Many people are embracing this new PURPLE drink called TAVALA TRIM, but exactly what is it and what is IN this drink that has people sharing it like crazy???? (Or to EXPAND UPON the Question WHAT ARE the ingredients including what is PEA?)
Many people are even calling PURPLE the new PINK!
Tavala TRIM is a Thermogenic Drink (also available in capsule form)
What are the Benefits ? The TRIM…
- Boosts the Metabolism
- Gives you Energy
- Gives you Focus
- Suppresses your Appetite
- Reduces your Cravings
- Helps you Lose Weight
- Helps you Feel Happy!
Many are saying it sounds TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, but over and over again, with hundreds if testimonials, and pictures flooding our in-box, all are proving it flat out works for everyone who uses it consistently each and every day.
The timing was great when the TRIM was launched. It was November, 2016 and we were just coming into a busy, stressful time of the year when EXTRA ENERGY and CONTROL over food and holiday cheer is highest. 75% of everyone I told about the TRIM wanted to try it immediately.
There was also a HUGE bump in TRIM sales once April rolled around as people knew that summer was approaching fast and they knew they wanted to FIT into their summer clothes and have energy to enjoy the warmer weather and outdoor activities. (This is especially true of those of us who live in a climate where the winters are long and cold! We happen to live in Vermont!!!)
So What does this magical elixer consist of? Here are the ingredients below -but don’t think for one second that TAVALA is going to tell you the exact formula. They have proprietary dibs on the formula that has other formulators scratching their heads wondering…and also WISHING that they had created it.
But aside from the ingredients listed above there is a proprietary blend including something called “PEA”. To learn more about this fascinating ingredient click here.
Although the majority of TRIM sold are in ‘powder stick form’ (simply add water to create the drink) you can also get the TRIM in capsule form….and yes, they are also PURPLE in color. The choice is yours. Both cost the same, $69.99 for a 28-day supply. (USA price) Also customers and members pay the same low price…. which is really quite cool as TAVALA is a network marketing company and usually that means the cost for customers is highly inflated. Not so with Tavala!

The one advantage of the DRINK over the CAPSULE is that you can control the ‘dosage’. Personally I am sensitive to stimulants (even small doses) and to new products so I like to start out slow. As a result of my personal experience and others we suggest starting the TRIM the following way.
On day 1 mix a full drink (add the powder to approximately 12-16 ounces water and shake) Divide the drink in 2 and drink 1/2 of the drink after breakfast. See how you feel and if you feel fine and not too energized, drink the remaining drink an hour or two later. See how you feel.
Day 2 and onward…. depending on how you felt on Day 1 ….mix the drink and repeat. The majority of people will be ready for the full drink. Enjoy 1 drink per day every day, for best results.
The majority of people notice a bump in energy quickly (I did within 15 minutes) and will not feel hungry for the majority of the day! (Still eat, even if the portions are much smaller~)
Day 2 you may even weigh yourself and notice you are down a pound or two. Don’t get obsessed with the scale but DO WEIGH and MEASURE YOUR BODY before and after 28 days. Don’t be surprised if you drop a size in clothes or lose 5-10 lbs. your first week using the TRIM.
If you prefer to use the capsules take 1 capsule with 8+ ounces of water daily.
You’ll find the time of the day you prefer to take the TRIM will vary and much of it depends on your schedule.
We have many people enjoying the TRIM who work 2nd or 3rd shifts and this helps them stay awake, alert and focused during the times they need it.
If you are interested in trying the TAVALA TRIM go to or give us a call. 802-846-7530. We’ll answer your questions and coach you for free. Both Dave and I have been personal trainers and have also run weight loss contests, so we can offer a different perspective for those who are interested. You can also email us at
Are you interested in earning additional income as you use the TRIM? We are looking for reps to help us spread the magic about TAVALA TRIM & other products. There is no joining fee, no monthly auto ship requirements….they make it easy to share.
TRIM works! It works for all ages, for men and women. You do not have to follow a strict diet or exercise…however we suggest you eat small portions of healthy foods and also ‘move your body’ daily as we are talking HEALTH.
We have had MANY people share weight loss of 15-30 lbs. or greater in their first month of using TRIM and they swear they have done nothing different except drink their purple drink. People lose at their own pace so keep your eyes on your own scale and don’t compare your success with your friends. (I know that is often hard NOT to do- I get it- my husband lost 2x the weight that I did in the first month!).
We can’t wait to hear & SEE YOUR SUCCESS STORY. To learn more about the opportunity and how you can receive fabulous results with Viiva (formally Tavala) Click Here Y
Dave and Joy/ 802-846-7530/