Today is Labor Day and day 4 of my PURE JOURNEY. I’m getting more into the groove of my daily ritual of ‘flooding my body’ with high powered nutrition, in particular in the morning.
I have noticed that I am more satisfied with food- most likely because I am feeding my body at the cellular level vs. simply eating and feeding my body.
I also believe I’m in less of a funk, since adding the super-fruits, Go Yin in particular. My mother passed less than two weeks ago and life has been a blur and fraught with emotions that come out of no where. I seem to be handling the ‘swings’ better in the past several days and I attribute it to optimizing my nutrition.
What started out as me sharing a new weight loss product called MAJIK, has now turned into a business and full-on passion regarding the variety of products available with Live Pure. I have been a health educator of whole food nutrition and health most of my adult life. It is coming back full circle at this time which is ideal as I wanted more PASSION in my life and to make a bigger impact in the world. What better a way than to inspire by example, and sharing?
Day 4 today on my PURE JOURNEY and I am down 4 lbs. That is exciting, however my main focus NOW is to improve my overall health and improve my blood vitals. I am excited to have my blood drawn again after 60-90 days of flooding my body with this amazing nutrition.
Stay tuned. If you are inspired to lower your blood pressure, lower your cholesterol, reduce pain or inflammation, increase your energy or simply reverse any negatives in your body that may be preventing you from doing what you love to do, then check out my website. LivePure.com/JoyEdgerton.
Call if you have questions and I’ll do my best to help you navigate what will serve you best based on your goals. If I don’t have the answer, I will find it for you. That is my health commitment to you.
Let’s make 2023 a year to remember, when we took our health into our own hands.
802-999-1815/ joyedgerton@gmail.com
Sometimes you just KNOW it’s time to put yourself first, and this is my time. My father passed June 2022, and my mother only a week ago, and now that I have time to process MY JOURNEY in life as ‘the family matriarch’, I am putting myself and my health first.
Back in 1999 I did the same thing, I took a 3-week journey to Hippocrates Health Institute, in West Palm Beach, Florida, and participated in a LIFE CHANGE PROGRAM. What I experienced and learned there was life changing, and I believe I helped hundreds, if not thousands of people live a healthier life by sharing my experience.
“Let Food Be Thy Medicine”, said Hippocrates. Also, the quote “It’s not the Food in your life, but the LIFE IN YOUR FOOD that counts.” Embracing a plant based lifestyle is one way, and eating more foods with LIFE FORCE, is another.
Last week I had my blood drawn so I would have a base line of my vitals, such as cholesterol, thyroid, Vitamin D, Iron ETC. What I learned was my cholesterol is higher than it ever was, which is shocking due to my diet, and that my potassium was dangerously high. Who would have known. I told the PA that I am healthy, on zero meds, but sometimes feel like I have “dirty sparkplugs”.
Lesson, when you hear that whisper in your ear to have something done, like blood work or seeing a professional pertaining to your health, LISTEN. I’m glad I did and now my journey will be even more fun to share as I’ll have powerful numbers to compare. Day 3 and my belly is smaller and I have lost around 3 pounds.
If you are interested in learning more OR following my journey, please do. The more people embracing health, the better we will all be. Check out the many PURE products on my on-line health store. LivePure.com/joyedgerton.
Joy Edgerton/ 802-999-1815/joyedgerton@gmail.com
Today is September 1st and Day ONE of FLOODING my body with PURE products.
Yesterday I had my blood drawn for a total BASELINE of what my health is like from the inside… my blood. I love being proactive and taking CONTROL of my health vs. relying on doctors or big pharma. Results? Well, not as good as I expected, but now I have a baseline to compare to. Age 66, I’m not on any medication, but my energy definitely needs to be elevated and I suspect detoxing/ doing the cleanse is a great way to begin. So here I am, beginning my journey.
It all starts with Cleanse- Balance- and Build! First we need to CLEANSE, then BALANCE and then BUILD. https://youtu.be/fLC2PGvZx1o?si=SDMI4fjhjC8pApWj
Today I started my day with taking organic sulfur
, probiotics, 2 droppers of cleanse, and the super fruits below, mixed with Mila, Daily Build (liquid vitamin) and a scoop of Greens.
It was tasty and easy to consume. A friend tried it and found it was hard to take the flavors, but I tend to enjoy ‘different’ or funky healthy products.
Soon after I went to the gym, lifted weights (Back and Biceps), came home and walked the dogs for 30+ minutes and had SO much energy. Let Food be thy Medicine….
Here is a visual of some of the Superfruits that I put in my morning ‘shake’.
Tonight I’m taking the liquid calcium along with GO-YIN. A great-tasting blend of super fruits, herbs and other fruits traditionally used to help the body manage stress for an enhanced sense of calm and focus. I’m guessing I will sleep well tonight.
I’m learning from the best, from Teresa and John Goetz, who have been consuming and sharing Live Pure Products for almost 13 years. They also educate many physicians who recommend these products.
This is a MUST WATCH video to see how I am following Teresa’s suggestions in using these products. https://youtu.be/jaf54Bejvbk?si=lSsh_ozMMY8a1Nk7
My goal? Why am I doing this?
To have more energy, improve upon my vitals (Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, other blood vitals, as well as to lose 10 lbs.) Stay tuned.
Probably the most challenging things will be: 1) remembering how to take all these products (Luckily most go in my morning shake/smoothie) and 2) to eliminate alcohol.
Join me on my journey. You can find all these products on my online store website. LivePure.com/JoyEdgerton
Joy Edgerton/ 802-999-1815 joyedgerton@gmail.com livepure.com/joyedgerton
It’s easy to order this new product, which launched on July 21, 2023. Simply click here and click on the bottle or bottles, you’d like to order. https://PureMagicWeightloss.com
Choose how you wish to place your order: Brand Partner? Preferred Customer? or Retail? $69.95 per bottle. (Taking 1 capsule per day, which I do, it will last 2 months. Taking 2 per day, per instructions, this will last you 1 month.)
It comes with a 30-Day money back guarantee.
Joy Edgerton Brand Partner 802-999-1815 joyedgerton@gmail.com
ORDER HERE: https://PureMagicWeightloss.com
I know this is a million dollar question and I’m not talking about genitalia size or any other body part…. or for that matter, even a glass of wine. I’m referring to something very important when it comes to your health.
So, does Size Really Matter? When it comes to nutrition and absorption, the answer is yes… SIZE MATTERS…and the bigger the better is NOT the solution.
Why Size plus Rapid Absorption Matters.
Here is a new breakthrough Scientific Discovery of a new product called XanthoMyst’s Potency & Delivery. Exclusively available through the company CTFO.
1) CTFO took the widely researched compound Xanthones. They recognized the most significant active component of Mangosteen is the Organic Compound Xanthones, which have been used for hundreds of years for health benefits. More recently, it has been one of the most widely researched things on the government websites https://www.nih.gov/ & www.PubMed.gov
2) Through a 10xPure Exclusive Process, CTFO Extracted & Concentrated the Xanthones.
3) CTFO then made the insoluble Xanthone compound soluble by wrapping it in a *Liposomal Nano-emulsion, which dramatically increases potency & delivery into your body.
Xanthones have been shown to have less than .01% solubility in water (the body is mainly made up of water). CTFO has made it nearly 100% soluble.
4) The XanthoMyst Namoemulsion has been tested to be *STABLE at less than the size of 0.45 Microns. (400 Nano Meters)
5) Xanthones within the Liposomes are up to 10x’s smaller, creating nearly 100% bio-availability. Single-digit or low percentage bio-availability has been the average industry standard.
6) The Nano-emulsion droplets are so tiny they are rapidly absorbed through the soft tissue membranes in your mouth, so they are almost impossible to swallow. Even though the smaller size is significant, competitors who promote size only don’t benefit from the rapid absorption of 10xPure
7) CTFO placed the bioavailable Xanthones into the World’s only “MYSTER”! Easy, Simple, Affordable and Effective.
Regardless of how potent something might be, if it’s not bio-available, most of the nutrients pass through your body & you get less of a benefit.
We have seen companies do over a billion in Mangosteen sales with an inferior product, double the price, and deficient absorption.
* Stable:
Most Emulsions are unstable because there is a natural tendency for a liquid to separate, which is terrible because of the consistency levels on each dose. With Xanthomyst, each amount is guaranteed a consistent dosage.
* Liposomal: Nutrients have placed within a liposome. This format not only helps preserve the nutrient but can also improve absorption within the body.
* Nanoemulsion: Nano-sized emulsions are manufactured to improve the delivery of active ingredients.
As of today, January 25, 2023, XanthoMyst is in pre-launch and orders are being taken. They will be shipped early February, on a first-order-first ship basis.
For those interested in an opportunity to be at the forefront of this new delivery system, click here for more details or to place your order. https://daveandjoy.myctfo.com/
If you have any questions about this product, or other products at CTFO, or are looking at a business opportunity where the timing is HOT, please email us at joyedgerton@gmail.com, info@DaveandJoy.com or call 802-999-1815.
Dave and Joy
I am so excited to share Joseph Russo’s journey with you in hopes that it offers hope to anyone looking to get fitter-healthier and happier. For many, that also includes weight or what many people are now referring to as the “Pandemic Pounds”. This is ‘in his own words’.
I am Joseph Russo, and this is my weight loss story.
I have always been overweight since I was a kid. At 10 years old I knew I had a weight problem and have been working on this problem for over 40 years. I have tried everything over the years from 500 calories per day, to fasting for several days at a time, moving from this diet plan to the next diet plan. They all have worked at first then taper off, then I yoyo back up. It is not for lack of trying or will power.
I work for a law enforcement agency, so I need to be in shape. I must be prepared to track out a person for hours in the mountains or defend myself and effect an arrest. I was not looking good after my divorce 7 years ago. Eating and drinking what I wanted. You know the “see food” diet. You eat what you see. I started looking for something to get me out of my rut.
Then a couple of years ago I tried something new and thought it was the bomb. (Photo in the blue shirt was before starting that product.) My saving grace. I lost 50 pounds! I was not winded and could do my job properly. Then it stopped working for me. What happened? Did I reach the limit with the product? What was going on! I stopped using, it was a little depressed and I regained most of the 50 pounds. I was desperate to not go back to where I had been. Then I spent thousands on the Orbera balloon and lost weight over the 6 months. (By the way, Obera is a new gastric balloon weight-loss procedure.) Then the weight creeped back up.
The main problem I am combating is lack sleep and Sleep Apnea. For the last 25 years it gets harder and harder to continually use the mask that I frequently take it off in my sleep. Making the CPAP machine valueless and losing a rested sleep that I need.
Around my 51st birthday in 2020, I had enough and started working with a personal trainer several days a week. Getting little sleep 3-5 hours per work night is common for me. I do not fare much better on my days off. I was getting stronger and eating better but did not see the needle on the scale move. After 6 months of hard work, I lost at most 5 pounds. Then a workplace injury happened. I had to change the way I was working out to accommodate my injury. Doing more stretching then lifting weights.
Then, by chance, I saw a post by Joy Edgerton about ZipSlim. With a 90-day money back guarantee I said, “what do I have to lose but the weight?” I tried it for a month and started to see some results. My clothes started fitting better and I finally broke a that dreaded 5-pound plateau! To date I have lost 10 pounds in over 2 months. All while being injured, little sleep and not able to work out as I would love to. Most of my workouts now include walking every day and stretching to heal the injury. I know that lack of sleep is hindering my weight loss. However, I have been able to break through with my physical limitations and fit into smaller size. All thanks to ZipSlim.
Zipslim is a delicious blackberry lemonade flavored tasting drink that has many benefits. Simply drink 2 per day (charged or decaf) before your 2 largest meals. For me, the fact that it is backed by science and offers a 90-Day Money Back Guarantee made it very easy to say YES.
To find out more visit my website www.zipslim.info/jrusso or call 951-775-5877. We can get healthier together.
I am thrilled to share Joseph’s story as it is authentic, relatable and he has found a solution and wants to share with others who may want these benefits. visit his website to get more information or to place your order. There is also a great 5-minute video called “Flip the Switch” that explains how this works. www.zipslim.info/jrusso or call 951-775-5877.
As a former personal trainer, I wish I had ZipSlim available for my clients as it would have made their results that much better and so much quicker. I’m sure many people who didn’t see results as quickly as they wanted would have stayed with their exercise program longer if they had faster results. Weighing oneself is only 1 way to assess progress, as you can see with Joseph’s photos above (front and sideways) 10 pound weight loss looks more like 20 lbs. as he has lost so many inches, especially around the belly, which is the #1 place ZipSlim addresses fat loss. WOW, great job. Even his personal trainer is impressed.
Have questions? I’m happy to answer them if you can not reach Joseph.
Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach with Beyond Slim
Most of us recognize the need to supplement our diet- and yet not all multi-vitamins are created equal. Boosting your immune system has never been more important but be careful when buying just any vitamin…. most are a waste of money that will be consumed and ‘eliminated’ with little value.
CTFO offers a high quality vitamin and backs up their word with a 60-Day money back guarantee.
10xPURE™ Ultimate Multi-Vitamin is enriched with a synergistic combination of life-enhancing nutrients, making this one of the most effective vitamins on the market today!
Click below to learn more about the 10xPure Ultimate.
You’ll find that with 10x Pure Ultimate, your body receives a power-packed combination of vital nutrients not available in most other multivitamins.
10xPURE™ Ultimate Multi-Vitamin is also doctor formulated and includes 23 exceptional vitamins and minerals including superior amino acid chelated minerals for optimal absorption, the most biologically active form of folate, as 5-MTHF (also called L-methylfolate) which does not require any additional work by your body to use and supports cardiovascular health, cognitive health, and more; Vitamin K2 as MK4 and MK7 for rapid absorption targeting bone and vascular health and Vitamin B12 as methylcobalamin in the form that works synergistically with folate in the brain.
10xPURE™Vitamin & Mineral Supplement
• Doctor Formulated
• 10xPURE™ patented delivery oil
• 23 exceptional vitamins and minerals
• Chelated minerals for optimal absorption
• Two liquid soft-gels per serving
• 60 soft-gels per bottle
Each bottle contains 60 soft-gels, a one month supply AND offer you a 60-Day money back guarantee.
Order yours at www.DaveandJoy.com 🌱
OH, and if building your IMMUNE SYSTEM is of utmost importance, add the SUPER7 ! (see info below)
There has never been a more important time to build your immune system and that is exactly what Super7 was created to do!
Super7 is a delicious blend of the world’s 7 major Super Fruits:
While providing vitamins, antioxidants, energy, enzymes and much more, CTFO has combined all 7 Super Fruits into a perfectly blended, synergistic immune support chewable.
These chewable tablets are naturally flavored, have no artificial sweeteners and are gluten free!
Personally we use these two products daily to ensure our health and a strong immune system.
Look what CTFO has created: a dynamic duo that includes both products and is offering them at a $40 savings. WOW!
Have questions? Give us a call at 802-846-7530 or email us at info@DaveandJoy.com
Join for FREE and get wholesale pricing for LIFE!
Dave and Joy
So you’ve become a member of the CTFO Buyers Club. Congratulations. As you may know, CTFO stands for Changing the Future Outcome…. and when we talk about change, we are talking about changing your Health & your Wealth. If you have NOT yet become a member of CTFO you can for FREE by simply going to www.DaveandJoy.com and join.
Here’s a simple question: WHY WOULD ANYONE NOT WANT TO SAVE $$$ ? We don’t know anyone who would say NO. to saving money so we’re going to show you a way to save 5% additional on savings each and every month. It’s called being on a monthly “AutoShip” or “Subscription”.
It is Silly not to to be on AutoShip! Here are FIVE AUTOSHIP REWARDS:
– Log into your CTFO back office (you’ll need your user name and your password)
– Click on “Place Order”
– Click on “Create New AutoShip”
– Simple Easy and it’s FREE to begin saving money. There are over 80 products to choose from and many different categories of products. Once again, if you are not yet a member of CTFO, you can join for free by going to www.DaveandJoy.com.
Have questions? Give us a call. We are leaders on the fastest growing team in CFTO. Call us at 802-846-7530, email us at info@DaveandJoy.com or find us on Facebook under Work with Dave and Joy, or Dave DeBerardinis and Joy Edgerton.
Customer Support is also available to help you! We are here to help and to serve.