Why is Leadership Important? (Analogy using a STRING)

Leadership Analogy using a Red STRING…

What is Leadership and Why is Leadership Important?

Leadership can be described as the process or art of influencing people’s behaviors, thoughts and attitude. Effective leadership makes people feel like they have a say in how things are done. Leadership entails inspiring people to effectively, efficiently and willingly complete any tasks assigned to them, often inadvertently leading to higher levels of productivity and job satisfaction.

How does it apply to Network Marketing?

Proper leadership in Network Marketing sets a clear vision and effectively communicates it to the team, providing them with a clear understanding of the team and company direction. Good leadership also fosters effective planning (and duplication) which is important when it comes to meeting individual and team goals. Effective leadership improves member and customer relations and more closely aligns the team and individual objectives. In the absence of strong leadership, an organization may experience slow growth, or stall completely, and eventually lose its momentum and direction. Who you JOIN with and whose team you are on in the industry of Network Marketing IS important!

Leadership is about LEADING FROM THE FRONT not by PUSHING from behind! Step into Leadership by taking action. Check this out:

Dave and I pride ourselves in being strong leaders and thus ATTRACTING Leaders and also CREATING Leaders. If you are looking for an opportunity where you can step into and thrive in a leadership role, and earn an income that rewards you at a high executive level, give us a call. 802-846-7530. We have leadership positions available with TAVALA now! info@DaveandJoy.com

Dave and Joy





Is Tavala TRIM good for Athletes?

Is Tavala TRIM good for Athletes?

As an athlete and former competitive body builder back in the late 1980’s I bring my personal opinion to this topic….Is Tavala Trim good for Athletes? I also asked current athletes this question. As for me, I would have LOVED to have the product TRIM available when I was extremely active and working out daily, shedding body fat in order to compete in the Vermont State Body Building Competition years ago. I also know all my active and athletic friends would have as well! Every Athlete I know wants to have a competitive edge and they often spend hundreds of dollars or more on supplementation and nutrition to reach their goals.

Tavala Trim is a Brand New Breakthrough in Weight Management and Launched November, 2016!

I’m not going to TOUCH the topic of nutrition for athletes as it is so varied between a high fat diet (LA Lakers call it their BUTTER AND BACON DIET) or a higher carbohydrate, lower fat approach but one thing I do know is taking a product for ENERGY, improved recovery, and weight loss without sacrificing muscle IS important and what active people, competitive or not, want.


TAVALA TRIM is a new breakthrough in weight loss supplementation that boosts the metabolism, suppresses cravings and appetite, gives ENERGY and FOCUS and helps lose weight. I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t want those benefits, athlete or not….unless they do not need to drop weight!

To the right is a picture of me at 8.5% body fat back in 1987- a goal I decided to pursue once turning 30 years old. With 2 young children at home, I dedicated myself to this goal seriously for 12 weeks.

Today, I have friends who are both recreational athletes and competitive athletes (runners, body builders, tennis players, Zumba instructors, etc.) that I have introduced the TRIM to and they are RAVING about their results….. It is FUN when they call ME to share their results. We want to hear YOUR results too!

TRIM Testimonial From our Friend Patrick

“I have never taken anything like this in my life. I had gone a week without my Moringa capsules when it arrived. I play tennis a lot and have been feeling lethargic and tired after an evening’s play. My muscles would ache until the following morning. My play was also very poor because I was not able to move and hit the ball how I wanted to. Then came the product and boy was there a change! My energy level went waaaay up! My game got so much better and the aches and pains were gone, even after playing for 2.5 hours – straight.

There is absolutely a difference and a huge one too! I am definitely on-board and will make my order soon.” P.G.

Below is MY personal testimonial on TRIM…. but don’t take my word for it, buy YOUR 28-day supply of TRIM today! The cost of a 28-Day supply is only $64.99. Call us at 802-846-7530 or shop at www.DaveandJoy.com


Dave and Joy





Are you Looking for a New Networking Opportunity and Team?

Are you Looking for a New Networking Opportunity and Team?

Work with Dave and Joy: Play with Dave and Joy

I have a couple of sayings that I live by and one is “I’ll walk through any OPEN DOORS” and the other is “I ask God, The Universe, to make things CEO, Clear, Easy and Obvious so I can’t possibly miss a sign or opportunity that will enhance my life.”

  1. I’ll walk through any OPEN DOORS: When things are beneficial in life they have an EASE about them. How many times have you tried to make things happen- over and over again and no matter what, it is a struggle and simply does not work out? THEN you have the OPPOSITE happen, call it contrast, where you try something and it works with such EASE that you know it was meant for your higher good! In fact, many times the “DOOR” has flung wide open before even getting to the actual door! WALK THROUGH IT WITH CONFIDENCE! You are on the right track.
  2. CEO, Clear Easy and Obvious. All of us have opportunities that pass by us each and every day. Signs, ‘signals’ from the Universe and if we listen to that little voice inside, called INTUITION, we’ll be directed. The problem is so many days we are inundated with so much stimulus and activity in the world, that the perfect opportunity may come TO US, and yet we either ignore or or simply do not even see it. CEO=asking God/or The Universe, to make it so CLEAR, EASY and OBVIOUS that you can’t POSSIBLY MISS IT. Say that out loud and watch what shows up!!!!

Recently we were at a cross road in our lives, especially around business – direction, abundance, passion, growth, company, etc. We had this very conversation that I write about above and literally within a day or asking for things to be CEO and PROMISING to walk through any door that opened up, we received an email -followed by a phone call that literally has changed- and enhanced our lives in so many ways. Had we NOT been open to the ‘knock on the door ‘ we would not be experiencing the JOY and business growth and fast growing TEAM that we are now experiencing.

We work hard and are dedicated to our business and career, but we also have balance and enjoy having FUN with what we do. We are creating a team with others who are SELF-MOTIVATED, possess Drive and Integrity and with people who want to enhance their lives as well as the lives of others. If you are looking for CHANGE in your life and are open to Network Marketing, let’s chat. Let’s see if what WE are doing is a good fit for what you are looking for in your life. Before you do, try the above suggestions, get quiet within and clear on what you want. Ask for guidance, and trust what shows up. Also rather than jumping into something that is not in total alignment with what you want or with who you want to work with, have a serious conversation to see if you get a clear feeling and the answer YES!

Many people join Network Marketing companies without ‘interviewing’ their potential up line success line….in this case, that would be us. We believe it is a crucial step in making the best decision for YOU. It is a relationship that we believe is worth exploring seriously…. unless of course, this is just a hobby for you and not a career move. Give us a call and let’s explore together to see if this is a mutual fit for both!

A Plug on some Great Reasons to Join Our Team!

  • Team Business Call every Monday Night- Opportunity Overview
  • Team Training Call Wednesday before weekly Corporate Call
  • Saturdays Getting Started Training
  • Facebook Groups for both Customers and Leaders
  • Upline Leader Support- We are 100% dedicated and work this full time.
  • 3 Way Call Availability to all on the team
  • Team Training Site- Team Exclusive to our Team
  • Team Education Site- Exclusive to our Team
  • With our Team you are not just a NUMBER, You are a Member of the Team. We match your efforts and help you each step of the way!

Dave and Joy





Thinking of Changing MLM Companies?

Thinking of Changing MLM Companies?

I was speaking with a friend the other day and we were talking about our experience of leaving a network marketing company that we once loved, but one that was no longer serving our goals in life or our finances like it once had.

He had left a company after being with them for over 22 years- one where he had earned over $3 Million dollars. I could relate as we had recently resigned from a company I had been with for over 10 years. We both decided to WALK AWAY from the monthly check… breaking ties in order to be authentic in our conversations with friends who were looking to join our new companies or opportunity.

What neither of us expected was that leaving a company we once loved on so many levels, from the corporate staff, the team, the product, the friendships, trips etc. was like a divorce. It hurt. But sometimes you have to do what is best for YOU and your families, your peace of mind. What did pleasantly surprise both of us is that many- if not most people remained friends no matter what we did or where we went. These people were true friends…not just by being affiliated with the same MLM company. Dave and I call them our HOT TUB FRIENDS, people we enjoy spending time with – enough that we’d be in a hot tub together with an adult beverage in hand and simply have FUN.

Then there were the so-called friends who as soon as you change companies, UNFRIEND you on Facebook, or talk bad about our decisions for our lives. They are upset and say it is not fair that you are leaving the company, while they choose to stay there. I just don’t get it. Real friends want what is best for you and your family- right???? Imagine being a waiter at a restaurant and you could earn 3x the money being a waiter at another restaurant. People would wish you well and say you made a great decision for your life, right? or another analogy is a car sales man who changes the dealership because it is a better financial opportunity for him and his family, and besides, he enjoys selling that new brand of automobile over the one at his past dealership. It’d be silly to talk bad about them for their decision, right? So I don’t quite get it why network marketing is any different.

My point here is to to do what is best for you.

Sometimes you just have to follow your inner guidance and JUST DO IT! Follow your intuitive self- the one that guides you to what is best for you in your life. The direction….EVEN if it is more difficult that staying in the status quo or familiarity.

Do the Thing – Just Do It- HAVE THE COURAGE to move in the direction of your dreams.

I found this brief video clip motivational and hope you do too. So whatever change you may be looking at in your life, if it supports your goals and dreams go for it.

If you are at the Cross Roads in your MLM Career and are pondering changing companies or exploring what else may be able to support your goals and dreams give us a call. (802-846-7530)

What is the right company for you? How can you get started? How will you know?

Dave and I are both coaches. I am more a transformational Life Coach on topics like LifeStyle, Health, Fitness, Changes in Life and Dave’s strength is more Business Coaching and Inspirational / Motivational Coaching.

However we can support you, give us a call to see if what WE are doing with ViiVa may be the right fit for what you are looking for in your life. You will be totally honored in the process….AND I promise, it will be a fun exploration.

We can’t wait to speak with you.

Dave and Joy




www.NewRulesForWealth.com Things have changed. Times have changed! Check out this site as well as the 21-Day MLM Challenge.


Tavala- Can I Make Money with Tavala?

Tavala- Can I Make Money with Tavala?

Dave and I were not actively looking for a new MLM opportunity but we were stymied with the company we were working with (Checks -and size of our team-were dwindling and not growing) and we made a DECISION that we’d be open to a solid business solution if it showed up.

KEY: Be open to walk through open doors OR at least answer the knock at the door!

Then……. we got a call from a friend who reached out to us to see if we’d like to:

  • Try a free 7-day sample of their flagship product- Tavala Trim
  • Be open to taking a look at their new company

Tavala came together with an Executive Team – 2 whom we have worked with before, that has decades of experience in business and the direct sales industry. This group saw a big opportunity in a problem that is seen too often among network marketing companies.

The problem with many direct sales companies is having to sell overpriced products that don’t fill a real need for the end consumer. They struggle to make great products that have an appeal (aside from commission) to both member and their subscriber. Check out the Tavala Compensation Plan below to see how Tavala is different.

Tavala believed there could be a better way to do business…a better and unique way to participate in a direct sales company today. If you are looking for an opportunity that offers a different VIBE, Compensation Plan, Opportunity that is Vemma Compliant (for long term success) and that you can build quickly and be a leader NOW, then we’d love to chat to see if Tavala is the right fit for you.

We know all about loyalty and falling in love with a culture of the company and the friendships you make. But do not let that blur your vision of what is right for you and your future financial goals and dreams.

We are building a solid team and looking for leaders who also want to lead. Come join in on a conversation that could change the course of your life. HUGE opportunity for the right leaders!!!

Several on our team who are quickly becoming leaders with Tavala had sworn off this industry and gone back to traditional jobs to support their family…but they knew there was a better way….and it is called Residual Income….now they have HOPE again and see that Tavala is different that most MLMs out there. Come and explore for yourselves. Call us today today to set up a phone interview or Skype/Zoom for ‘up close and personal’. 802-846-7530.

We’ll give you a peek behind the scenes with all the training and support we have in place for our team.

Dave and Joy






Tavala- Magical Weight Loss Drink Helping People Lose Weight

Tavala Trim- Magical Weight Loss Drink Helping People Lose Weight

We all know there really is not one ‘magic bullet for all’ for losing weight BUT some people are beginning to argue with that as they are having PHENOMENAL results with a new Drink called Tavala Trim.

A friend, Angie, recently compiled this information on the TRIM and I thought it was useful and easier to understand than other things I have read and also written.

So What Makes Tavala Trim Special?

Tavala Trim contains some stimulating ingredients that are frequently believed to give your metabolism a boost and raise your body heat to increase the amount of calories and fats that get turned into energy in your body. By helping your metabolism work harder, you increase the amount of calories it can burn, reducing the amount that stay in your body as fat. If you boost your metabolism enough, it can even start making energy out of the fat that’s already stored inside your body.

Tavala trim is more than just a thermogenic supplement. It’s also an appetite suppressant. Tavala Trim’s formula includes a healthy dose of fiber, which is capable of expanding in your stomach to the point where your body is convinced that it is no longer hungry.

Fiber: quite popular on the weight loss market because it can suppress your appetite by expanding in your stomach to make you feel full. Fiber is also capable of keeping your bowel movements regular, which is beneficial in terms of flushing your body out to lose weight.
Green Tea: An absurdly popular weight loss ingredient due to the widespread belief that it can improve your body’s metabolic functions.
Caffeine: Many believe that the effects Caffeine on your body’s metabolism are comparable to Green Tea’s, but usually this ingredient is just included to keep you feeling energized and alert.

Also feel free to Google the health benefits of Kigelia Africana fruit!

Testimonials Continue To Pour In!!!!

“Over the past week, I have lost 10 lbs.…” S.T.

“I love Tavala. The hunger monster is gone and now I am in control! Since January 1st I have lost 14 lbs. Tonight, I just put on a pair of jeans that have been sitting in a drawer for years. You know the scenario. First one leg then the other, then over the hips while asking yourself, “Can I get the zipper up?” Woot-hoo!!” L.L.

“My workouts are much better when I use TRIM. My energy, strength, focus and overall performance have noticeably improved. People are asking what am I doing differently and I simply point to my water bottle!” D.J.

I could go ON and ON with testimonials that are being shared daily…but these are OTHER people sharing THEIR experience and results with Tavala Trim. Why not have your own testimonial???? If you are looking for a product that will BOOST your Metabolism, Suppress your Appetite, Give you Energy and Focus, Help you Lose Weight don’t hesitate. You can order here: www.DaveandJoy.com or call 802-846-7530. A 28-day supply is only $69.99 and a 7-day Sample is only $20.00. 802-846-7530 for a sample size. Tavala offers a money back guarantee.

*We are expanding our team and looking for other leaders who would like to earn income. (Executive income IS possible within your first months!!!) Call us today!

Dave and Joy






Tavala Trim for Athletes (Focus & Energy…. not just for weight loss!)

Tavala Trim for Athletes (Focus & Energy…. not just for weight loss!)

As an athlete, who has been both competitive and recreational, I know what an EXTRA EDGE can mean to performance. A little more strength, energy, focus, stamina, and increased recovery are among the benefits all athletes search for AND pay a large price to achieve.

If you go into a GNC or Health Food Store you’ll see rows and rows of potions from shakes, to powders, to capsules etc. all promising to give you better all round performance and that added edge. Unfortunately, many are mainly gimmicks and sometimes down right unhealthy….and yet they still fly off the shelves, often no matter the cost.

Today I was in communication with an athlete who had just tried the Tavala Trim product. For those of you who may not be familiar with Tavala Trim, due to it being a brand new breakthrough product, it is a nutritional product that offers the following benefits” :

  • Appetite Suppressant
  • Increase in Energy & Focus
  • Boost in Metabolism
  • Decrease in Cravings
  • Weight Loss

Here is what Patrick wrote to me: “I have never taken anything like this in my life. I had gone a week without my Moringa capsules when it arrived. I play tennis a lot and have been feeling lethargic and tired after an evening’s play my muscles would ache until the following morning. My play was also very poor because I was not able to move and hit the ball how I wanted to. Then came the TAVALA TRIM product and boy was there a change! My energy level went waaaay up! My game got so much better and the aches and pains were gone, even after playing for 2.5 hours – straight. There is absolutely a difference and a huge one too! I am definitely on-board and will make my order soon.” P.G.


Are you interested in trying Tavala Trim for your own personal experience? Please go to www.DaveandJoy.com and click on PRODUCT, and you can order as either a customer or a member. Both ways offer the same low price of only $64.99 for a 28-day supply. Prefer to give us a call and have us place your order? Call us at 802-846-7530.

*Bonus, we are currently looking for business associates to help us promote Tavala Trim and other Tavla Products. If you are looking for a lucrative, fun opportunity, we want to hear from you. Serious inquiries only.

Dave and Joy







“Tavala Control”- New Breakthrough in Normalizing Blood Sugar

I began to research natural ways to normalize blood sugar levels and came upon this article by Moss Green on a website “on Common Sense Health”. With the rise of diabetes and blood sugar imbalances in our society I thought it was worth sharing this info. In addition, there is a brand new BREAKTHROUGH product, from a company called TAVALA, that is making it easier to normalize blood sugar and create a healthy balance in the body. Rightfully named CONTROL as it helps you take CONTROL of your Blood Sugar. Control can also be used as a companion product with TRIM, to make it a complete Weight Management Duo!

What Is Tavala Control?


How to Control Blood Sugar Naturally by Moss Green

Although blood sugar control is made to appear complicated, it’s usually simple.

And with diabetes skyrocketing, knowing how to control blood sugar naturally is vitally important to your health and well-being.

What is blood sugar anyway? Simply put, blood sugar (glucose) is the fuel that feeds your brain, nervous system and body tissues. And maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is essential to your mind, body and health.

And while you need glucose, most people’s blood sugar is out of control.

Even though a healthy body can make glucose from protein and fats, your blood sugar levels are mainly based on your carbohydrate consumption. Normal blood sugar levels fluctuate between 80 and140 mg/dL.

Control Blood Sugar to Avoid Diabetes

Maintaining normal blood sugar levels is essential if you want to reverse or avoid diabetes. But diabetes and heart disease are so closely related that you need to take both of these diseases into consideration.

Diabetics have a 400% higher risk for heart attack or stroke. And cardiovascular disease hits earlier in life and is more likely to end in death for a diabetic.

Many people with diabetes and prediabetes take medications that control their blood sugar levels, but don’t change their diet and lifestyle to both control blood sugar naturally AND prevent heart disease.

Yet high blood pressure contributes to many diabetes complications and 80% of diabetics die from circulation problems like heart failure.

This is why making natural healthy lifestyle changes are so important.

These 10 natural steps to control blood sugar will also improve blood pressure and help protect you from circulation and artery diseases.

  1. Exercise for 30+ minutes a day. Physical activity helps control blood sugar, your sensitivity to insulin and is important for healthy weight management. Include both aerobic exercise and weight training.
  2. Eat a healthy low glycemic diet. High glycemic carbs that move sugar rapidly into the blood are the main culprits for both hypoglycemia and diabetes. A healthy low glycemic diet is the answer.
  3. Get plenty of high fiber foods. Fiber helps keep blood sugar levels steady and decreases heart disease risk. Get at least 30 to 40 grams of high fiber daily from the healthy list of high fiber foods.
  4. Switch to 100% whole grains. Studies show whole grains reduce diabetes risk and help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
  5. Avoid high blood sugar foods. Replace all refined carbohydrates with healthy carbohydrates and limit caffeine and alcohol, which both interfere with your body’s ability to normalize blood sugar levels.
  6. Eat good fat and avoid bad fats. Follow a heart healthy diet that’s low in saturated and trans food fat and high in omega 3 fish oil.
  7. Have 4 to 6 small meals a day. Eating small mini-meals frequently on a regular schedule helps to stabilize your blood sugar levels.
  8. Include protein with every meal. Protein also stabilizes blood sugar, so include a small amount of high protein with each meal.
  9. Practice weight management. When combined with regular exercise, even a little healthy weight loss can vastly improve your odds. Overweight people who lost just 5 to 10% of their initial body weight were shown to have reduced their risk of developing diabetes by 58%.
  10. Include quality supplements. Make sure you get 200 micrograms GTF chromium, extra vitamin C with bioflavonoids and B complex, along with a complete profile of nutritional health supplements. In addition, and this is me, JOY, adding my 2 cents here. What I have witnessed with people taking Tavala’s product “CONTROL” is that within days their blood sugar has improved! That’s how to control blood sugar levels to avoid diabetes. So do it!

How can you get Tavala CONTROL? Simply go to www.DaveandJoy.com and click on Products. There you will see CONTROL, as well as it’s companion product called TRIM. If weight loss is a goal as well as normalizing blood sugar, we suggest taking both together.

A 28-day supply of CONTROL costs $54.99. Consumers can purchase as Customers or as Members, the price is the same. There are 84 capsules in CONTROL, and you will take 3 capsules every morning.

If you have any serious health complications, as always check with your physician before adding any supplement to your diet.

We’d LOVE to answer your questions and also hear feedback on your experience with Tavala Trim. Please give us a call at 802-846-7530 or email info@DaveandJoy.com

Dave and Joy







Tavala came together with an Executive Team that has decades of experience in business and the direct sales industry. This group saw a big opportunity in a problem that is seen too often among network marketing companies.

The problem with many direct sales companies is having to sell overpriced products that don’t fill a real need for the end consumer. They struggle to make great products that have an appeal (aside from commission) to both member and their subscriber.

We believed there could be a better way to do business…a better and unique way to participate in a direct sales company today.

Tavala is the direct sales subscription box company who offers unique, consumable products that are good for your body, both inside and out. A personalized subscription box where you choose the products, the price point, and how often you receive them.

To Learn More About Tavala- Check out the brief presentation below.


If you are looking for an opportunity, give us a call to see if TAVALA fits your criteria. We do not ‘sell’ anyone on the company, rather explore together, to see if this is a good fit.

Dave and Joy






Tavala Compensation Plan- How to do I Earn Money with Tavala?

Tavala Compensation Plan- How do I Earn Money with Tavala?

Are you interested in a home based business and want something so easy and simple to understand- duplicates easily so that you and your neighbor, or aunt Edith or uncle Joe can also experience success with? That you don’t have to be a mathematical genius or professional network marketer to understand all the dozen or so ways you can get paid?

If you are tired of the typical MLM plan where you can’t understand the complicated compensation plan on HOW TO EARN INCOME, this may appeal to you. Tavala has taken the mystery out of HOW PEOPLE EARN INCOME, and made it very simple….so even I can understand it.

Some of the things that appealed to me are:

  • There is no membership fee to join Tavala. (Why is it that some companies charge $12, $29 or even $49 just to become a member?)
  • Customers and Members pay the same price (no confusion here, people get to decide- with no pressure- which way they wish to purchase their products)
  • You earn 10% more on customers -yes, a whopping 30% on what your customers purchase. You get paid 20% on your front level, 25% on levels 2 and 3….and beyond, as you build your team.
  • You don’t personally have to have a monthly auto ship or order, your customers volume can qualify you 100% so you can earn income. If you do choose to have a monthly order (and we’re sure you will due to the unique quality and variety of products) it is in the form of a ‘subscription box’. Watch this brief video (less than 5 minutes long) on the COMPENSATION PLAN with Tavala and see if it is something YOU want to join us in.

We are a FAST GROWING TEAM and welcome new and experienced network marketers to join us. Enjoy the DIFFERENCE with Tavala.

Dave and Joy


