Everyone knows it’s better to eat whole foods than heavily processed, refined foods. Although most people KNOW they should eat ‘clean’, not everyone does… which is why I want to share information on a new product called Amazon Gold, by Tavala.
What makes AMAZON GOLD DIFFERENT than other nutritional products with some of the same super-fruits and super-foods from the Amazon?
Whole food yeast fermentate is a natural ingredient comprised of proteins, fibers, polyphenols, vitamins, amino acids, beta glucans and many beneficial metabolites that work together on many levels to support a strong immune system.
This ‘whole food yeast fermentate’ is a process IN the Amazon Gold Immune Balance, a new product released by Tavala, in October, 2018.
So, what is a “fermentate” anyway?
A fermentate is a nutritious whole food product made using a unique, specialized fermentation process. In this fermentation process, yeasts are used to help produce the beneficial nutrients and metabolites found in Amazon Gold.
Amazon Gold is considered a whole food because it is minimally processed and refined and is made using natural ingredients that go through fermentation processes to produce a whole, natural product.
Amazon Gold is quickly being recognized as one of the best immune system supplements- both because of its ingredients but also because of the fast health benefits people are experiencing.

Amazon Gold is a nutritious supplement that naturally supports a strong immune system for better health and wellness. It is a safe and healthy addition for people with gluten-free diets, vegetarian or vegan diets, or kosher diets that want to strengthen rather than boost their immune systems. The ‘tag line’ on the bag of Amazon Gold says “IMMUNE BALANCE”.
It is also safe from the “Womb to the Tomb” meaning people of all ages can enjoy this healthy (and versatile) supplement. By the way, Amazon Gold comes in a handy bag with a scoop. You can eat it plain right out of the bag, add to yogurt, dip in fruit, put in a smoothie, sprinkle on oatmeal….you decide. Personally I LOVE eating it right out of the bag. 
The following is an excerpt from a book about EpiCor which is a trade name for “whole food yeast fermentate“. (Like the words “Kleenex and Saran Wrap” are trade names.) Whole Food Yeast Fermentate is an INGREDIENT in Amazon Gold.
The old adage “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” has been part of our health advice for decades, yet with so many types of harmful bacteria, viruses, microbes, parasites, and toxins plaguing our environment, a single piece of fruit is clearly not enough to maximize one’s health.
Products like Amazon Gold, using Whole Food Yeast Fermentation, can significantly enhance the body’s ability to fight off pathogens, as well as decrease its allergic response, within just a few weeks.
This PROCESS helps the immune system stay balanced in order to help your body protect itself from bacterial, parasitic, fungal, and viral infections. It also acts as a powerful antioxidant that further supports a healthy body by scavenging dangerous free radicals. However, unlike other immune products on the market, EpiCor appears to help when the body is being inappropriately attacked, as in the case of allergies, (and auto immune disorders) and works to suppress an overactive immune response.
These two actions, boosting performance and suppressing performance of the immune system when appropriate, constitute immune balance. As you read this book, think about the things in your life that can negatively impact your immune system, such as a less than optimal diet, pollution, changing seasons, physical or mental stress, travel, lack of sleep, and even the normal aging process.

For More information on AMAZON GOLD click here: Tavala’s Amazon Gold
To order YOURS Today go to www.DaveandJoy.com or call us at 802-846-7530, email info@DaveandJoy.com for assistance in placing your initial order. You deserve to be healthy from the inside out!

Dave and Joy/Tavala Global Leaders and Trainers