(Donna Palme shares in her own words, a heart felt transformation that her husband experienced with Tavala’s products.) Be ready to be moved and inspired.
My husband, Willie and I have owned at least 7 different campers , and enjoy camping, (me “glamping”) and our dream is to purchase a motor home and travel with our children and grandchildren while we were still young and able to enjoy it.
For about 18 months Willie had been going to a back and pain clinic and had some degenerative discs in his back and was being treated with injections and pain medication.
Everything seemed to be under control up until April
…in April he started with intense pain going down his leg due to the discs compressing the sciatic nerve. They tried the injections that had worked for two years however they no longer were working so they increased the pain medication and yet, that did not seem to work either!
This pain put him out of work and flat on his back in bed but he still did not receive any relief from this pain. Talk about sleep deprivation, he could only sleep at 45 minute intervals and then would pace and moan in pain… it was horrible to watch and not be able to do anything to help.
My thoughts were at this point was that our dream of a motor home and traveling were totally over as he couldn’t even sit to drive! At age 61 I felt our future was dim. Surgery was his only option. Surgery was a scary thought and extremely risky at his weight and the surgery would only give him a 50-50 chance of relief!
What should he do?
At this time Willie was 303 pounds ……… the surgery was booked! The date was in place yet we were extremely uneasy and unhappy about it and truth be known, were scared to death!
(Willie had Hodgkin’s disease in 1981 and had three ribs in a tumor removed… it was like a miracle because he had no lymph nodes affected.
In 2013 he had kidney cancer and had a kidney removed but no other organs were affected and the cancer did not spread. I tell you this as we are not strangers to Medical hurdles and obstacles and overcoming them )…. therefore we take life seriously and know that tomorrow is not promised ….
We feel that God intervened! As fate had it, Willie got a little infected sebaceous cyst on his back that made us postpone the surgery …….

Like millions of people, Willie had an extreme addiction to sugar as well as portion control. For example he couldn’t eat one ice cream sandwich but had to have four…. in one sitting and would stop daily on the way home and pick up whatever Sweets he desired. It was out of control!
Here’s where divine intervention surfaced again!
Approximately 25 years ago I was involved in a direct sales company with Darlene Carson, from California. We were not on the same team but we won many trips through this company and Leadership conferences became friends- we even traveled with our four children and spend Easter with them one year back in the mid-90s.
In June, Darlene put a post on Facebook that she was involved with a new company called TAVALA and had lost weight and asked if anyone wanted a free sample? I jumped at the opportunity and she mailed me the sample!
I was immediately impressed with the packaging and I tried the Tavala Trim for 2 days. I knew it was for me as I really liked the taste, the increase in energy and suppressed appetite it provided.
On the third day I was convinced and signed up to be a member and ask my husband if he would like to try that third sample of Trim that Darlene had send and he agreed….and he liked it as well.
Willie started drinking the Tavala Trim daily and saw an immediate result in his lack of desire for sugar- his energy level increased and the weight started dropping off quickly! He was still out of work and still home and in extreme pain.
As I became familiar with the Tavala products Willie added Control to his daily regimen, because he was a borderline diabetic. Control literally ‘controls’ and normalizes blood sugar and is a great partner product with the TRIM for those who truly want to hit the weight loss at all angles.
At the beginning of this year we had booked a condo on the beach in Florida across the street from my son’s house so we could spend 4th of July with our family.
It was booked and paid for but we were extremely worried on how Willie was going to make it from Sanford, North Carolina to Florida… as he could not sit for longer than 20 minutes. (His pain was so bad that on his way to doctor visits he had to lay the passenger seat flat and even then he tossed and turned the entire journey to wherever we were going.)
Losing Weight Helped….
By July he had lost a little bit of weight and we agreed that we would make the trip from NC to FL and simply stop every time he felt uncomfortable and walk around. I was anticipating this 8 hour trip to take about 3 days (ha-ha) but we were both excited to see our son and to visit the sunny beaches of Florida so we agreed to venture out.
Meanwhile, I had ordered some Quantum Relief Strips and had them in my purse. I don’t think Willie had heard or read anything about the Quantum Relief Strips (QRS) at this point but after approximately an hour in the car he was fidgeting in the driver’s seat and said he was in pain and that we needed to stop and walk around and stretch.
I thought it was a great idea and I immediately got the Quantum Relief Strips out of my purse. As we stood up out of the car I presented it to him- told him all of the wonderful attributes of the strip as well as letting him know it was non-narcotic and would not interfere with his prescribed medications. What did he have to lose?
He agreed and we put the strip on the side of his leg where the sciatic nerve ran down and was giving him the pain.
We stayed at the rest stop for about 20 minutes then got back in the car and he did feel relief at that point which had him absolutely amazed ……
I told him it was approximately $2.50 per day he said he did not care if it was $20 per day or $50 per day that in his situation relief could not have a price tag ….. (In fact during our vacation he would brag to anyone who would listen while on the beach and he wore those strips 24/7 …
Willie continued to lose weight and use the “Power of the Patch” and was able to return from our Florida vacation and go back to work around mid-July.
As of today, October 14, 2017, Willie’s weight is 238! He went from a Size 52 inch waist pants to a 44! (Since the picture above was taken he has dropped an additional 15 pounds.)
His journey is not over -he sticks with the Tavala products and his new outlook on food and health has changed.
Willie’s extremely committed and no longer has a desire for any sweets and when he does he turns to frozen fruit. He also continues to wear the Quantum Relief Strips daily, wherever he has discomfort!
I am passionate about life and our journey is back on track to shop for a motor home! Another bonus is we can work our Tavala business from our phone and computer on the road.. anywhere in the country that we wish to travel to, sharing this wonderful product that changes and transforms people’s lives……
Willie and I have been married 38 years this month, we have 4 children and 2 grandchildren! Maybe THIS Christmas he’ll have to wear a pillow in his Santa suit!!!! Wouldn’t that be fabulous?
If you’ve been inspired with Willie’s results using the TAVALA TRIM or the QUANTUM RELIEF STRIPS, let’s chat. 919-895-0072, or you can reach me by email at donnapalme.4@gmail.com.
Interested in placing an order or joining my team. Go to www.Tavala.biz/donnapalme
“It has been MORE THAN A PLEASURE sharing Donna’s story about her husband Willie’s journey with TAVALA.
What she didn’t mention is that she is an emerging leader on our team and just won a trip for 2 on an upcoming Leadership Cruise. She’s passionate about helping people and is a true leader. We are thrilled to h
ave her on our team and if you work with Donna you’ll be in the best of hands.” Dave & Joy
Donna Palme