Day 16 Joy’s Journey with Ketopia

Day 16 Joy’s Journey with Ketopia

Do you believe “Slow and Steady Wins the Race”?

In terms of losing weight and reaching your goal size I DO believe it is those who change their eating and lifestyle habits that actually do reach their weight loss goals AND stay there! but….what if it is a SLOW PROCESS? Do you ever want to give up? I’m human….If my goal wasn’t etched so deep in my soul- I would want to give up sometimes… And this is where vision and a strong desire win!!!

turtle Today I dropped 1/10th of a pound. Are you kidding? 1/10th?? and yesterday only a 4/10th of a pound. I got discouraged for a moment and then got realistic- it didn’t take me 2 weeks to gain 20 pounds, why would I expect to lose it that quickly???

…..and then I put on a pair of pants that were snug only 15 days ago and smiled. Here are my results in my first 10 Days.Joy Day 1-10KETOPIA WORKS!

I do have to say that it is truly amazing that some people are dropping 5-10 lbs. in their first 5 days OR MORE- and that the average person across the board, using Ketopia, are losing an average of 1 pound a day. When Ketopia first came out the average weight loss was 1-1.5 lbs. a day but now as people are continuing a 2nd or 3rd 10-Day Reset I believe it is averaging out to 1 pound a day. THAT IS FANTASTIC!



joy9 Back when I was 16 year old I went to Weight Watchers with my mother. It was fun having my mother be my ‘BUDDY’ and to this day we laugh about some of our meals and experiences. I didn’t eat ANYTHING that was not ‘on the program’ for 6 weeks. Not a crumb. It was my first diet pound at a time

I remember weighing myself once a week AT THE MEETING (never in between) and some weeks I dropped 1 pound, sometimes only 1/4 pound for the whole week, and for me -rarely more than 3 pounds a week. Slow and Steady!!!!

BUT… the end of 6 weeks I had dropped 16 pounds and at least 2-3 sizes of clothes. Slow and Steady Won That Race…..and I kept that weight off with relative ease…due to establishing healthy habits, until my freshman year in college!!!! (who remembers the freshmen 10!?)

Those for all of us using KETOPIA, let’s realize that we will all drop weight/inches at our own pace. Women generally lose weight slower then men….and people with a lot of weight to lose will drop quicker than those who have less to lose.

We are as individual as each snowflake. Enjoy the Journey….. Make sure you begin to envision yourself reaching your goals. “What we Believe we can Achieve!”

How to Really Lose Weight Ketopia Works. It is scientifically proven. It is safe. It addresses FAT LOSS by putting your body into a healthy and natural state of Ketosis. The 3 products, KetonX, Dough bites and FIXX are nutritionally balanced to perfection and they taste great. The Ketopia program helps reduce CRAVINGS, especially for sugars and also give you more ENERGY and MENTAL CLARITY. When your body is burning FAT for Fuel you have 225% more Energy for daily function.

Are you ready to shift YOUR LIFE? Try Ketopia….whether it is to drop 10, 20, 60 or 100 lbs. or just to lean out your body composition experience for yourself what a 10-Day Reset feels like.

Oh….did we tell you that you can become a member like us and get Ketopia at wholesale? and that you can make a ton of money helping your friends and family get healthier and lose weight? Join the Ketopia Journey!


Joy & Dave




Are you tired of dieting and yet know that you WANT TO and HAVE TO lose weight for your self-esteem and also your health? not on a diet

Well, wait no more! There is a solution and it’s available now! KETOPIA!!!!!

I know people are disillusioned with DIETS….I was too. Like many others I’ve been on way too many diets to count….and other than being dedicated to exercise/weight training and being a FOOD NAZI, few things worked.

There are only 2 times I recall being in a healthy state of Ketosis- meaning actually burning my stored FAT for fuel. 1) before a Body Building Competition at age 30 (long time ago) and 2) when we did P90X. (pushed play for 90 days at age 54!!!) Both took a lot of work….a long time to ARRIVE and then STAY in Ketosis and FEW people would have that kind of dedication. Hey to be frank, I wouldn’t now either.

The good news is NOW there is a 10-Day Reset Program called KETOPIA that WORKS and delivers results QUICKLY! And I’ll coach you for FREE!



Many people- even after reading the science behind Ketopia and Ketosis AND even seeing before and after pictures are skeptical- and I get it, with all the CRAP on the market promising unrealistic results…and some are downright unhealthy and cost hundreds -if not thousands of dollars -for their on-going program….I do get it! but..the fact remains… is true….

There IS SUCH A PRODUCT and it is called KETOPIA…. and the ONLY WAY YOU’LL know is to experience it first hand!!!! “You’ll KNOW WHEN YOU’RE THERE!” Give us 10 Days!

Email us at or call 802-846-7530. I’m VERY passionate about helping people lose weight / fat and reaching their healthy natural body weight. In fact, this is why I became a Personal Trainer and Life Coach in my late 40’s.

BACK SHOTcropped This is a picture of my back at age 54 after P90X! once again… it took 90 Days to get my body in a natural state of Ketosis where I was effectively burning body FAT for fuel. Hard work, but it worked!

To the right, is a picture of me at age 30. Body Building Competition. My first experience of burning body FAT for fuel and it was a tremendous

Do I have the discipline or interest to do either of these again? Heck no, but I do want to reach my healthy weight and have optimal health…which is why KETOPIA is so exciting to me. and YOU can reach your goals too! We can be on this journey together.

The Solution is here…..


5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy & Dave


Go to to place YOUR order of Ketopia. Simply click on LOCATION, then click on Ketopia and click JOIN for wholesale or SHOP to purchase retail.We’ll help you decide the BEST way to begin so you can reach YOUR goals in the shortest period of time.