Joy’s 30-Day PURE Testimonial Results

On September 1st, I made the decision to ‘flood’ my body with PURE products for 30 days. On August 31st I had a full bloodwork panel done for a ‘base line’, weighed myself, took my blood pressure and took measurements.
Purposely, I decided to NOT CHANGE ANYTHING other than to ADD PURE PRODUCTS. Everything remained the same. Same activity, same food choices, ‘adult beverage’ choices and did not take MAJIK. (I did take 1 capsule of MAJIK for a couple of days and then decided to see what would happen without a weight loss product added.)
My weight remained the same, however my measurements decreased. -1.5” on the bust/-3” on my waist/ -2” on my hips/ -1” on each thigh. I’m EXCITED! Truly FAT LOSS.

To my (and doctors ) surprise when my blood results came back my POTASSIUM level when I started was dangerously high at 6.6. In fact, It was SO high that they even ordered a retake the following day and an EKG, even though my kidney and liver function was normal. Fortunately, the EKG came back as normal.
Normal Potassium levels are between 3.5-5mmol/L. MINE was 6.6! A couple of days ago on Day 28 of using PURE PRODUCTS I had it retaken, and it was a ‘healthy’ 4.6. 😊 DOWN 2 whole points!

I wish I had taken a before and after picture but didn’t since my focus was HEALTH and I didn’t expect a visual change. It goes to show the importance of taking PHOTOS.

Cleanse, Restore, Rebuild is REAL. Give it a try, especially if you have a health condition you wish to improve. I went into this 30-day ‘test’ feeling healthy and on zero meds. I felt good before but now I feel FANTASTIC.
Today is October 1st and I weighed myself and took measurements and began adding MAJIK.
I will definitely take PHOTOS today and in 30-days, which I wish I had done when I began flooding my body with PURE products. I just wasn’t focused on weight loss and although I covered many basis, with blogging almost daily, taking measurements, keeping a journal and assessing my nutrition, photos simply didn’t enter my mind. Darn.

Month 2: I will continue using many of the PURE products and ADDING MAJIK. I’ll keep you updated.
My goal is to release 6 lbs. in the month of October and I know I can do it, especially with Pure’s MAJIK product that was newly released.
Interested in learning more? Want to FLOOD YOUR BODY with PLANT-BASED Cellular NUTRITION? You’ll FEEL the difference and look different too.
People say I have a ‘glow to me’, although it’s hard to notice. I do have more energy and have slept MUCH better this past month. To learn more go to:
