Meet Jennifer Camacho, singer, ukulele player and well-known performer in Hawaii- also known as the “Blonde Hawaiian”. It is with pleasure that we share Jennifer’s story.
In her own words:
“A year ago I was in rough physical health. My lung function was only 35% and my oxygen levels were 60-70% capacity. It was difficult getting around and I was hospitalized for 5 months. When I got out of the hospital I saw a man I knew who had lost a lot of weight and learned he was using a product called Tavala Trim. I told my daughter, Maile, who began researching the product and with excitement we both purchased product and joined as members. Surely if this product works, we knew many people who would be interested. Both of us were wanting to lose weight and hoped this would help us as we had both struggled for years. (As it turned out, my granddaughter Megan as well as Chad, Maile’s fiance, also decided to try the TRIM too.)
I hadn’t been able to lose weight in 38 years due to hypothyroid and although the TRIM didn’t give me the immediate weight loss I wanted it did give me a lot or energy and the strength and power so that I could walk again without my walker. I felt like a new person with the added energy and in time the weight began to drop. To date I have lost 28 pounds! (Our ‘household of 4 people’ have lost 115 pounds combined!)
A month ago I went for my annual checkup and my doctor was amazed at how much healthier I was. Yes, I had lost 28 pounds and MANY inches, but my health statistics were what had her saying over and over again, “I am astounded Mrs. Camacho”! My lung function was 85% (up from 35% a year prior) and my oxygen was now at 94% versus 60-70%. My COPD was not even detected -not a trace. The only thing I have done different over the past year is to drink the Tavala Trim and to take the herb Thyme.
I love the many benefits of the Trim. It gives me more energy and focus, helps suppress my appetite and cravings, boosts my slow metabolism and is helping me lose weight. It’s easy too, just 1 Tavala drink per day…and it tastes great.
I just learned that the Tavala Trim is also a bronchial dilator, which may be the reason I began to feel better immediately after taking it.
To say I am excited at how much healthier I am would be an understatement. I love the TRIM and will soon be adding the Tavala Control to assist in losing more weight. I have also used the Quantum Relief Strips and noticed that they helped with the fluid in my legs and with circulation.
Now with renewed energy I am taking up golf lessons, something I’ve wanted to do over 35 years, I’m writing my book and getting back into music. Thank you Tavala, you really ARE the Transformation company.
If you are interested in improving your energy and your health as well as losing weight try the Tavala Trim. Tavala is the Transformation Company and all products help transform areas in your life.”
You can reach me at 808-271-6754 or by email at You can purchase it at
In our own words: “Jennifer is a beautiful woman whom we adore having on our Tavala team and are blessed to have met her during our last trip to Hawaii. Perhaps one day we’ll be fortunate enough to hear her perform with her group ‘Camacho and Aikane Music Group.’ Her story is heart felt and makes me both proud and excited to represent products that are truly changing lives. Tavala rocks…and so do you, Jennifer. Thank you and Maile for all you contribute to our Tavala Team.”
Dave and Joy/ Global Leaders with Tavala