It’s no surprise how many people live with discomfort in their bodies, just look around. People walking slumped over or using a cane….and not all these people are senior citizens. It could be a result of an injury, a pulled muscle, imbalance of energy in their bodies, being out of shape or over weight or even stress. No matter what…living with any kind of discomfort is no fun! Being in discomfort IS our bodies way of saying “HEY, Pay attention to me!”
Obviously practicing self-care is a good way to ensure you are healthy and well balanced, but what about the times you don’t have control over your situation? Generally speaking people look outside themselves for an answer and head to a Doctor, a Chiropractor, a Naturopath, Physical Therapist or a Massage Therapist when they question their level of wellness. (In fact many practitioners now carry the QRS in their practice and LOVE how they complement and support the work THEY do!)
There certainly is a place for medicine and physicians/healers but how exciting would it be to have something YOU could have at your fingertip to ease your discomfort? to BRING positive energy TO your body, your mind, your spirit and your cells?
Something that is all-natural, non-addictive, non-narcotic and cost less than a Dr. visit of hour massage for a whole 28-days supply?
Meet Dr. Min Soo Kim and learn about his latest version of strips called Quantum Relief Strips.
To understand how the Quantum Relief Strips work we need to embrace the fact that everything is energy and we as humans are no different, in fact we ARE energetic beings.
Quantum Relief Strips can be used for Energy as well for easing your Discomfort of any kind!
The brief video below explains more about the Quantum Relief Strips.
There IS hope for people who are living with discomfort as well as an imbalance of energy. When your body, your chi or Chakras are not balanced, your body is open for dis-ease….meaning not being in ease. The Quantum Relief Strips, applied directly to the skin bring energy to the area that needs it most.
How to use the QRS? Simply cut to fit the area (or use whole) and peel back the plastic backing and apply the sticky side down on your skin. Apply them ‘where it hurts’ or where you feel you’d like energy in your body.
Where can you buy the Quantum Relief Strips? (QRS) Click here, They are only available through independent representatives of Tavala, like Dave and I. or call us at 802-846-7530.
Want to TRY before you BUY? If you feel like a sample is where you’d like to start you can go to We HIGHLY recommend starting with a 28-day supply as it gives the average person enough time to notice a considerable difference. 1/3 of the people we find get quick results and relief….like within minutes to hours. 1/3 within days to a week, and the final 1/3 within weeks to a month. Thus, a 28-day supply will give your body the time it deserves to get into balance naturally.
The Quantum Relief Strips are available in many countries throughout the world. If you are interested please contact us at or simply go to
We are looking for leaders who would like to help us bring the Quantum Relief Strips to the world! New countries will be opening up soon. Now is the time to position yourself within Tavala.