What are the Ingredients in the Quantum Relief Strips from Tavala?

What are the Ingredients in the

Quantum Relief Strips from Tavala?

To say I am excited is an understatement. Tavala recently released a new game-changer in the WELLNESS MARKET! Quantum Relief Strips.

More and more people are understanding that EVERYTHING is ENERGY! Now there is a product to support POSITIVE ENERGY in our bodies on a daily basis.

What are Quantum Relief Strips?

Quantum Relief Strips bring energy to the body where the strip is applied, and these strips balance
the energy in the body and relieves negative energy. These silk strips contain no ingredients other than Quantum Energy, so there are no unpleasant smells or odors to deal with.

The Quantum Relief Strips are developed by a renowned doctor in Korea, and these exclusive and patented strips are to be applied to the area where Quantum Relief is wanted. The “QR Strips” (as I often call them) balance the energy in that area, and are effective for two days.

So, what makes the Strips so magical and effective? What is IN/ON the Quantum Relief Strips?

Active Ingredients: Quantum Energy, Ginger, Tourmaline
Inactive Ingredients: Silk, Adhesive
Recommended for adults 18+ years old.

(As a parent or grandparent, we get to choose if we feel these are right for the younger family members.)

Directions for use:

Apply the Quantum Relief Strip to area where Quantum Relief is wanted.
Each Strip is effective for two days.

To summarize, The Benefits of the Quantum Relief Strips:

  • Balance Energy
  • Brings Energy to problem areas
  • Relieves Negative Energy
  • Works with the Body’s CHI
  • Made of Energized Silk Strips

The human body is made up of a series of electrical impulses. Everything we do, every word we hear, every movement we make, has an electrical signal and energy associated with it.
Quantum Relief Strips are a method of natural energy that works with the chi in the body to
promote optimal wellness. Once you experience it, you’ll know that Quantum Relief Strips, by Tavala, are what you’ve been waiting for.

The cost of the Quantum Relief Strips are only $69.99 for members & customers! There are several size packs available. Tavala offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all their products, including the Quantum Relief Strips.

ORDER HERE: www.DaveandJoy.com

We are actively looking for people who UNDERSTAND & are passionate about this product and want to build an international organization.

Please call us today to see if this opportunity is right for you! 802-846-7530

Dave and Joy 802-846-7530 info@DaveandJoy.com www.DaveandJoy.com



What are Quantum Relief Strips ???? (Dr. Min Soo Kim’s Latest Version)

Quantum Relief Strips

More and more people are interested and knowledgeable on natural ways to enhance the health of our bodies. Whereas years ago, some people thought Reiki, Tai Chi, Energy Work, Qi Gong, or even Massage, were “out there” … whereas today, many of those same people are now looking for natural approaches to wellness.

Welcome to our Wellness Revolution! Welcome to Quantum Relief Strips.

What are Quantum Relief Strips?

Quantum Relief Strips are a topical strip that uses a method of natural healing that works with the chi in the body to promote optimal wellness.

How do I use the strips?

Simply peel away the clear plastic liner from the strip, and apply the sticky side down to the area where Quantum relief is wanted. You may cut the strips as needed, and apply them to areas that can benefit.


Natural energy relief may take time and is different for every person. You may notice ‘relief’ within minutes, hours, days or even longer. Allow your body to benefit by being patient. I know, we live in a microwave society and want IMMEDIATE ‘everything’. Ever notice someone who is even impatient standing in front of a microwave and tapping their foot saying “hurry up”?

For best results apply above or below the joint, so they adhere with movement. For ideas on where to place the Quantum Relief Strips see the diagrams for suggestions for application/location.

How long will the strips last?

Each Strip is effective for 2 days.

Can the Quantum Relief Strips get wet?

Our suggestion is to keep them as dry as you can HOWEVER, we have worn our strips for 2 days, through showers and they still adhere and offer benefit.

As with any new product, please use as directed and see what works best for you.

We want your testimonials so please submit them to us at info@DaveandJoy.com and in the subject line for say “MY Quantum Relief Strips Testimonial”.

To place your order for the Quantum Relief Strips go to www.DaveandJoy.com or call us at 802-846-7530.

Dave and Joy/Global Leaders and Trainers with Tavala/ViiVa





Neuroplasticity Coaching

Neuroplasticity is an umbrella term referring to the ability of your brain to reorganize itself, both physically and functionally, throughout your life due to your environment, behavior, thinking, and emotions.

A Neuroplasticity Coach is someone who listens and guides you through consciously identifying desired results and then building and applying a methodology designed to re-wire your brain to receive a chosen result. Most people receive the default results over and over. You can change how you process and you can receive the results you want!

Your brain has the ability to re-wire itself. In fact, it’s being doing that since you were born. Years past, science believed that once you reached the age of adulthood, your brain stopped rewiring itself. The latest science has been proving what many have written about for at least 100 years, that the brain is an ever evolving, highly malleable instrument that you can choose, direct, implant and build new neuro pathways or as Maxwell Maltz in his best seller Pyscho-Cybernetics described as a new self-image.

Over 30 years ago I experienced a rapid increase in income by applying the principles of Neuroplasticity I learned in the early 1980’s. I went from struggling in a business to earning over $10,000 per month and got there in 60 days. 10 years later I used these same principles to identify a market, find a business partner and raised over 1.25 million in lines of credit to start and run the business. This all happened within 90 days of starting the re-wiring process.

I have see the results for myself and yes, Neuroplasticity works and it can work for you too.

Can anyone learn and benefit from applying Neuroplasticity? Yes.

The basic process:

  1. Choose a new result in any arena of your life
  2. Build a new model for your brain to process
  3. Implant this new pattern and image daily
  4. Act as if it’s already present. (Do the thing and you’ll have the power to do the thing. ~ Emerson)

I’ve been coaching others for 30 years in these methods and practices to literally change their results by changing the “neuro” wiring of their brain. 30 years ago the term, Neuroplasticity, wasn’t used in most circles, but self image, re patterning, and other terms coined by Maxwell Maltz who authored Pyscho-Cybernetics was.

How has this process been accepted by the world? Many professional coaches since the early 1960’s have used Neuro programing to elevate the game and results of neuroplasticityathletes including the legendary coach Vince Lombardi of the Green Bay Packers. I first heard of the Russian Olympic teams using a form of rewiring in the late 60’s. The Golden Bear, Jack Nicklaus has consistently used a mindset coach to visualize each golf shot he takes on the course. Even allowing this visualization he goes thru before each shot to choose the club he will actually use to hit the ball.

Since then, professionals in every category, top producers and those striving to be a top producers use Neuroplasticity and Neuroplasticity coaches to reach and maintain their success. Who uses coaches today? Attorneys, executives, sales people, network marketers, entrepreneurs, teachers, athletes, students, etc. Anyone who desires to up their game and receive the results they want.

You can be a high performer too! If you happen to be telling yourself…. “no, that probably will not work for me” understand that it is a mindset and a pattern that is currently HOLDING you back.

Why a Coach?

I absolutely love working with people, listening to who you are, teaching, inspiring and transferring the understanding of you can make a shift and we together can make it faster and with more depth for you!

For a brief overview and look into what could be the starting point for you… set up a free 20-30 minute “Get to know the process” and see what a new pattern can do for you. Access my calendar here



How would you spend a Monthly Residual check?

How to create a monthly residual check

A check that is
And one that is creating an Asset Income for you and your family
Asset defined: property owned by a person, as having value and available to meet debts, commitments, or legacies.

Join our Training for the next 2 Monday nights as we cover

“The Four Career”
How to make your dreams of Fun and Financial Freedom come true

or not….

The Four Year Career

Watch to overview video here

Webinar Monday, August 15, 2016 8 PM ET – www.OurIncomeSecret.com

Chapters 1 thru 3
A Four Year Career vs. a Forty Year Career?
Why Network Marketing?
Network Marketing Myths

To get the most out of the webinar, read the material thru at least once!

Want a Free Digital copy of the book “The Four Year Career” ?
email me at david.deberardinis@gmail.com

Till Monday Night!


Dave & Joy






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Join FGXpress

Join FGXpress

Join the most authentic organization on the planet!

We got tired of all the hype in network marketing….. and just because some people do it, many newbies and some oldies think that by shouting as loud as you can from what ever platform you can find, works! It doesn’t.

If like attracts like and you are shouting be a millionaire (and you’re not) and join FGXpress, who will you attract? most certainly others who beat their chest and shout without results.

What if…… you gave first? What if you had a program that offered hope and food to starving children when people purchased our truly amazing products? Can you imagine how the conversation would change? Can you imagine the level of authentic new business partners would emerge? If you had a choice to buy Ketopia or Powerstrips from a team that contributed up to 10% to feeding starving children from your purchase wouldn’t that shift the energy? Do you think others might love that feeling too?

Logo Clear

We decided to do just that on our team. Team Impact 2020, What’s your vision?

Joining is easy! Making the decision to join the right team, just got easier.

Feed Children, Make a difference, create income, … Life is good!

I mention www.Feed5.org in the video. If you resonate with contribution while building your FGXpress business, we should talk!

Dave & Joy

Email: Feed5.org@gmail.com
Phone: 802-846-7530 (Eastern time zone USA)
Feed5: www.Feed5.org






Creating a change on the planet starts with you.


Join FGXpress

Join FGXpress

Join FGXpress

Join FGXpress

Join FGXpress


How will FGX KetoBooster help me?

How will FGX KetoBooster help me?

Keto BoosterThe brand new KetoBooster is one of the HOTTEST products being launched from FGXpress…. the leaders in both a Patented 10-Day Program (called the 10-Day Reset) as well as 7-Day program- (called the 7 Day Bridge). The KETOBOOSTER is a spray to support your body being in nutritional ketosis throughout the day.

Now anyone can access exogenous ketones any time day or night! Once you’re in ketosis, a few sprays of KetoBooster under the tongue each day will help keep you there. With a convenient and patented delivery system featuring cutting edge micronized technologies, KetoBooster provides both BHB andMCT oils for a perfect and instant keto-enhancing boost, anytime or anywhere. Ketones are for every body, everyday!

Being in Nutritional ketosis is much more than just the sizzle of WEIGHT LOSS (and by weight I mean, FAT LOSS) – people of all ages are embracing a keto lifestyle to support their health goals as well. The KetoBooster is one more ‘tool’ to help keep you in nutritional ketosis.benefits of being in Ketosis



This is what happened to my husband Dave using Ketopia and embracing a keto friendly lifestyle.

A pic Day 1 and 60 JOY

The average person drops 8-12 lbs. of FAT in their first 10 days! Some more, some less. I dropped 7!

This is what happened to ME after 2 Ketopia resets!

25x25 www.KetoPerfect.com

Interested in getting and STAYING in nutritional Ketosis? Give us a call. 802-846-7530

Joy & Dave info@fgxnow.com

We’ll coach you for FREE!


Menopause HOT FLASH Relief with PowerStrips and FrequenSea?

Menopause HOT FLASH Relief with PowerStrips and FrequenSea? hotflashes

A friend asked me today if I had any advice on PRODUCTS to HELP WITH MENOPAUSE OR HOT FLASHES. Since I have heard this question many times I thought I’d share my experiences here in hopes that it will assist others.
WHAT CAN HELP? or should I ask?

Several things come to mind.

FREQUENSEA…..I have many testimonials from years ago when I was in peri-menopause and women told me that they got tremendous relief consuming just 1 ounce of FrequenSea daily….as this product truly does balance both the PHYSICAL and the EMOTIONAL body! FrequenSea is a flagship product, which became available through ForeverGreen International August 2005. (side bar note: Now people can buy 4 bottles of FrequenSea in the Farmer’s Market for much less cost than what it used to cost due to ForeverGreen and FGXpress merging fall of 2014) Check out www.JoysFavorites.com Click on this link to learn about FrequenSea, with marine phtyoplankton.

Next- without question, are the POWERSTRIPS!

I began wearing a PowerStrip or ½ strip below my belly back in 2013….smack in the middle of my hot flashes and discomfort, which included night sweats! I don’t know when my hot flashes went away but about 2 months into using them on a regular basis and after several women telling me they no longer had hot-flashes I realized I didn’t either!!!! When something uncomfortable goes away we often don’t give it a thought….. Power Strips
When I realized it was the POWERSTRIPS I began sharing with other woman and we all noticed it helped OR eliminated our hot-flash symptoms! I then googled natural remedies for hot-flashes and some of the ingredients they mention are IN the PowerStrips- most likely due to the Marine Phytoplankton. UNIQUE, SAFE and EASY TO USE, check them out if you are experiencing any pain or discomfort.

To learn more about PowerStrips go to www.fgxnow.com

What ARE POWERSTRIPS & How do they work?

PowerStrips are a Class 1 medical device uniquely designed to provide temporary relief of minor aches and pains. Featuring a fusion of modern technology and ancient energies, PowerStrips provide effective pain-relieving results to areas of the body that are in need of a little extra love. (IN THIS CASE- EXTRA LOVE MENOPAUSE symptoms, like brain fog, restless sleep and hot flashes. etc.)


POWERSTRIPS give your body the extra love it needs by making PowerStrips the daily solution to your pain-management needs.PowerStrips provide temporary relief of pains associated with sore muscles,achy joints,common back and body aches,stiffness and inflammation.


Nature elements such as germanium, marine phytoplankton and red ginseng go into the making of PowerStrips to help provide optimum temporary relief of your common ailments. An all-natural adhesive layer also makes PowerStrips safe for daily use.
To learn more please visit www.fgxnow.com
Joy Edgerton, Dave DeBarardinis
802-846-7530 H