Are you looking for a way you can earn income from home? A way you can still have a balance in your family life, choose the hours you work and not have to report back to anyone or stamp a time clock? If so, you are not alone. Daily thousands of people both with jobs, and without, are looking for a way to work from the comfort of their homes. Perhaps that is why telecommuting is so popular.
OK, so let’s say you only want to work part-time “What is the best industry or job to work that will make it worth your time and energy? Without question or hesitation I’d say it is the industry of network marketing.
Not familiar with network marketing? Check around- there are lots of great books out there. Check out this book that is written by a woman FOR women.
Do your research. If you are entrepreneurial and self motivated, you’ll find that with network marketing you own your own business, but don’t have the overhead or the start up business costs of a traditional business…. and your income you can earn has no ceiling. You can be in the black your first week!
With careful research and tapping into the industries you LOVE, you can find a great company that will be a good fit. But I caution here- don’t join the first business that is presented to you or better yet, make sure you join a solid company where the timing, the products, the financial backing and the support from ‘team’ will be best for you. This is especially true if you are only wanting to put 5-20 hours a week into your business. Put another way, interview the company as well as the person presenting the opportunity, as if it were a ‘job’ interview.
I got into network marketing when I was a single mom of two children. It made sense to me- seemed easy to share a product I was passionate about with others, and I could easily make $300 a month income, which was my original goal. My first month- to my surprise, I earned enough money to pay my condo mortgage. I was hooked.
If you’re a woman who is currently a stay-at-home mom let’s talk. It is my passion to help other women in this industry. Women are natural ‘networkers’. We love to chat and share with others. Just think of how you found your dentist, doctor, favorite restaurant, heard about your favorite book or went to a recent movie based on a referral. Most likely someone recommended those things to you.
We work with a team of people where we really CARE ABOUT and where we HAVE PASSION for one another and each others success. We have an amazing TEAM CULTURE.
Make sure you find those things in your team if you decide this is the industry for you. Do you enjoy recognition? Travel? Making new friends? Making a difference in peoples health? in their life? Having no limit to your success? If you answered YES to more than 3 of these questions, then this industry could be for you...taking it a step further what we have could be perfect fit for you!
Interested in exploring the possibilities with us? Check out this overview and if any part of it interests you, give us a call. 802-846-7530.
Not sure about calling but have questions. Email us at We are currently in the eastern USA time zone and welcome calls from perspective business partners.
Dave and Joy/Top Global Leaders
Are you looking for a way you can earn money by working from HOME?