Meet Larry Myers and hear his story. He lost 700 lbs. and wants to inspire others! When I heard his story it brought tears to my eyes and also gave me ‘goose bumps’.
In his own words, Millions didn’t make it, but I was one of the ones who did!
“My name is Larry Myers and I am here to inform you that you can make it!
I utilized food as a coping mechanism for everything. Over several years, food became my companion, my friend, my lover, and my way of life. I was a free man, but I was literally a prisoner in my own home.
I couldn’t sleep at night because I was scared I would close my eyes and never wake up again. When I did go to sleep, I would make sure I was sitting straight up with my back against the wall. Eventually, I realized that this was not the way I wanted to live my life.
My dreams of singing and traveling the world became obsolete. As tears streamed down my face, I found the strength and courage to pick up the phone and dial 911 and cry out for help.
When I was born I weighed 8 lbs, but on the day I dialed 911, I weighed 940 lbs. Yes, you are reading that correctly, nine hundred and forty pounds.
I was too big for an ambulance so I was stuffed on the back of a pickup truck bed. People laughed, made jokes, took pictures and it was downright humiliating. There were even times when some of my family and friends jumped on the band wagon.
Despite all of the trials and tribulations, I am so glad to stand before you and say I made it and you can too. I learned to let go and let GOD! Whether you are 100 or 900 pounds overweight or underweight, you can make a change!
I never in a million years imagined that I would be speaking to people about losing weight and getting healthy. I have lost over 700 pounds and each day my journey continues. No matter what your current situation is I am here to tell you, you can make it!
I have a DVD-Book that will be coming out soon entitled Behind Closed Doors. It will explain my struggle and give you hope and inspire you to make a change. It will also reveal secrets that held me bound and captive throughout my life. I do believe that releasing them, will set me free. I wanted to do this project because I wanted to be a resource to anyone who is struggling with obesity.
In conclusion, you have the power to fight for your life. Death and Life are simply in the power of the tongue and today I encourage you to choose life. Millions didn’t make it, but you will be one of the ones who did!”
Larry is an inspiration to thousands of people world-wide, perhaps even millions.
“We are excited that Larry has decided to add the TAVALA TRIM to his ‘weight loss program’ to help him lose his last 100 pounds. If you reach out to Larry you’ll get his support …. as well as help with losing the weight you wish to lose. (BONUS: You’ll get his infectious attitude of hope and gratitude that will bring sunshine to your life.) Larry wouldn’t recommend something unless it works.”
INTERESTED IN TAVALA TRIM? Call Larry at 518- 982-9266 or go to
Email Larry at:
If you are seeing this before August 11th 2017 meet Larry in person. Everyone who attends will receive a FREE 3-day Starter pack of the Tavala Trim.
LARRY MYERS: 518-982-9266
“We are all about inspiring others. We are THRILLED to have Larry Myers on our TAVALA TEAM.” Dave & Joy