Results Matter, You Don’t Need to Know Everything about Ketopia for it to Work!

Results Matter, You Don’t Need to Know Everything about Ketopia for it to Work!

A friend and mentor of 20 years sent this to me today and it resonated on so many levels! Perhaps you can relate as well. Michael Angier runs an online company called Success Net. ( BTW, well worth signing up for free to receive his emails if you are into success, inspiration, motivation and business tips!

Results Matter—Pick the Fruit, Don’t Just Study the Root

fruit Michael Angiers blog on results matterA bit of humor and an important point.

A guy goes to see a psychiatrist and says he can’t sleep because he has a fear of monsters under his bed. The man realizes it’s an unreasonable and irrational fear, but he can’t seem to shake it.

The doctor says that it will take some time, but once the man realizes the source of his fear, he’ll be able to overcome his fear of the monsters under the bed.

The man asked how long that would take and the doctor says a year or two of two sessions a week. “And how much do you charge for a session?”

“A hundred dollars”, the doctor replied.

“Well, I’ll have to really think about that”, the man said. “That’s a lot of money.” And he never did return to the psychiatrist.

A year or so later, the doctor runs into the man on the street and asked why he never returned to overcome his fear. “Oh, a bartender fixed that for me for $10.”

“How did he do that?” asked the doctor, with some visible skepticism.

“He told me to saw the legs off my bed,” the man replied.

I think it’s a funny story, and I also think it has a few things to teach us.

Not the least of which is that results matter. And we don’t always have to get to the bottom of something, we just need to fix it.

(IN RELATION TO KETOPIA…..FIX THE PROBLEM – even if you don’t understand how it works!)

It might be helpful to understand how electricity actually works, but we don’t need to in order to employ its power. A basic understanding of our air conditioning system may be useful, but knowing how to operate it and how often it needs servicing is probably enough.

In This Case I am THINKING OF KETOPIA. We don’t need to know everything about how it works in order to receive the benefits and lose weight, how it resets our bodies and burns our body FAT for fuel rather than carbs and sugars. The science is a bit complicated and may be interesting to learn, but not necessary for it to WORK.

What I find interesting is people ask details of the ingredients like an expert, and then go out to lunch, eat food that they don’t know where it came from -how it is prepared- is it organic? GMO free? and then they slurp down a DIET COKE!

its time to set the reset button

I’m a big believer in having a strong enough why for our goals and intentions, but questioning why and how something works or doesn’t work is often counterproductive.

Sometimes, we’re better off “sawing the legs off the bed”.

If you are someone who is interested in KETOPIA and the results that others are getting within a 10-Day Reset…..just TRY the product. Give it a chance. Take a small risk….you may just SAVE money in the process and be surprised that your fat weight does just ‘melt off’.

To place your order today go to or call us!

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