Day 5 Joy’s Journey with Ketopia

Day 5 Joy’s Journey with Ketopia

How is it POSSIBLE today is already day 5 using Ketopia? I am already ½ way through my first 10-Day Reset program of Ketopia….and have committed to do 30 days straight. My goal is to lose 20 lbs. in this time frame and I believe I will.

What will be my results at the end of Day 10? Stay tuned…..I WILL compare my Before Picture (yikes), Day 3 and Day 10 pictures and share my weight loss as well as inch loss. As for today, after 4 full days on Ketopia I have lost 4 pounds! They say most people average 1 lb. or 1.5 lbs. per day weight loss. Many drop considerably more in their first 1-5 days, but stabilize off at this slower and steady pace. (I’d be happy with 1 lb. per day!) and yes ladies…prepare for it- men DO tend to lose weight quicker so I’m trying NOT to get upset that Dave has dropped 5 lbs. in 2 days while I have dropped 4 lbs. in 4 days!

To give you a heads up warning…my comparison pictures I will post at Day 10 are of me in a tight black “skort” (skirt with built in shorts) with a jog bra. (Something to look forward to, lol) The pictures are taken in a sideways view- totally relaxed with nothing being held in. I realize I am SO accustomed to holding in my belly that when I actually saw these pictures in a fully relaxed state I cried. I really did!

When I say this I mean it- this is the easiest and simplest program I have EVER BEEN ON IN MY LIFE….and the results are already promising. I encourage everyone who is interested in losing weight and having more energy and mental acuity to give this a minimum of a 10-Day Reset. Don’t wait to see how your friend will do and base your LIFE and HEALTH on their results- that’s silly….give it 10 Days…..and you’ll know! Then you can ALL compare and celebrate your successes together! Ketopia visual now

Today I awoke fully rested with SO much energy and clarity. Could it be that “I have arrived” or as Ron Williams says, crossed the bridge? And that YOU’LL KNOW WHEN YOU ARE THERE? We had two team calls that Dave ran and HE was extremely clear on the calls. Truth be told, during both calls I multi-tasked and cleaned our entire 5 LEVEL ski condo (minus vacuuming as it would’ve made too much noise) AND I did a load of laundry. That is not my typical Saturday morning routine but I had energy to burn…..

And then Dave suggested we play tennis. Honestly, because of HIS energy and clarity I took a SolarStrip and put on half PowerStrips below my belly to give me the added edge of energy and blood flow. It didn’t help my tennis game but we did have a great 30 min. play of tennis until the rain poured down. ( for info on both the PowerStrips and SolarStrips)

This afternoon our granddaughters ages 3 and 7 arrived late afternoon for dinner and the night and as always we had a great time. DSC01229Thanks to feeling full and having no cravings it wasn’t difficult smelling their freshly popped popcorn at movie time or when they had their little sundae cup of ice cream. Normally I eat their left overs or finish the snacks they can’t finish. Not tonight! My goal is by the time I have gone through 20 days on Ketopia I won’t even mind putting on my swimsuit and going to the pool with them. I do it now but I wear what most women consider their friend -“a sari cloth wrap around the waist”. Right ladies?

If you are reading this and wondering if you can do this program-the answer is YES YOU CAN!

We are here to coach you along the way. Both Dave and I have been person trainers and have run many weight loss challenges at gyms as well as city-wide here in Burlington, VT. You get our coaching for FREE. We CARE about your results so come get healthy with us!!! Drop your unwanted pounds….share with your friends and make a ton of NEW friends and a LOT of money by helping others. What a great way to contribute to others lives…. This IS A GREAT BUSINESS…..Join us and our amazing team!!!



Joy Edgerton

Dave DeBerardinis

(802) 846-7530 It’s this easy and this quick!!!!

Day 1 2 3 in JEANS

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