Thank you, Keli McBride, for sharing yet ANOTHER nugget of nutritional information….today is on GUT HEALTH and how to avoid the FLU. Your information is delivered in a way that is easy to share and also understand.
Keli, your expertise is valuable to all people who are on a personal quest for optimum health. We’re thrilled to have you on our Tavala Team and in our company. The importance of GUT health is so important in overall health.
Keli shares her thoughts on Staying Healthy and the Flu….
in her own words…..
“I think keeping our bodies alert and healthy requires a multi-faceted approach.
80% of what ‘we catch’ (ie. germs, flu etc.) enters through the gut so probiotics are essential. Our gut requires a variety of strains. It’s important that the manufacturing process guarantees stability and potency beyond the date of manufacture. With that being said, their functionality is challenged every single day just given the world and environment we are exposed to.
I believe that Amazon Gold totally compliments the use of probiotics. Our bodies respond better to health challenges when we can support all systems and cellular activity.
Amazon Gold includes nutrients that support our circulatory system, liver function and detoxification (to name just a few areas) which is vital to the body’s ability to rid itself of the debris generated by the immune systems response. Without our best ability to function here, we experience what’s called a toxic overload leading to sluggish activity, fatigue and a weakened immune response. This can lead to states of inflammation and oxidative stress (lots of free radicals in and outside of our cells).
Amazon Gold delivers a crazy amount of powerful antioxidants that can reduce free radical overload that over time causes damage to our DNA. It also includes essential amino acids required for building new and healthy protein structures throughout the body. These protein structures, for the sake of this conversation, include antibodies generated by the immune system. Click here for more information: Tavala’s Amazon Gold.
I guess what I’m wanting to say is that when you keep your gut healthy, manage systemic inflammation, neutralize free radicals, and support all systems of the body, you get optimal performance from the immune system.
Add another product from Tavala: the Weight Loss Protein Shake that is packed with nutrition, including probiotics and digestive enzymes, to support gut health.
So, here’s to getting through flu season with our best foot forward!”
Care to learn more? Reach out to use via phone or email. 802-846-7530 or OR place your order today at:
Dave and Joy/Tavala Global Leaders and Trainers