Jamaican born Patrick Green Shares his
TAVALA Testimonials
A friend, Joy, reached out to me mid-December and shared that a new company called TAVALA had recently launched with a product called TAVALA TRIM and asked if I would be interested in trying a 7-day Sample. I was busy and it was during the holiday season but the BENEFITS of what the TRIM offered caught my attention……
She said the TRIM is a Thermogenic drink that Boosts the Metabolism, Suppresses the Appetite- Reduces Cravings, Gives you Energy and Focus and helps you lose weight. She also promised it tastes great.
Since I have a very busy schedule and am also an avid tennis enthusiast, I could definitely use the extra energy, so I agreed to try it and offer my feedback after 7 days.
Here is my exact words in my initial testimonial: “I have never taken anything like this in my life. I had gone a week without my Moringa capsules when it arrived. I play tennis a lot and have been feeling lethargic and tired after an evening’s play. My muscles would ache until the following morning. My play was also very poor because I was not able to move and hit the ball how I wanted to. Then came the product and boy was there a change! My energy level went waaaay up! My game got so much better and the aches and pains were gone, even after playing for 2.5 hours – straight. There is absolutely a difference and a huge one too! I am definitely on-board and will make my order soon. I also lost 10 lbs. in 7 days.”
Soon after the TAVALA TRIM was introduced to me Tavala launched a product called Quantum Relief Strips. I immediately placed a ‘strip’ above both knee caps and played a game of tennis. I’m going to let pictures do the wording here. I have been wearing knee support for a LONG time and soon after wearing JUST the Quantum Relief Strips I was able to eliminate my knee support/braces.
Needless to say, I love both the Tavala Trim, (and to date have lost 26 pounds, down from 239 to 213 pounds!) and will not be without the Quantum Relief Strips!
Tavala is a great company that provides an amazing opportunity for those who are looking to earn either part time or full time income. On the 29th of March they announced launching the Caribbean, and since I am from Jamaica, I am extremely excited to offer this opportunity to many friends and family.
Who Do you Know in These Islands?
If you or anyone you know are interested in the Tavala Products or Opportunity please call me at: 954-295-3499 or email me at PatrickGreen@glpimages.com You can order direct or join my team at www.Tavala.biz/GLPWellness
“We are THRILLED to have Patrick Green on our TAVALA TEAM. He brings professionalism, entrepreneurial experience and a dedication to his Tavala Business. We are extremely excited that Patrick has knowledge of the Caribbean and is Jamaican island. Join with Patrick and you’ll be in good hands”