In two weeks, summer will be over. It seems like it just started! Course I live in Vermont and we really didn’t start getting “summer-like sunshine and weather” until June.
September 1st is like the beginning of a new year.
Summer vacations are over and it’s back to business…. perhaps even more so if you are in network marketing. Even though our TAVALA business has continued to grow and thrive throughout the summer months, typically summer is the slowest time in this industry, and especially the month of August. But it doesn’t have to be.
For those who want to reach goals you may have set back in January or when you joined TAVALA, NOW is the time to create your plans. We have four full months before the year is over and that’s enough time to make a real difference in the goals you have and some new goals you can go after.
We encourage you to take some time over the next two weeks and plan the third period of the year. Recommit to some of the goals you set back in January.
Clarify and update your plans and projects. Set some new goals. Choose your top three to accomplish by the end of December.
Is it Income related? Rank advancement? Earning bonus income? Qualifying for the cruise in November? Helping a certain number of people on your team have success? Reaching your goal weight? Write it down!
But don’t wait until September 1st to make those plans. Do it NOW so you can hit the ground running. Set some things in motion. Know what you will do when—and how.
Visualize yourself celebrating over The Holidays all the achievements and accomplishments of the year past as well as experiencing the confidence and satisfaction you will feel starting the real New Year. 2018 is just around the corner!
We’re looking to mentor those who embrace the TEAM SPIRIT and go after whatever it was that you came here to accomplish. As you begin to plan, also ask yourself who do you know? Who do you know who is already ON the team but may not be fully engaged ‘yet’ that you can introduce to us? As our team grows it will be impossible to know everyone….as much as we’d like to.
Also, Who do you know in your circle of friends, family or community that may be looking for what TAVALA can provide? Introduce us. We’ll help you introduce the business opportunity to them if they are open. It is simply making an invitation.
In summary, we are looking for people who are TEAM PLAYERS, HAVE HIGH INTEGRITY, are HONEST & CARING, SELF- MOTIVATED & TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. They must also be POSITIVE MINDED! (No Debby-Downers or Wanda Whiners)
Dave and Joy/ Global Leaders at TAVALA
We’d love to hear from you!