Are There Any Negative Side Effects With Taking Tavala Trim?

A product called Tavala Trim was introduced in November 2016 and has changed the way people are looking at Weight Management. Perhaps you’ve heard of it too.

Weight Loss excites most people but actually it is Weight Management that is where it is at. Most people can ‘lose weight’ but can they keep it up? Has their metabolism actually boosted for long term success?

One question from Day 1 has come up is: Are there any negative side effects when taking Trim?

There are many POSITIVE side effects: MORE ENERGY, FOCUS, SUPPRESSED APPETITE & CRAVINGS, BOOST IN METABOLISM AND ULTIMATELY WEIGHT LOSS, but the only negative reaction I personally have heard is below.

As of today, the only negative side effect I have had is that SOME people find that the stimulant in the TRIM is too much for their system. I happen to be one of those people. Some people feel nauseous or even sick to their stomach if they begin with a full TRIM on Day 1 and some have even felt like they are on ‘a drug’ with a strong stimulant. (Some have even named a drug that they can relate to that had them feeling like this.) This is especially true for people who have a sensitivity to stimulants. But this is a small group of people! Most drink a full Trim drink of Day 1 and boast on the energy and focus they feel within 15-30 minutes.

We never quite know who these people will be- who may feel ‘weird’ or ‘wired’- but what we have found is that size is not a factor. We have customers who can drink 2-3 Trim a day and weigh less than 120 lbs. and we have people who weigh over 300 lbs. who have to start slow and even to this day, find a full drink to be too much for them. Both groups of people enjoy the TRIM and lose weight. The key is getting past any feeling of ‘wired or weird’. Most people have found with time, even if they were in the “sensitive group”, that their bodies build up to enjoying the boost with time.

3-Day samples are available for those who feel they need to try the product first due to a known sensitivity. A sample costs $9.99 and is available with free shipping at

Even though there is only a small percentage of consumers who are in this ‘above category’ we always tell people on Day 1 to start by mixing a full drink but divide it in half. Drink 1/2 in the morning and if you feel OK then drink the other 1/2 hours later.

On the box there is a note: “If you are sensitive to stimulants, you may want to start with just half of a stick the first two days, then begin with the regular one stick serving from day three on. Cal also be taken with food.”

Some people STILL need to begin with even an 1/8th or 1/4 of a Trim drink until they build up the Pea (which is natural occurring) in their body.

For those who have stuck with this and are committed to using the TRIM, despite feeling ‘not so great’ or even ‘odd’ in the beginning, most are thrilled with their eventual results and most of those people have gone on to lose their desired weight and now are coaching others as well. They would urge people to not give up, just start slow.

Others, like myself, find adding the TRIM to my Tavala Weight Loss Protein Shake helps the feeling of ‘too much stimulant’.

All of this information was important for ME to hear because as I said, I am someone who always has to alter ANYTHING I consume that has a stimulant in it. (coffee past noon and I am up well into the night!) My body is very sensitive. In the beginning I was over stimulated and yes I ‘felt a bit weird’ so I stopped taking the TRIM for awhile (which bothered ME as I wanted the great results that my customers and team were getting) and then I gradually began taking the TRIM again.

Now I am not saying that I have all the answers with regards to TRIM, I do not. There may be other negative side effects that others have experienced (and if so, please feel free to share with us) but this is the only one I have heard since TRIM was introduced… and we have assisted thousands of people with TRIM since we joined Tavala December 2016.

Other than the jokes that TRIM kept someone had so much energy that their house is now ulta-clean (ceilings and walls too!) or that they got more errands and chores done in 1 day than usually takes 3-4…but those are ‘fun side effects’.

Obviously it makes sense to ask your physician if it is OK to add TRIM if you have any questions about your medication you are on or your current state of health.

Trim comes in a drink (add powder to water) and also comes in capsule form. The cost is only $69.99 for a 28-day supply.

To learn more about the synergy of ingredients in the TRIM and how they work read the article below. This is a great article written on the Science of PEA. I encourage you to read it to understand one significant ingredient of our Trim product.

We’d love to hear from you. 802-846-7530 or email

Dave and Joy/Global Leaders with Tavala




Quantum Relief Strips Testimonials

Have you heard of the Quantum Relief Strips? If not, let this enlighten you to the value of the “Quantum Relief Strips for overall health”! I have literally hundreds of testimonials and have included several below that I recently received by email.

The Quantum Relief Strips are Dr. Min Soo Kim’s LATEST version of Strip that brings energy to the body!

Put them where it hurts…. or where you want positive energy.



“I had a frozen shoulder and couldn’t raise it above my head for over a year. It was painful. I always sensed it was blocked energy but how do you prove that? However, I proved it. my husband put a Quantum Strip on my ‘trap area’ and I woke up the next day and my range of motion was 100% better. I’m a believer and so is my physical therapist”. D.E.

“I accidentally slammed my finger in the door and my nail broke from the nail bed. It was the most painful thing I ever felt. I placed a band aid around it. Then I cut my Quantum Relief Strip to the size of my finger and placed it around my finger and in less than 5 minutes, I got relief. Thanks, Tavala.” M.F.

“From a chiropractor I recently shared the Quantum Relief Strips with- uhm…. I can dorsiflex my toe for the first time in years. need to learn more. I’m shocked.”. R.S.

“I placed a small strip on my hand and knee – I felt a bruise coming on as I had fell the other day. I am an arts educator constantly dancing constantly moving no matter what kind of discomfort I have! I wore the strips for two days and I am feeling so much better! My knee feels amazing! My hand is still a little sore to the touch! Dance and injuries are pretty much a given this product can change that!” D.W.

“I have a happy hip! I unfortunately suffer from occasional sciatic pain. Since a friend gave me samples of the Quantum Relief Strips I put a strip on my hip, on Saturday afternoon, it has been so comfy! I would love one extra-large strip to put from hip to hip!” A.B.

“Never did I think I would be writing a testimony of this kind. On the weekend I had a terrible flu, body aches, fever, vomiting, sore throat, cold chills & feeling very Lethargic, I ended up in the ER for fluids due to dehydration. But last night at one point it felt like something was hanging in my throat after I swallowed, it was driving me crazy, I started to have a panic attack. I drank some lemon tea, sprayed some chloroseptic in my throat & sucked on cough drops. NO relief. So I decided to take a piece of QRS and place it on the outside of my throat. OMG!!! I was so shocked, not only did the feeling go away, I started to feel moisture in my throat that I was able to swallow. I believed it was dried mucus on my airway and the QRS responded not only as an expectorant, but also an analgesic I fell asleep. THANKS QRS” Z.S.F.

“I used the Quantum Relief Strips at the first sign of childbirth labor and the pain- especially in my back- subsided dramatically. It was my second baby and the baby came fast but the pain was greatly reduced due to the strips. My mid-wives were so impressed they want to have the QR Strips available for all childbirth clients.” B.G.

The Quantum Relief Strips bring positive energy to the body. Each strip lasts 48 hours and adheres to the skin so can be used on all body parts. Here are ideas on where you can place the strip to benefit your body.

Balance your Chakras and Chi naturally with the QR Strips.

I’d love to share a full document on the Quantum Relief Strips and have a PDF file on how and why the Quantum Relief Strips work. Email us and we’ll share with you. or call 802-846-7530.

I also did a You Tube Video A-Z talking about ways the strips helped people in over 50 ways.

If you LOVE natural products you’ll want to try the Quantum Relief Strips. The cost in the USA is only $54.99 for a month supply which is less money than an hour massage. WOW!

We’d love to hear from you. Want to have a flourishing business sharing the Quantum Relief Strips and sharing Tavala?

Dave and Joy
