How TRIM is Helping me Melt my Belly Fat
Post- Menopause
My mother warned me decades ago when I was in my 30’s- She told me in her ‘matter of fact tone of voice’, “Don’t get too used to your slim waist as it will all change when you hit your 50’s and go through menopause.”
I TOTALLY dismissed her comments and thought “that may be true for the average woman who doesn’t exercise or eat well- but not for me!” and then I personally promised myself that it would NEVER happen to me! I had never had ANY fat on my belly….even in high school when a pre-teen girls body begins to change, even THEN I recall commenting how my stomach ‘has ripples’….as there was no discussion on a good set of abs or 6-pack back then!”
Truth be known, at age 30 I competed (and won) a Body Building competition in my home state of Vermont. I was fit, strong and unstoppable. BUT at age 50 I was also in one of the best shapes/sizes of my life….and this time it was ‘organic’ and just “WAS” based on how I had been living my life, exercising and eating well. I never thought of dieting during that time in my life. (At age 50, picture of me personal training in Arizona at a Woman’s gym!)
While doing personal training, especially for women in their 40’s and above, I remember my mothers warning about how women get “thicker” in the waist as they age….and said repeatedly to myself, ‘Mothers don’t ALWAYS know best!’ At that time I could still slip into a size 4 or 6 dress pants with no trouble and no bulges!

and THEN- almost overnight, or at least it seemed….MENOPAUSE HIT and it hit fast and furious. I wish I had kept a journal!!!
At around 54 years old- BAM- my hormones went BONKERS! I used to be lean and as a result was often cold, especially in cooler climates. I take back all my comments on looking forward to menopause – I really thought that finally I‘ll be ‘warm’ no matter the time of year. YIKES, Karma hit!!!! As many women know, the HOT FLASHES that come with menopause are no laughing matter. I was uncomfortable- I kicked off the covers at night, and then covered up when the sweat cooled and air conditioning hit my body… Also during that time my clothes also began to get tighter around the belly …but because I live in ‘yoga’ or stretchy pants, I didn’t realize just how ’round’ my belly was becoming. 
At age 54 I literally looked at myself in the mirror and sobbed. Then around that time I saw an infomercial on TV for a program called P90X and embraced the fitness program as a potential long term solution. The picture to the right was before and after P90X. aka exactly 90 days transformation! It helped, for sure, but only temporarily. When I became tired of ‘fighting the bulge with diet and exercise’ my body went back to becoming a very efficient storage for fat…. and you guessed it, BELLY FAT!
My cravings were ‘weird’ and although it was new to me, my husband commented on how I was rather untouched when it came to hormones and mood swings, like other women he had know…. but whose counting??? 
I felt like a stranger in my own body…. my naturopath at the time suggested I cut back or eliminate caffeine and alcohol…. and I remember thinking, ARE YOU KIDDING? on top of menopause how could I possibly want to give up my morning coffee and glass or two of white wine each night???? NO WAY!!!! And thus my symptoms of hot flashes continued.
Luckily, during that time I began using a product created by Dr. Min Soo Kim, a ‘strip’ with quantum energy that helps balance the chi and energy in your body, hormones and all. I don’t recall when my hot flashes stopped, but several girlfriends commented on how they no longer had hot flashes…and I realized, I hadn’t had any in several weeks. The Quantum Relief Strips helped ME and may help YOU or someone you know who needs to balance their hormones and reduce symptoms of menopause. (more on that later, email me for details,
OK, so the Hot Flashes were now under control- Thank God,
but nothing, and I mean nothing– seemed to help me with the fat that continued to grow around my mid-section. I joked about it but it was devastating and none of my form fitting clothes fit….. so I began wearing lose baggy tops that didn’t hug my belly area. I actually began looking matronly like my ‘mother’.
For the first time in my life I learned what a muffin top was FIRST HAND!
From the onset of menopause, for me that was around age 54, until today, age 60, I began to put emphasize on other things in my life besides my ‘physical body’. I had tried the ketogenic ‘diet’ (eating a high healthy fat, diet, with moderate protein and close to zero carbohydrates) but the results on my belly fat was marginal and not lasting, at best.
It wasn’t until recently, when I was about to turn 60, that I was introduced to something that really works for Boosting the Metabolism and getting you off your SET POINT….which is both scale weight but also body composition.
I was skeptical- really skeptical, and didn’t want to get my hopes up too high, but after watching people of all ages, sizes – active and inactive, men and women alike, get phenomenal results – I decided to give this new product an honest TEST. The product was launched November 1, 2016, by a company called TAVALA and the product is called “TAVALA TRIM“.
I really wanted to get my focus off weight loss and concentrate more on overall health. Many people I knew had dropped 5-10 and even more pounds in their first week. But what I really wanted was to reduce the size of my belly so that I could once again wear clothes that I loved and fit comfortably in…..and to be honest, to feel sexy again! Sexy IS a state of mind and if you FEEL sexy, you ARE sexy!
Now I realize everyone is different and what is working for me may not work for you, OR it may work even better….but here is what recently happened to me using the TRIM for 14 days straight.
Day 1 I weighed myself (yup, topped the scale weighing more than I ever had, even at full-term pregnancies) and took my measurements. Without pictures and the good ol’ measuring tape I may have been discouraged….. BUT….
Here is what is exciting and what happened. My metabolism has definitely shifted. Although the TRIM suppresses the appetite and cravings, I knew my metabolism had kicked into gear as after a workout my body craved good nutrition and told me to ‘feed’ my metabolism. When your body has a slow metabolism you do not have that feeling.
in 2 weeks, and by Day 14….. I had dropped 9.5″ of overall body fat, from the neck to the thighs, but MAINLY in my belly, men-o-pot area and thighs. I was shocked, as you’ll see in this picture below.
I am by no words at my goal size or weight….that will take time- but things ARE beginning to shift and losing 3 3/4″ off my waist, 2.5″ off my men-o-pot, and 1 1.4 ” off my hips has me stoked to keep using the TAVALA TRIM.
Hey, if YOU are experiencing a little too much ‘dough around the middle’ and want a free sample (TRY before you BUY), connect with me. I’m happy to share a sample with you. 802-846-7530.
As it turns out, TRIM is helping me lose body fat and increase my metabolism. I’m no longer contemplate buying my first SPANKS undergarments and am fitting into clothes that I was about to donate to charity a month ago.
I’ll bet the TRIM will help YOU GET SLIM. What do you have to lose? Order here, or call us at 802-846-7530 to help you set up your initial order. I can’t wait to chat.
Dave and Joy