If you like ENERGY WORK- you’ll LOVE TAVALA’s Quantum Relief Strips!
Don’t you just love the feeling of being in ‘balance’? The feeling where you feel light on your feet, breathe with ease and just simply feel like everything is working at its full capacity- like our bodies were intended?
I remember one of the most profound experiences when I had energy work, was with a couple (tag-team approach) – the woman was a medical intuitive and her husband a body worker by trade, who followed her guidance and brought energy to those areas based on her intuition of where I needed ‘energy’ the most.
I was in my 30’s. When I got off the massage table and when I stood up I literally cried. I cried not because I was in pain or discomfort, but because I felt FANTASTIC!!!! I was so out of tune with my body that I didn’t realize how far out of alignment I was until that very moment. Our bodies are meant to be balanced and in alignment, full of energy with zero pain! Is this how YOU are feeling now?
Introducing something profound, created by a South Korean doctor
that can help you! Quantum Relief Strips!
Now imagine that there was a product that one could easily apply to the body, that offers energy….not just any energy, but Quantum Energy, to the places in your body that are most in need of balance and alignment. Imagine, if you will, that wherever you place the Quantum Relief Strip, your body benefits by experiencing
energy to that area, or those areas in need. You may not even know where those places are, but this product does…..
The idea of an energy-driven life force in the body,
or Chi, has been around since the ancient Chinese.
The basic idea is that Chi helps the body with its natural functions – things like blood ow, digestion,
body heat, and your immune system. So in essence, healthy Chi equals healthy body. There are lots of things out there that can hurt your Chi, and thus, your body – things like pain, sickness, and stress. When those inevitable things happen in our lives, Quantum Relief Strips are here to help you heal your chi.
We have an abundant amount of information on the Quantum Relief Strips- how the technology works – why it works, what they consist of and how they are created. email us at info@DaveandJoy.com for more information.
So- are YOU experiencing an imbalance that may be manifesting as pain, discomfort, fatigue or depressed chi? If so, experience the Quantum Relief Strips by TAVALA….. You can purchase the Quantum Relief Strips at www.DaveandJoy.com and they cost less than an hour massage or energy work session …. 28 days vs. 1 day- your choice.
Many therapists, doctors, practitioners, etc. are also carrying the Quantum Relief Strips, also known as QR Strips, in their practice as they help their clients continue the benefits they offer on an ongoing basis.
In addition, athletes also love the Quantum Relief Strips for energy and relief, strength and recovery.
Interested in the Quantum Relief Strips? Order here:
www.DaveandJoy.com or call us and we’ll answer your questions and help you place your initial order. 802-846-7530. Customers and members pay the same low price.
You deserve it.