It’s always fun to learn how people initially got into network marketing. This is no exception! Meet Tim and Sally Robinson… we’re glad we did!
“In Their Own Words….”
“In 1986 we received a ‘cold call’ from someone who said on the line that he had a product that would grow hair – Really? I was intrigued as I was forty-ish at the time and needed that product ! (How did he know?)
Believe it or not, that started our journey into Network Marketing with a company called NuSkin. A lot of life is about timing- especially in this industry of network marketing! Many people who came into Nuskin in the late 1980s made millions of dollars. No regrets …but for monies sake, looking back, we should have stayed.
In 1990ish we found another company and built our first big organization into the thousands in our first 13 months. It was exciting. We love people and enjoy helping others reach their goals and dreams.
After that company went down, we dabbled in start ups during the rest of the 1990s. One failure after another. Most start ups are a big waste of time “in our opinion”.
During the early two thousands we stayed away from MLMs and started traditional businesses until 2008 when we found a product we really liked. We’re ‘product people’ so the product has to work or we’re just not interested. We built another organization with a machine that cost more than $4,000. No matter the cost- the product changed lives. In 2008, 2009 and 2010 due to the economy , we could no longer get loans on that machine so for the sake of argument, our business was over.
In 2013 we ran across a 3 year old company that had an amazing product and we also fell in love with the owners of that company. After 3 years and building another large organization it became obvious that this company was not growing. So we left almost 3 years ago.
We weren’t looking to get back in any MLM but after laying low for almost 3 years but then one of the distributors from the last company asked us to take a look at Tavala. Our M.O. is to look at everything and respect everyone. It’s part of our DNA. Anyone who becomes successful in this industry has our very deep respect. We know what they’ve had to go through to get there.
The more we looked, the better we liked what we saw. It’s usually the opposite. It’s usually the more you take apart the puzzle and reassemble the pieces, the worse it gets. There’s always a piece missing. But we couldn’t find any piece missing here. Yes, Tavala was different!
We have no problem saying ‘no’ to any entity where the pieces don’t fit or are missing. The product of
course, the timing, the background of the owners, the heart of the company, the up line and so on.
So many pieces have to fit for us to get involved. We have to look at the whole picture and make our decisions on yes, heart, but also can we build something here? We decided we could. As a matter of fact, we had never see a company like this one where all the pieces fit.
There’s almost always something missing. But not here. A major thing we look at is that we may be able to build something nice for ourselves, but the big question was can everyone…. meaning can the average person on the street do this? Once again, what we found- Tavala was different.
We joined Tavala and are here because we believe anyone can have success with this company !! But like a friend of ours always says (and this friend has made $20 million dollars in this industry) “You gotta wanna!” Tavala made it so easy for us! …. AND we wanna!
Some things that are unique with Tavala: There is No joining fee, No monthly Auto ship ‘required’, Same price for members and customers and we get paid 10% more on customers, Free shipping with monthly subscription (auto ship) orders, 70% payout on the first 3 levels, Uni-level with unlimited width and lifestyle bonuses ranging from $350 – $2000 depending on your rank. There are even BIG bonuses up to 1 Million for those who are looking for the BIG CHECK!
Since joining Tavala we’ve learned that the regular person on the street who’s never done this before can do this … and many people who are experiencing great success with Tavala have never been in the industry before.
The seasoned pros- well, they are growing their teams fast and furious as the products at Tavala are transformational. This is why Tavala is called the Transformation company!
True- no one can see into the future but we believe we’ve found a home….and THIS IS OUR LAST ONE! If you are interested in exploring Tavala, please call us at 805-407-9583 (Sally) or 805-861-6628 (Tim) or email: SallysVision@GMail.Com or Timothy742@GMail.Com We will authentically have a confidential conversation. Ready to join or explore Tavala, visit website: www.Tavala.Biz/TimSallyRob
“In OUR own words”….
Tavala is beginning to attract top leaders in the network marketing industry….and the BEST- the CREAM OF THE CROP, like Tim and Sally Robinson. To say we are excited to have them join our team is a huge understatement….. we are blessed. They are true heart-felt leaders and the “real deal”. If you are looking for a way to generate income from home….500-$5000 or more- reach out to them. You will be supported 100%. AND, in the process- you’ll be joining the BEST team with Tavala.”
Dave and Joy: Global Leaders with Tavala