Exhibiting at Events with TAVALA
So you’re excited about your TAVALA business and want to share with as many people you can – in an environment where people come to you- rather than you going to them. You take a look at the best venue and realize that exhibiting at Expos, Fairs or Events could be a viable option.
For years I produced events and used to ‘teach’ exhibitors prior to the event how to become an effective exhibitor to get the best value for their time and expense.
Before you toss money at any event you may want to check out this information to see if it is a good fit for your ‘wallet’, your time and your personality.
First of all, make sure you match an event that is in alignment with your product or service, that at least means it could be a good venue for your target audience. At least people come into the event with an interest in what you are showcasing. If for example you are selling Make up, Eye Lash Extensions & Facial products at a Men’s expo, then perhaps that would NOT be a good fit, or if you are selling Day Care services at a Senior Expo….probably not so good either. But if you are selling a product, like any of the TAVALA products, then health (body mind and spirit) related event, Women’s events, family oriented events could all be a good match.
Look at the demographics of the event you are looking to participate in.
Ask the promoter questions about their past expos. Who came, who exhibited, how many people came, are exhibitors coming back year after year? You get the drift. If you are an opportunity based company, like TAVALA, will there be other Tavala exhibitors at the event or will they offer exclusivity to you? (Go for the latter of the two!)
What is the cost of the space you will be ‘renting’ for the day or days? Some booths or tables are reasonable (Say $40-$250) and some are very costly ($500-into the thousands). Make sure, especially in the beginning of your exhibiting days, that you do not spend too much money for the event as it will put added stress on you as entrepreneurs and distributors. I’ve seen people spend $1500 at a 2-day event and then POUNCE on people as they walk by their booth, fearful that they won’t recoup their investment or sell enough product to cover their costs. They became frantic and rather than SHARE their product or services they were OVER-SELLING.
You want to be well prepared if you do any size event which is why I created an EXPO check off list. Some of the things you may or may not need will be on this list but everything you WILL need will also be on this list. You are investing in yourself and your business- make every moment count!
Realize that some of the BEST prospects are other exhibitors. Make friends. Set up early and walk around before the event starts, or even better, set up early the night before and then walk around that night as people are setting up AND before the event starts. Once the event begins, you will all be busy! Exchange business cards with other exhibitors. Take interest in what they are doing. Some of my dearest friends over the years were exhibitors with other booths and many of them are now working with us with TAVALA.
Seek out others exhibitors who you can refer back and forth to your booths to help get more traffic. (An example may be a chiropractor that loves your product and sells it in her office. You could then refer people who stop by YOUR booth to your friend, who loves our product (edifying both) and is a great chiropractor. Some people call this “Piggy Back Marketing.”
Make sure realize the TIME and ENERGY that goes into being an exhibitor. Since you will be on your feet most of the time also make sure that others are there to help you in the booth. You literally have 10-20 seconds to catch someones attention who is walking by, so make sure your booth is inviting and that there are at least 2-3 people (more if a large show) as people will only hang around for a little while to learn about your product. Most times they will simply walk by if you are caught up in a deep conversation.
Create an attractive and inviting booth space that has character and elicits a feeling of something that relates to your product. Don’t make people WONDER what you are exhibiting, tell them up front with visuals and product. For example, with TAVALA, you’d want to have visuals of the PRODUCTS, as well as POSTERS or BANNERS of different visuals. In the case of Tavala TRIM for weight loss – Remember that pictures tell a 1000 words. Have before and after pictures and the bullet points of BENEFITS your products, service or opportunity can offer others. Make them STOP in their tracks because you have something they WANT and NEED!
As for attire, whatever you do, be comfortable! I remember being a part of a fitness expo and all of us in the booth wore comfortable matching sweatsuits with sneakers. We were very comfortable and were amazed at how many women at the event were wearing very high heels and often times a sexy dress. Those women climbing upon an exercise bike to demonstrate the equipment looked silly and by the end of the day were hobbling on their heels. (For THOSE people, don’t forget to tell them about the Quantum Relief Strips for their tired feet!!!)
Come to think of it, if the promoters has a list of exhibitors prior to the event, send each person an email (if you have their info) or surprise them with a phone call and invite them to stop by your booth to pick up a product that will give them an energy boost during the busy day! 
Another thing I think is extremely important, is to ENJOY EVENTS. I know people who are simply shy and would rather be behind the scene than out front in the public. You know those people, they look and feel awkward….you’re almost feel embarrassed for them as few visit their booth. They stand with their arms crossed and with a grumpy look on their face. Those kind of people will detract from business so choose your ‘booth mates’ with care!
Last but not least, even more important than having INVENTORY and SAMPLES on hand, is to have a QUESTIONNAIRE that -after the event is over- creates an amazing follow-up data base for you and your team. Promise to follow up OR don’t bother exhibit.
I’ve seen individuals and even companies spend a lot of time and money on their booth and then forget to collect names, or ask only for your name and telephone number for a drawing. For heavens sake, make sure you collect DATA that is important for you and your team for proper follow-up. Here are some questions I would ask on your questionnaires! Take a look at the VALUE of being able to follow-up ‘post event’ and know something pertinent about the person who took the time to fill out the form. Remember, the majority of business will happen after the event. Use a similar form to the abbreviated one below for a drawing- and promise all legible forms will go into the drawing for a 3-day sample of the TAVALA TRIM or 2-pack of the Quantum Relief Strips, or whatever you wish to offer as a free prize. Info you’ll want to collect:
Their NAME, EMAIL and TELEPHONE NUMBER. (ask them to print clearly to be legible)
What interests you the most?
Would you be interested in learning more about the TRIM? Quantum Relief Strips, SNOOZE or ALERT micromist or CONTROL for normalizing blood sugar? Please circle all of the ones you are most interested in.
- Would you like to earn your product for FREE?
- in earning additional income as a business?
- in being part of our upcoming weight loss challenge?
- Weight Loss: How much weight would you like to lose? ______________
- If you are interested in the Quantum Relief Strips what areas of “discomfort” are you most interested in seeing results in?
Please circle: Back Neck Shoulder Joint Feet
Headaches Skin Scarring Cellulite Sleep Other
Thank you. We will contact you if you are the winner.
Although this is a lot of information, before committing to exhibiting at any size event, give it thorough thought. Done correctly, you will be in front of more people in one day than perhaps, belly to belly in 6 months time. Enjoy and capitalize. I met a friend at an expo well over a decade ago and by I joined his MLM company at the event. My guess is I probably earned him well over $150,000 in commissions during the duration of us being with the same MLM company. These things DO happen at events. (By the way, if you are looking for Distributors, put a sign in your booth saying that!) Interested in joining TAVALA? Interested in exhibiting at an event? We’d love to hear from you. Promise me, if you DO exhibit, commit to putting all your ‘leads’ in a data base on your computer when they are fresh leads- and follow up! Promise?

Dave and Joy