Decreasing Carbohydrates for Health and Ketopia


Decreasing Carbohydrates for Health & Energy…how does Ketopia fit in?

Simple carbs, such as cookies, candy and chips may give you a quick FIX or boost of energy but afterwards when you realize how counter productive that was for your weight loss goals you often feel pangs of guilt. We know what is healthy but sometimes our cravings take over…and in those moments we do not have the kind of control that is needed.

This is where KETOPIA can help you!!!!! Ketopia is a 10-Day Reset Program that comes with 3 products to support your weight loss / fat loss goals….and keep you from craving unhealthy foods. These 3 products are the KetonX drink, Dough bites and Fixx. This 10-Day RESET will also help with your cravings and energy levels. To learn more about Ketopia go to (click on ‘location’ and Ketopia)

As I began to prepare for my KETOPIA experience two weeks ago I began to take a look at my current diet. It wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t great either. Although I eat quite healthy, it was very high in carbohydrates, while low in protein and fats…and along with the couple of cocktails or glasses of wine in the evening – it didn’t add up to a program that was conducive for abundant energy or weight loss. My men-o-pot continued to expand!

The Ketopia 10-Day Reset is high in healthy fats, medium in protein and low in carbs. A whole new perspective EQUATION for me! (and, drum roll and side-bar, the KetonX drink puts your body into a healthy and natural state of ketosis within 1-2 hours so you are actually burning your stored fat for fuel rather than carbs and sugars!)

Even though we may know that simple carbohydrates are empty calories and contribute to weight and fat gain- many of us still can’t break our addiction to them.

With carbs so pervasive—and so hard to resist—Eat This, Not That! wondered, What happens to your body if you give them up? Much of their findings are here within this article. Eat This, Not That

Find out how much you have to gain—and lose—by reducing your Carbohydrate consumption!

1) When You Give Up Carbs… You Start Burning Fat immediately! Burn the Fat
Reducing your intake of calorie-dense carbs automatically reduces the amount of calories you’re consuming on a daily basis, which forces your body to burn fat stored around your midsection for energy, rather than the sugars it takes from carbohydrates.

With KETOPIA, one of the things people notice first is INCH loss. Where you tend to store your body fat, you’ll quickly notice a reduction in those areas. For both men and women, it is often the belly!

2) When You Give Up Carbs…You Feel Less Hungry
It’s not calories that satiate your hunger, it’s nutrients: fiber, protein and healthy fats. Unfortunately, simple, refined carbs are lacking in all three, even as they fill your body with fast, cheap calories. So no matter how much you eat, your body will go in search of more food. The result: a sluggish, hungrier you — one who’s more likely to dive into the snack drawer. Side-bar, with eating the Ketopia Dough bites in the morning you will feel FULL, satisfied and have NO cravings for sweets or carbs. Dough bites are a phantom carb….your body believing they are carbs but the have zero insulin resistance…and they are high in fiber!

3) When You Give Up Carbs.. Your Belly Gets Flatter fat burning
One of the first things you notice when you replace simple carbs with high- fiber foods is that your belly flattens out—literally within days. The reason: Most Americans only take in 15 of the recommended 25 to 38 grams per day, according to the Institute of Medicine. As a result, the healthy gut microbes that keep us lean have less to munch on, and the unhealthy microbes—which feast on sugar—take over. Those are the little buggers that cause bloating, and make your belly look bigger than it actually is. “Bumping up fiber can help promote healthy regularity,” says Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN, registered dietitian and founder of Isabel Smith Nutrition. Side Bar here…..the Dough bites have 16 grams of fiber in each serving! One of the things I noticed within ONE DAY of using Ketopia was not only dropping a couple of pounds, but losing 1 3/4″ around my belly!

4) When You Give Up Carbs… You Slash Your Risk of Diabetes

Simple carbs are made of simple sugars, and eating too many can wreak havoc in your body in both the short and long term. The more of these quickly digested carbs you consume, the more insulin your pancreas produces, eventually leading to insulin resistance and possibly type 2 diabetes, according to Smith. Fiber-rich complex carbs are harder for your body to digest, preventing the blood sugar spikes that cause insulin release. “The lower and more steady we keep blood sugar, the less insulin is released on a consistent basis and the more insulin-sensitive our tissues remain — which is a good thing,” Smith explains. So, cutting back on the simple stuff means you’ll be able to maintain stable blood sugar levels and reduce your risk for diabetes.

5) When You Give Up Carbs… Your Muscles Get Stronger
Almost every food in the world is healthier than simple carbs—from burgers and steaks to yogurt and even ice cream. In part, that’s because simple carbs lack protein, the building blocks of muscle (and a key contributor to healthy hair, nails and skin). By filling your body with protein and other nutrients, you’re giving it what it needs to grow without having to find additional calories. lean-woman-holding-a-dumbbell

6) When You Give Up Carbs… You Feel More Energized
Not all carbs are bad, of course. Your body needs carbohydrates to function properly, and they’re especially important for adequate brain and muscle function. By switching from simple carbs to more long-running fuel—fruits and vegetables, whole-wheat bread, oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa and other whole-grain options—you’ll ensure you have a steady flow of energy, and avoid the ups and downs that simple carbs cause. You’ll no longer need to make poor food choices as a way of getting quick energy, and you won’t be dragging through those afternoon hours.

Side bar: the combo of the Dough bite and FIXX shake, coupled with a sensible dinner high in healthy fats, medium protein and low in carbs WILL increase your energy level. When you are burning stored FAT for fuel rather than carbs and sugars, you have access to 225% more energy for your body and daily functions. Once you complete your 10-Day Reset Program or when you reach your weight loss goals with Ketopia and are returning to your own nutritional program, make sure you are wise with your choices on the kinds of carbohydrates you choose. (see above)

It’s so interesting that I am now just understanding the Ketogenic Type of Nutrition at my ‘ripe age of 58’. Back in 1987, at age 30, I did a body building competition and followed a dietary program that put me into nutritional ketosis- it was crucial to adhere to in order to get lean for competition. It was not easy and it took more discipline than the average person would ever have! That is how I reached the insanely low 8.5% body fat. While that is not what I am striving for here with KETOPIA, what I joy-bodybuilding2 AM striving for is to return to my normal lean body of around 17-18% body fat, one that exudes abundant energy and be a woman who inspires by example. Who else out there want to join me on my journey? FREE Coaching and Support!

Join our active team of people who care – oh, and did I mention you can make a ton of money doing this?

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy Edgerton

Dave DeBerardis


Dave’s Day 6 on Ketopia

Day 6 on Ketopia

My energy is off the charts on a consistent basis now. It’s feels Fabulous! Imaging losing weight (Weight down 6.5 lbs, losing fat (Fat is down over 4 lbs), tremendous energy, and loving life!

What else is there?

Here’s something….. my latest snack! Take a Romaine lettuce leaf and top with 1/4 avocado, kalamata olives, and Feta cheese! WHAT? Amazing!Wrap

You’re Going to Feel Great as You Lose Weight

I know this is going to start to sound redundant (redundant) but I have no cravings! I’m not hungry! I feel great!

Have you seen Rob’s pictures? Amazing… an in only 30 days! Way to go Rob!

Rob AlwinFor everyone asking about availability….. This product is in huge demand…. we’ve had friends of friends off Facebook ask if we had any samples or Packs for sale! My response yesterday to one guy was…. “You’re kidding right? That’s funny!”

I even had someone ask if I had an extra Dough Bite! Sure, when you take it from my cold, dead hands! Told someone else, No my pack didn’t come with any extra Dough Bites…. (Wait for it…….)

Don’t wait, get on our list or better yet, let’s put an order in today! It’s going to take 2-4 weeks AND if you wait and place your order in 2 to 4 weeks, its going to add at least another week!



Ketopia, You’ll know when you’re there.

It’s worth the wait!

Imagine how much weight and fat you could lose on this 10 Day Reset program. And you don’t have to stop there! I’ve decided to do 3 programs in a row…. 30 days to lose 25-30 lbs!

BTW, did I mention you can earn a ton of money helping friends and family look fabulous? Sign up for more details on Ketopia and follow our progress. Send an email to be part of this to

Join us on this journey!

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton

802-846-7530 h

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 8

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 8

I have to say, one of the SMARTEST things Dave and I did when ordering our Ketopia was to purchase a 9 pack (All-Star pack). 9 Pack Ketopia Packs

The 9 pack OR All-Star pack is the best VALUE. For only $999 you receive 9 “10-Day Reset Ketopia Packs”…enough for us to do 3 10-Day Reset packs” something we were committed to for the first 30 days!!!! If you are someone who only ordered 1 10-Pack to “try” I’m afraid you will be mighty disappointed when you run out. Just sayin’….

I LOVE this program and that is what it is….It is not a diet!

not on a diet

Diet’s remind me of hunger and deprivation and slow results….this is anything but that!

As I am writing this I am nibbling on a Dough bite….boy are they satisfying. Yesterday I put mine in the toaster over for around 5 min. and enjoyed a delicious, WARM, soft and chewy Dough bite that was so similar to a fresh home made chocolate chip cookie that my mouth is still salivating. Because of habit and being too lazy to leave my desk to ‘heat it up’ I am enjoying mine raw. YUMMY. You’ll want to order a month supply of JUST the Dough bites when they are sold separately in September.

We have had offers from people to drive from other locations in Vermont, from Canada, from Mass. and even Maine if we would sell them one of our 10-Day Reset programs…… No Way! We calculated perfectly for our personal use and a couple others orders when we bought our 9 pack. The only thing I wish was for us to thought ahead and bought 3 of the All-Star packs so when people want to buy the Ketopia, they can start immediately.


How much product should you begin with?

If you are looking to drop 5-10 pounds order a minimum of 1 Ketopia Reset Packs

10-20lbs. 2 Ketopia 10-Day Reset Packs

Anything more than 20 lbs. I’d suggest committing to 30 days, or 3 10-Day Reset Packs – then make an assessment from there.

Once your body is RESET it will begin burning more effeciently and effectively even when you are not consuming the Ketopia. In September, FGXpress will be offering the KetonX drink and Dough bites in a 30-Day supply. Stock up!!!! You will want them on hand for a “quick fix” in the future.

To learn more about Ketopia or place your order go to (click on location and then Ketopia)

Today we purchased a new scale that will be more accurate and offer more information other than just weight. This is a process. It would be unrealistic for me to even THINK I could drop the 20 pounds that I wish to lose, in only 10 days. How silly would that be? So our investment for our HEALTH is to hold tight to our original goal. My goal is to drop 20 lbs. of FAT….. and to increase my energy and to accomplish this in 30 short days.

Day 10 JUST around the corner, I’ll stand side-ways with my belly in view. I will take measurements, assess my body fat%, my BMI, blood pressure and my weight….and I’ll POST. So…stay tuned.

Join us on our Ketopia Journey….oh, did we mention that you can make a ton of money helping others become more healthy? Join us…


Joy Edgerton

Dave DeBerardinis




Dave’s Day 5 on Ketopia

Ketopia, You’ll Know When You’re There

That line makes sense now. By late morning on the 3rd day, I started feeling so energized and alive. Hard to completely put my finger on it, but it is palpable. Now I can say it…….You will know when you’re there!

It’s easy, no craving and I feel satisfied all day!

Day 5 I’ve now lost the grand total of 6 lbs. lost, fat down 3.6 lbs and Body Fat off 1% !! Perhaps more important, I feel so much better and smaller….. Clothes are hanging better, belly is not protruding!

On day 3 and 4, I did notice my digestive system was feeling bound up, felt bloated, almost toxic….. FIXX chocolate shakeEven though I thought I had been consuming enough water, perhaps I hadn’t been. So I upped my water (not just counting the KetonX & FIXX shake as part of it) and consumed 1/2 oz, per lbs of body weight.

Additionally I stopped using unsweetened Almond milk in my FIXX shake and went back to pure water. Additionally even though cheese and cheese sticks are allowed, I dropped cheese too… I think that may have contributed to binding me up. I replaced the cheese snacks with 1/4 avocado, a few black olives wrapped in a large romaine lettuce leaf. Yummy!

Last evening, during our team calls, my digestive system started kicking back in! ( My apologies, if I cut the calls short! lol )

I have been stead fast in my commitment to not having any alcohol. Not easy, especially over the weekend…. I’m not sure how to have a cigar without a good scotch. I guess I still haven’t figured that out. No cigars either!

Our dinners have been fabulous. Even though I’ve not been that hungry, the meals have been delicious and plenty


Imagine how much weight and fat you could lose on this 10 Day Reset program. And you don’t have to stop there! I’ve decided to do 3 programs in a row…. 30 days to lose 25-30 lbs!

BTW, did I mention you can earn a ton of money helping friends and family look fabulous? Sign up for more details on Ketopia and follow our progress. Send an email to be part of this to

Join us on this journey!

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton

802-846-7530 h



What is KetonX and How Does it Relate to Ketosis?

What is KetonX

& How Does it Relate to Ketosis?


KetonX is a drink that allows the body to begin converting into a state of nutritional ketosis within a matter of hours, not days. Featuring a patented blend of ingredients, KetonX is a safe and simple way to achieve ketosis without the negative side effects of a typical ketogenic diet.


A recent scientific discovery at the University of South Florida determined that the body will begin to convert to a state of nutritional ketosis in a matter of hours when the perfect ratios of specific natural ingredients are ingested. This patent-pending blend of ingredients is featured in KetonX. This technology has been developed over years of ketone research by Dominic D’Agostino, PhD.

ForeverGreen is proud to announce it has solidified an agreement with the University of South Florida to promote ketone technology researched and developed by Dominic D’Agostino, PhD.


ForeverGreen has been granted the license in the United States and Canada, and a special worldwide exclusive license outside the United States and Canada, to bring the technology featured in KetonX to the world for the first time in modern history.


In today’s world, foods are chemically altered, full of sugars, carbohydrates and empty calories, making them cheaper to produce and more addicting to consume. This craving-packed “carboholic” culture tempts us at every turn and entices our children. It’s no wonder why we are sicker and heavier than ever!

Being in ketosis means your body switches its energy source to fat, instead of carbohydrates. Fat offers the body 225% more energy than carbohydrates. Most people have sugar-burning bodies, not fat-burning bodies. Using fat as your body’s primary fuel source helps to balance blood sugar levels, which translates to fewer cravings and better energy.

When working toward weight management goals, it’s important to also understand how hormones affect your body, specifically insulin and glucagon. Insulin tells your body to store fat, whereas glucagon tells your body to burn fat. Carbohydrates are insulin-responding foods, which means they tell your body to product insulin, which in turn tells your body to store fat. Moving to a fat-burning body by staying in ketosis will lower the number of insulin responses in your body, thus allowing your body to burn fat more effectively.

its time to set the reset button


You can use Peetopia Stix to measure your level of nutritional ketosis while using KetonX. You can test yourself as early as an hour after your first drink of KetonX. When using Peetopia Stix, you are looking for moderate ketone levels, but the benefits of ketones are present with higher or lower levels as well.

1 hour day 1

If you are interested in a 10-Day RESET with Ketopia, featuring the KetonX drink Doughbites, the FIXX shake please contact visit or call us at 802-846-7530, email at

There are a couple of options available: Retail and Wholesale. Depending on the amount of weight you are looking to lose, we’ll help you decide on the best value pack based on your goals. Ketopia visual now

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy Edgerton/Dave DeBerardinis

(802) 846-7530

Top Leaders/Trainers FGXpress

Dave’s Ketopia Journey Day 2

Day 2 on Ketopia

Slept soundly, other than a couple of bathroom breaks….. I’ve upped my water in the past to 1/2 oz per body weight and remember it took a couple of days for my body to get used to it and stop having to use the bathroom so often. I expect today to match my number of bathroom trips as I did yesterday. Thinking of mounting my iPad on the wall behind the toilet, so I can get caught up on my reading. I believe I could finish a couple of books this week.

DOWN 5 lbs in the first 48 hours!

Look slimmer….. although I didn’t really seem to notice improvement in my tennis game this morning. I’m thinking because I weigh less, I’m maybe a 1/2 step faster and have to compensate for the change in aerodynamics…….. Oh, never mind….

Enjoyed the KetonX drink even more this morning. Just mixed a packet of KetonX with cold water and sipped it for 45 minutes while I fixed a problem with this website….. I touched something I shouldn’t have yesterday in the css files….. But I digress…

The most surprising thing for me has been the lack of cravings. That is awesome. Not to feel like I’m missing something. I believe staying on this Ketopia 10 Day Reset will be easier than anything I’ve ever done in the past.

indexHeard a comment yesterday about being careful not to drink too much water as you can deplete your sodium and potassium in the body. Here’s what I found… The KetonX drink has 850 mg of Sodium (which is 35% of RDA=Recommended Daily Allowance) and 1120 mg of Potassium (32% of RDA) FIXX has Sodium 190 mg (8% of RDA) and 800 mg of Potassim (22% of RDA) And I add a pinch of salts with dinner….. I don’t see this as an issue. Keep your water intake to 1/2 oz per lb of body weight. I keep refilling a 20 oz water bottle and drink 6 of those daily.

Dough Bites Taste Fabulous Just Sayin’

One of the results I am waiting for is the feeling of energy that others have talked about. It seems to show up between Day 2 and Day 4. I have notice that by just being off grains, my breathing is better and I didn’t feel congested in the early afternoon after my typical lunches.

7 pm – Dinner time, but I’m not hungry… WHAT ?

Crazy. I’m always hungry! Today I had KetonX Drink, 1 Dough Bite, FIXX shake, 2 String Cheese….. We decided we might want to make dinner…. I didn’t see the point. I eat cause I’m hungry, not because of the time of day…..


Decided we should!

Grilled 2 chicken breasts drizzling small chunks of Blue Cheese on them (OMG), along with a grilled Zucchini (halved) with oil, garlic, salt and pepper, added a medium salad with Blue Cheese dressing…. Tasted wonderful, only had 1/2 a breast…. felt satisfied….

Could the Ketopia Reset really be a “Reset” ? Its looking that way guys!


Day 2 – I ended at 242.5 lbs., Lost 2 additional lbs today for a total of 5 lbs in 48 hours.

Not hungry, no cravings, and feel great! I look and more importantly, feel smaller!

Imagine how much weight and fat you could lose on this 10 Day Reset program. And you don’t have to stop there! I’ve decided to do 3 programs in a row…. 30 days to lose 25-30 lbs!

BTW, did I mention you can earn a ton of money helping friends and family look fabulous? Sign up for more details on Ketopia and follow our progress. Send an email to be part of this to

Join us on this journey!

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton

802-846-7530 h


Day 4 Joy’s Journey with KETOPIA

Day 4 Joy’s Journey with KETOPIA

Ketopia” states “YOU’LL KNOW WHEN YOU ARE THERE”….and I am beginning to understand what that means! Last night I was WIDE awake- energy surging through me- my mind active with excitement of Ketopia working and being EASY…. Down 3.5 lbs. and today I’ll compare (side by side) my beginning picture and my end of 3 Day picture. It’s more about how I FEEL and LOOK than the scales, but honestly I still want to drop 20 lbs. within 30 days!!! Maybe it’s a female thing! Woman on Scale

Yes, last night while Dave was fast asleep I tossed and turned….watched the clock read 12:40, 1:11, 2:45, 3:33 and then finally- I had a stint of sound sleep until 6:30 am. On Ketopia, with the WATER and FAT BURNING I was in and out of the bathroom many times throughout the night!!! At around 3:30 believe it or not I actually dropped down and did 10 pushups….to shift my energy. Then I went to the refrigerator and got a spoonful of almond butter. It worked. I fell asleep soon after. KEY HERE: Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water but prepared to be up many times in the middle of the night!


My day? GREAT day! This plan is the easiest and least complicated I have ever done…..and I’ve done some doozies over the years- mainly in the past 5 years! My morning started with ½ hour of tennis and then I picked up my two granddaughters, ages 3 and 7. Once again, no urges to eat their left over grill cheese crusts like usual or their fresh fruit cut up that they didn’t want. I think part of this is that I had the Doughbite ½ hour before preparing their lunch and it cures any cravings or pangs of hunger. For sure I’ll be buying them in bulk next month when they are available outside the 10-Day RESET- just to have on hand!!!!

A busy day for sure but no “DRAG in my SWAG”! When Dave asked if I was up for another ½ hour of tennis at 5 pm I was! Usually I am dragging by this time – especially after having my granddaughters here all day….AND by the bewitching hour of 5 pm, especially on a Friday, I would have already uncorked a bottle of chilled white wine. No urges to blow my 10 days!!!!

No Drinking Wine

I did have a couple sips of coffee this morning with heavy cream and stevia and it tasted HORRIBLE. I’m not sure if it is because I normally have coffee with International Delight “dessert cream” but there was no way I could continue with what I had poured! Maybe along with this 10-Day RESET- the Ketopia is also resetting my taste buds to prefer healthier things! Fabulous Benefit!!!!

I have to say, my side by side pictures put together today DO show a slight change in body fat around the belly in particular and I certainly feel lighter and less ‘doughy’ around the middle. I am grateful to have found Ketopia and have the ability to share with thousands of people who can benefit, for both their health and also their appearance. I joke that I should have put on sunglasses and a straw beach hat to disguise myself in my BEFORE picture, but I believe if I am authentic and share MY experience, good or bad- it will help others believe that they too can do Ketopia with ease and success and enjoy the long term benefits of being healthier.

ALSO, Day 2 for Dave and he looks distinctly smaller today around the belly in just one day!!!! Stay tuned to our Blogs here at

In summary, KETOPIA is a 10-Day Reset program that puts your body into a healthy and natural (and quick) state of Ketosis so you use stored body fat for fuel rather than carbs and sugars. To learn more go to click on LOCATION and then click on KETOPIA!

JOIN US on our KETOPIA journey! Did you know you can also make a LOT of money sharing this product and opportunity with people you know and care about?


Joy Edgerton & Dave DeBerardinis


Dave’s Journey with Ketopia Day 1

Ketopia, the day has arrived.

Our shipment of additional Ketopia packs is confirmed and in the hands of UPS! upsSince we only had a single 10 day Reset pack, I graciously offering Joy to start and complete her 10 Day Reset. Once we knew our initial order of Packs was on the way, she suggested that we share her pack till our supply arrives! After seeing her first 2 day’s results, which were fabulous and she had distinct changes in her body that I could see with the naked eye, I’d jumped at the chance to start.

I filled in my Before Measurements and had Joy take pictures. That was the least exciting part of the morning! As a guy, we have an innate ability to look in the mirror and see, however distant, that we’re looking pretty damn good! In these pictures I didn’t hold it in, rather I relaxed and let it out…… I couldn’t see something good even though I squinted!

just finshed first KetonXSipped my KentonX drink for approx 35 minutes and even though the directions say to wait an hour or so to measure ketones, I couldn’t wait (welcome to my world!) already showing excess ketones in my body! Cool. We played 30 1 hour day 1minutes of tennis and I took another ketone measurement to see any changes…. Yep, you can see the darker color which means I’m further into ketosis!



Now I drink water (recommend 1/2 oz. per lb. of body weight) that’s 123.75 oz today for me…. for those of you doing the math in your head…. I weighed in at 247.5 lbs. this morning.

At 11 am I’ll be back with my Dough Bites…….

OK, 10:48 am Couldn’t wait…… just had Dough Bites! It’s a big slab of what tastes exactly IMG_2745like Cookie Dough! It’s been described as being a phantom carb, meaning it tastes great, but doesn’t produce and insulin response from the body! I don’t know how that works, but boy was it good and filling!

It’s 12 noon….. not hungry. So interesting….. For breakfast, I usually have 4 eggs, 2 pieces of toast, bacon or any meat left over from last night’s dinner….. it’s 12 noon and I’ve had a KetonX drink and a Dough Bite….. I’m not hungry at all. No cravings either.


Now it’s 2:40 pm…. just made a FIXX shake. I mixed it with unsweetened Almond Milk…. Less than 1 gm of carbs made the Shake a littleFIXX SHAKE thicker in consistency and feels more satisfying! Fabulous shake…. still not hungry.

I’ve drank about 90 oz of water….. me and the bathroom are becoming better friends as the day goes on.


Planning a dinner of pork roast sauteed in onions, topped with pesto, one of my favorite dishes with lightly steamed broccoli, fresh garlic – sauteed and almost burnt, butter, juice from 1/2 a lemon and salt, topped with feta cheese, finished with a fresh salad, avocados, and cheese with olive oil and Braggs….. I hope I remember to take a picture of it…..


Day 1 – I ended at 244.5 lbs., Lost 3 lbs, not hungry, no cravings, and feel great!

Imagine how much weight and fat you could lose on this 10 Day Reset program. And you don’t have to stop there! I’ve decided to do 3 programs in a row…. 30 days to lose 25-30 lbs!

BTW, did I mention you can earn a ton of money helping friends and family look fabulous? Sign up for more details on Ketopia and follow our progress. Send an email to be part of this to

Join us on this journey!

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton

802-846-7530 h




Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 3

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 3

I lay in bed last night grateful to have found a solution for my sluggish metabolism and for addressing body fat that has crept upon my body in the past 4 years. It’s called KETOPIA. I’ll never forget back in my 40’s….I was very active, lean and always COLD due to low body fat…..sometimes even living in Florida and Arizona! I remember saying how I can’t WAIT till I go through MENOPAUSE- because, my silly reasoning, was that finally I would be warm! Ha-Ha…..not quite!!!! Well I cruised through menopause but not without the meno-pot….I now know why women call them a “muffin top”. muffin top

It’s not that I haven’t tried to lose body fat- I have. I have done the Master Cleanse several time (weight comes back!) and the Purium program (ditto) as well as other cleanses and “diets”….and you got it- DIET’s DON’T WORK. If they did, we’d all be our ideal body weight.

The more I am learning about the KETOPIA 10-Day RESET, the more I understand why and how it works. If you have any questions please google KETOGENIC programs and you’ll see thousands of scientific studies on how it helps the body reach an ideal and healthy state of health AND body weight. Ketopia, as a program makes this extremely easy! RESETTING THE BODY TO BURN FAT is the KEY! Much like rebooting your computer to be more efficient!

So….how lucky am I that ForeverGreen (FGXpress)- a company I fell in love with back in 2005 when the FrequenSea was launched-got the exclusive rights to distribute KETOPIA and actually make scientific claims!!!!!

Day 3- This is EASY!

I find it very easy to follow the simple plan that comes within the 10-Day RESET package. I like routine and I don’t like big meals, so this is ideal for my lifestyle. Today I watched my 3 year old granddaughter and usually when I make her lunch I snack on things I normally wouldn’t- or eat her left overs (How many moms or grandmas do that???) Anyway- ZERO cravings for her mac and cheese, handful of blueberry PULSE, fresh strawberries or piece of ice cream sandwich. ZERO. It must have been that DOUGHbite I had a 1/2 hour before!!! Seriously NO HUNGER- or CRAVINGS….even when I cooked a black bean burger (a favorite) for my daughter…..

So….if you are reading this and wondering if this is easy- the answer is YES.

Is it filling and fulfilling? YES

Is it affordable? YES….Dave and I will surely save money this month as we work our way through 3 back to back 10-Day RESET packages.

Day 3- I dropped 1 more pound.

That is 3.5 lbs. in 2 days using the Ketopia. My daughter said “Please don’t take it wrong- but you look less puffy”. I know, losing the fat bloat is sure to make me look slimmer. When I saw pictures of those in the BETA TEST with Ketopia I couldn’t believe the noticeable difference they showed not only in the body but also in their faces. I’m looking forward to that!

I am going “by the book”, exactly as the program suggests and lucky for me- the “legal foods” on the program are my “kinds of foods!” Am I missing wine? Surprise Surprise Surprise….I am not. NO INTEREST IN COFFEE OR ALCOHOL which is very surprising!!! It MUST BE MY BEFORE PICTURES THAT TOTALLY GOT ME IN THE GAME.

its time to set the reset button

Dave and I are not adding any additional exercise to our daily routine…but we continue to play a minimum of an hour of tennis a day. After Dave’s PICTURES taken today, we both agreed that adding daily PUSHUPS, AB EXERCISES and LEG SQUATS would add to our health and results… least for the “after pictures”.

Stay tuned. This is fun….Can’t wait to see the GALLERY of Before and After pictures. Ketopia is a savior for many people in helping them reach their ideal and healthy weight and their HEALTH.

Health is a Habit- Not an Event! There are many other products that FGXpress has available to support the Ketopia. You can go to and you’ll be directed to the FGX Farmers Market…where you can SHOP….

HERE’S TO EVERYONES SUCCESS WITH KETOPIA. If you have NOT YET ORDERED YOUR SUPPLY, go to click on location, then KETOPIA. We’ll support YOUR journey…..


5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy Edgerton

Dave DeBerardinis

802-846-7530 h

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia Begins…..Day 1

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia Begins…..Day 1

Today is Day 1 on KETOPIA. Yesterday was a bitter-sweet day as I took my BEFORE pictures, weighed myself, took measurements and calculated my BMI and % Body Fat. At age 58 I really didn’t expect to look the way I do today. I have always been athletic, muscular and lean- and yet in the last 4 years….due to several factors, (I am sure menopause being the main reason) my body took on a different ‘look’. It certainly did not excite me! I have honestly felt like a foreigner in my own body! It’s no wonder I live in yoga pants….(even though I don’t do yoga (lol) they are comfortable and have a very forgiving stretch to them!) because this feeling really sucks

I could not WAIT to begin my first 10-Day Reset of Ketopia…and there are literally thousands of others out there waiting for their product and equally as excited. Since I would like to drop (forever!) 20 pounds I am planning on doing 3 10-Day Reset with Ketopia back to back. So today is the first step in my Ketopia Journey.Ketopia visual now

UP early…..and began my day in a very different way. Rather than a cup of hot coffee with my “International Delight cream” I began with a glass of water and them KetonX.

I had never tried the KetonX drink before so was pleasantly surprised with the taste and ease in preparing it. (Just add water!) I drank my KetonX drink at 7:30 am this morning and it truly was delicious, just like everyone said. If you can imagine a creamsicle flavor….you’ll understand. I generally don’t “sip” my drinks but was compliant and I ‘nursed’ the KetonX (in 10-12 ounces of water) over a 45 min. time frame.

Then we played tennis for 30 min. or so. I am not sure if that would hinder going into Ketosis or not…..but it is our morning ritual and staying active is always smart on any nutritional ‘regime’.

At 2 hours after drinking the KetonX drink I was already in moderate Ketosis….exactly where I wanted to be! How do I know that? Well, in the Ketopia 10-Day Reset they include 10 Ketostix they they call PEETOPIASTIX. (We actually bought an additional container of 50 stix). Within 2 HOURS….isn’t that amazing???? I can see with the Ketostix that KETOPIA is already working. (Amotivation -for sure). KetonX drink

Then came the fun….. 3 hours after drinking the KetonX drink I enjoyed my daily Doughbites. It was delicious – has a unique texture, almost like taffy….sweet and filling. VERY satisfying. They describe the taste as ‘cookie dough’ – but the consistency was more like soft, sticky taffy. Very tasty…with little pieces of dark organic chocolate. For people with cravings for sweet things- this will definitely satisfy their sweet tooth!

2 pm and although I am not hungry I prepared my FIXX shake. I have enjoyed FIXX shakes over the years… it is made of dark chocolate and honestly one of the best tasting shakes I have ever tried. Even though I am not a chocolate lover, I love my FIXX! Most shakes are not flavorful or satisfying mixed simply with water, but this honestly is delicious. It actually is an ideal mid-afternoon pick-me-up. Typically in the past I have enjoyed it for breakfast but I am following the KETOPIA program exactly as suggested.FIXX SHAKE

This is a perfect system for me because I really don’t like to ‘SHOP and CHOP’….this is easy- EVERYTHING is in the 10-Day package except my dinner meal. How fabulous is that? Also when you calculate cost, Dave and I will SAVE $ being on the Ketopia program as we won’t be buying breakfast and lunch meals- or consuming coffee (Laites) or cocktails at night!

For my dinner meal…..I enjoyed ‘more or less’ the kind of dinner we always eat. Some protein- in this case I had baked wild salmon, with a little pesto on it- and a large salad…. with avocados, cukes, olive oil/Braggs/lemon juice. Yum. Who can ever say this is a program of deprivation? It is NOT!

Dinner time without a cocktail or glass of wine? You bet! There is NO WAY I am going to jepordize my results by going OUT of Ketosis! In fact, mid day around 3 pm I realized I hadn’t even missed my morning ritual of coffee! WOW! No craving whatsoever! My biggest concerns dedicating myself to the 10-Day Reset was giving up caffeine and alcohol…..most likely two of the culprits that got me fat in the first place. 🙂

To bed at a reasonable hour…..what a fabulous DAY 1 on Ketopia. My energy was high- I had zero cravings and zero hunger. I hope Day 2 is as good or better. Better would mean I dropped some fat weight over night….. til then….

To learn more about Ketopia or to join our team, please email us at

or call (802) 846-7530. USA/ eastern time zone.5I3I6962_pp20x20