and the product actually WORKS!)

9 out of 10 billion-dollar relationship marketing companies are in the beauty category (another great stat!)

Anti-aging is the highest-selling category in beauty. (another plus!)

Within 4 months of joining Nerium I gave my notice to my full time job and on that very day of a one month notice of leaving the job, my father had a massive heart attack. Needless to say, owning my own time, my own schedule and being available for his slow but steady recovery during the next crucial 2 month time period was something I am forever grateful! MLM Success

Because of our initial success with Nerium, by the end of the year, Dave had also given notice to his job….and this is when we really decided to buckle down as a team and make our home business even more profitable.

Up until that time we been leading with the product but soon began leading with the business– recognizing most people we know would love to earn an additional $300-500 a month or $3000-5,000 a month or more!

…and this is when our team began to grow….! ….and this is when we began to attract other people who also shared a similar dream of being self- employed…

and yet, damn it….something was still missing….and that is when had OUR ACCIDENTAL DISCOVERY… we learned of the EMPOWER NETWORK!

Originally we found the Empower Network for lead generation for our primary business, but as we delved into the online marketing system, we realized that there was really something very special and duplicatible with this company. My friends who know me are amazed that even I can do this…..

MLM Story get a Happy Ending

True, I am VERY much a newbie to online marketing….but with the brilliance of David Wood and David Sharpe even I can understand AND succeed in not only generating leads for our primary business, but earning residual income with EMPOWER –all within a couple days of joining….as we were learning.

Now if I am totally honest…The founder, David Wood seemed quirky to me and I have to admit when I first saw the video of David Wood describing the Empower Network I thought he was a “stoner”….fast talking- but sincere– but sometimes his verbiage was offensive to me- like calling out to people to step up and not be weenies- or wussies…. Or using the term bad-ass in his emails.

As a woman – perhaps old enough to be his mother, I kind of said, OK…whatever- I’ll do my best to get past those things and honestly I began to just let myself hear what this guy is saying. Once I was able to get past some of the words he was saying to really hear the substance of the program that he created, I got VERY excited. He and this company are really helping change the lives of the masses….and this time around- I am going to get OUT of my comfort zone, follow instructions on the training videos and have massive financial success.

There was one thing that bonded Dave and I to David Wood and Empower…

So what was this little thing?

It was a simple video.

As you watch the video, remember that David Wood and most of the other successful leaders started at square 1, just like you and everyone else had to do.

We all had to learn new skills..

We all had to make some mistakes..

After you have completed watching the short video, come back here and make the decision to join forces with us!

We’ve been where you are, and we know how you feel…

It’s time to partner with a team, OUR TEAM, a community who actually cares and who wants you to succeed. OUR upline sponsor is front line to the owners. How cool is that????

It’s time to make that change you’ve desperately been wanting.

When would NOW be a good time to start that journey?

1. Click on the banner below.
2. Fill out the information
3. Put in your credit card info and pay the $25 to get started NOW!!!



MLM Story


Joy & Dave



