Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 20

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 20

Today is Day 20 and I am assessing my results on 2 full 10-Day Resets with Ketopia.1 Joys Results 1-20I LOVE the way I feel- I have more energy, my clothes fit much better, I have lost a ton of FAT inches and also dropped weight. Initially I had wanted to drop 14 pounds- the amount of FAT weight I had put on since menopause. (THEN I got caught up on wanting to drop 20 pounds…because I heard that the average person is losing 1 pound per day….and why NOT increase my goal of weight loss?) Silly me- that got me thinking more about the scale than the inches. There were days I wanted to throw the scale across the bathroom!Scale throwing it

Above, in the picture, are my results! Day 1 (Look at my face, I was unhappy (Ok, really I was both pissed and angry that this happened to me) and totally disgusted with how I looked. I stuffed myself into my jog bra and “skort” and Dave took my “before” pictures. Day 3….liking the little (and quick) shifts that were beginning to happen. My clothes were already beginning to fit better. Day 10– more energy, feeling better and loving the inch AND weight loss. This 10-Day reset is EASY to stick to!!!!

Ketopia ROCKS! We are so glad we purchased enough Ketopia for 30 days!

Today, Day 20…. you can see in the above picture that I have lost a substantial amount of inches. I am happy -but STILL a little bummed that my WEIGHT LOSS on the SCALE was not as much as some others… so I sent an email to Michelle Lasueur and this is what SHE posted on her Facebook Fan Page today. (Michelle helped formulate the Ketopia!)

fat verses muscle burn

NUTRITIONAL KETOSIS/KETOPIA: I have been receiving some feed back from woman on the program that say that they are seeing more inch loss than weight loss. I want to explain. There are a lot of fat skinny people walking around today. The scale isn’t always a good indicator of how you are doing. In order to be healthy it is about body fat, far more than weight. Woman get so caught up with the scale. Taking measurements is a much better way of doing things and measuring progress. Many times you can be doing a muscle for fat exchange and this is a good thing. The picture above does a good job explaining the difference and why this is good. As you are helping your body become more balanced and developing a healthier metabolism, you may have a fat for muscle exchange before you notice something on the scale. Something to be aware of.

For those who are looking for a product that will RESET your BODY and help you drop unwanted FAT weight once and for all, order KETOPIA TODAY!

We’ll help guide you to the BEST pack that will support your weight loss and health goals. Also there are MILLIONS of people who are dying to learn about KETOPIA- and we are looking for others who would like to make a ton money helping others with Ketopia.

WAIT NO LONGER TO REACH YOUR GOALS! Call us at 802-846-7530 or visit

Simply click on JOIN to become a member, like we are and get wholesale pricing, or SHOP to buy retail.

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy & Dave

802-846-7530 I love losing weight


Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 19

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 19

Re-Set your Body in just 10 Days!!!!

If you are Discouraged with the way you look and feel Finally There IS HOPE.


KETOPIA is or call today and we’ll help you place YOUR order. 802-846-7530

Results? More Energy/ Better Mental Clarity/ Weight Loss/ Inch and Fat Loss….all with Zero Cravings and Zero Hunger. HOPE IN A BOX!!!!


5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy & Dave


Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 18

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 18

The topic today is HOPE!

If you have been struggling with your weight or body composition and are tired of the same old programs and products on the market check out KETOPIA! Brand New, Scientifically formulated and patented and it works!!!! Burn FAT for Fuel!!!!!


To order your 10-Day Reset of Ketopia go to or call 802-846-7530 and we’ll help YOU chose the best pack for your particular goals. Oh…..and remember to ask us how YOU can make money sharing Ketopia with your friends!

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy & Dave



Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 17

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 17

Ahhh- women….the dreaded BACK FAT. Post menopause I experienced several shifts- both IN MY BODY but also my SOUL!

1) My body shifted ….and I tried to make peace with the deposits of FAT in places foreign to me, but I have felt like a stranger in my own body for the past 3+ years. It wasn’t until KETOPIA that I honestly feel like I have a choice in how I look and feel. One place I swore I would NEVER gain FAT was my belly and the other was my back….

OK- get over it JOY! It happened, but in 16 days using KETOPIA my belly has shrunk 4.5″ and my chest/back fat area 2.5″!!!!

Burning STORED BODY FAT FOR FUEL has changed how I feel AND look!

The ENERGY is something I welcome. Before Ketopia I felt like I have “dirty spark plugs” for energy for past couple of years!

BACK COMPARISONAs you can see by the above visual….Ketopia WORKS!

…..but don’t take MY word for it. Experience Ketopia for your self! We’ll coach you on what packs to purchase to reach your specific long term goals- and coach you for FREE as you begin burning YOUR BODY FAT & Losing Weight!

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy & Dave


TO ORDER: click on location/Ketopia. Click JOIN for wholesale pricing, only $12 to become a member or click SHOP for retail options. Exclusive to FGXpress.





2) Post menopause, I also have not been as concerned with the opinions of other people!



Dave’s Ketopia Day 15

Dave’s Ketopia Day 15

Day 15 and half way thru my 30 day Reset with Ketopia

Down 15 lbs, Fat loss of 9.2 lbs!

What I’m most amazed with is the lack of craving and hunger on this program.

If you have some fat to lose, Get Ketopia! Really, it works!

Imagine how much weight and fat you could lose on this 10 Day Reset program. And you don’t have to stop there! I’ve decided to do 3 programs in a row…. 30 days to lose 25-30 lbs!

BTW, if you not earning too much money already, you can, by simply sharing and helping friends and family look fabulous? Sign up for more details on Ketopia and follow our progress. Send an email to be part of this to

Join us on this journey!

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton

802-846-7530 h


Day 16 Joy’s Journey with Ketopia

Day 16 Joy’s Journey with Ketopia

Do you believe “Slow and Steady Wins the Race”?

In terms of losing weight and reaching your goal size I DO believe it is those who change their eating and lifestyle habits that actually do reach their weight loss goals AND stay there! but….what if it is a SLOW PROCESS? Do you ever want to give up? I’m human….If my goal wasn’t etched so deep in my soul- I would want to give up sometimes… And this is where vision and a strong desire win!!!

turtle Today I dropped 1/10th of a pound. Are you kidding? 1/10th?? and yesterday only a 4/10th of a pound. I got discouraged for a moment and then got realistic- it didn’t take me 2 weeks to gain 20 pounds, why would I expect to lose it that quickly???

…..and then I put on a pair of pants that were snug only 15 days ago and smiled. Here are my results in my first 10 Days.Joy Day 1-10KETOPIA WORKS!

I do have to say that it is truly amazing that some people are dropping 5-10 lbs. in their first 5 days OR MORE- and that the average person across the board, using Ketopia, are losing an average of 1 pound a day. When Ketopia first came out the average weight loss was 1-1.5 lbs. a day but now as people are continuing a 2nd or 3rd 10-Day Reset I believe it is averaging out to 1 pound a day. THAT IS FANTASTIC!



joy9 Back when I was 16 year old I went to Weight Watchers with my mother. It was fun having my mother be my ‘BUDDY’ and to this day we laugh about some of our meals and experiences. I didn’t eat ANYTHING that was not ‘on the program’ for 6 weeks. Not a crumb. It was my first diet pound at a time

I remember weighing myself once a week AT THE MEETING (never in between) and some weeks I dropped 1 pound, sometimes only 1/4 pound for the whole week, and for me -rarely more than 3 pounds a week. Slow and Steady!!!!

BUT… the end of 6 weeks I had dropped 16 pounds and at least 2-3 sizes of clothes. Slow and Steady Won That Race…..and I kept that weight off with relative ease…due to establishing healthy habits, until my freshman year in college!!!! (who remembers the freshmen 10!?)

Those for all of us using KETOPIA, let’s realize that we will all drop weight/inches at our own pace. Women generally lose weight slower then men….and people with a lot of weight to lose will drop quicker than those who have less to lose.

We are as individual as each snowflake. Enjoy the Journey….. Make sure you begin to envision yourself reaching your goals. “What we Believe we can Achieve!”

How to Really Lose Weight Ketopia Works. It is scientifically proven. It is safe. It addresses FAT LOSS by putting your body into a healthy and natural state of Ketosis. The 3 products, KetonX, Dough bites and FIXX are nutritionally balanced to perfection and they taste great. The Ketopia program helps reduce CRAVINGS, especially for sugars and also give you more ENERGY and MENTAL CLARITY. When your body is burning FAT for Fuel you have 225% more Energy for daily function.

Are you ready to shift YOUR LIFE? Try Ketopia….whether it is to drop 10, 20, 60 or 100 lbs. or just to lean out your body composition experience for yourself what a 10-Day Reset feels like.

Oh….did we tell you that you can become a member like us and get Ketopia at wholesale? and that you can make a ton of money helping your friends and family get healthier and lose weight? Join the Ketopia Journey!


Joy & Dave




Are you tired of dieting and yet know that you WANT TO and HAVE TO lose weight for your self-esteem and also your health? not on a diet

Well, wait no more! There is a solution and it’s available now! KETOPIA!!!!!

I know people are disillusioned with DIETS….I was too. Like many others I’ve been on way too many diets to count….and other than being dedicated to exercise/weight training and being a FOOD NAZI, few things worked.

There are only 2 times I recall being in a healthy state of Ketosis- meaning actually burning my stored FAT for fuel. 1) before a Body Building Competition at age 30 (long time ago) and 2) when we did P90X. (pushed play for 90 days at age 54!!!) Both took a lot of work….a long time to ARRIVE and then STAY in Ketosis and FEW people would have that kind of dedication. Hey to be frank, I wouldn’t now either.

The good news is NOW there is a 10-Day Reset Program called KETOPIA that WORKS and delivers results QUICKLY! And I’ll coach you for FREE!



Many people- even after reading the science behind Ketopia and Ketosis AND even seeing before and after pictures are skeptical- and I get it, with all the CRAP on the market promising unrealistic results…and some are downright unhealthy and cost hundreds -if not thousands of dollars -for their on-going program….I do get it! but..the fact remains… is true….

There IS SUCH A PRODUCT and it is called KETOPIA…. and the ONLY WAY YOU’LL know is to experience it first hand!!!! “You’ll KNOW WHEN YOU’RE THERE!” Give us 10 Days!

Email us at or call 802-846-7530. I’m VERY passionate about helping people lose weight / fat and reaching their healthy natural body weight. In fact, this is why I became a Personal Trainer and Life Coach in my late 40’s.

BACK SHOTcropped This is a picture of my back at age 54 after P90X! once again… it took 90 Days to get my body in a natural state of Ketosis where I was effectively burning body FAT for fuel. Hard work, but it worked!

To the right, is a picture of me at age 30. Body Building Competition. My first experience of burning body FAT for fuel and it was a tremendous

Do I have the discipline or interest to do either of these again? Heck no, but I do want to reach my healthy weight and have optimal health…which is why KETOPIA is so exciting to me. and YOU can reach your goals too! We can be on this journey together.

The Solution is here…..


5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy & Dave


Go to to place YOUR order of Ketopia. Simply click on LOCATION, then click on Ketopia and click JOIN for wholesale or SHOP to purchase retail.We’ll help you decide the BEST way to begin so you can reach YOUR goals in the shortest period of time.



Dave’s Day 13 on Ketopia

My Fat Keeps Falling Off

There seems to be a cumulative effect with the Ketopia 10 Day Reset. The longer I’m on the program the longer my body measures that I am in ketosis all day. Last night at 10 pm, a full 15 hours after my KetonX drink, the KetoStix measured moderate to high levels of ketones.

This means that as I went to bed and into the night, my body was still burning fat. Frankly, this is the easiest program I’ve ever been on.

Just follow the stepsKetopia visual now

1. Drink KetonX drink in the morning with 10-12 oz of water, sipping for 30 to 45 min

2. 3 hours later Eat a Dough Bite, I actually cut my Dough Bite in 1/2 and eat have at 11 am with 15 oz of water and the other 1/2 at 12 noon with another 15 oz of water

3. Around 2 pm, I have my FIXX shake mixed with water

4. Between 6-7:30 a nice meal. Last night included 1 1/2 grass fed, organic hamburger (no bun) a tossed salad, & broccoli, steamed with butter, garlic, lemon and salt, topped with feta cheese. I had cooked 2 burger for myself…. but couldn’t finish the 2nd one!

Morning coffee with stevia drops for a sweetener, (NO sugar laced International Delight coffee cream!!! ) Snacks during the day include 1/2 an avocado, olives, on a lettuce wrap, or some nuts, or a piece of aged Vermont cheddar cheese.

Plenty of water …. 1/2 oz per pound of body weight.

Day 13 I dropped a 1/2 a lb . and visually looks like another inch off my belly. Haven’t measured yet, but it is quite a noticeable change! New Pics coming on Day 15.


Imagine how much weight and fat you could lose on this 10 Day Reset program. And you don’t have to stop there! I’ve decided to do 3 programs in a row…. 30 days to lose 25-30 lbs!

BTW, did I mention you can earn a ton of money helping friends and family look fabulous? Sign up for more details on Ketopia and follow our progress. Send an email to be part of this to

Join us on this journey!

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton

802-846-7530 h

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia – Day 15

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia – Day 15

Scale throwing it A couple of days ago this was me. I wanted to SMASH the bathroom scales. Why? The number on the scale was not changing! I began comparing my weight loss in pounds to others doing Ketopia. What a mistake!!! Don’t do it!!!! Everyone’s Ketopia journey is their own!

Then I took my measurements….and I got the REAL picture.

As of today I have LOST 4.5″ around the BELLY! The #1 area I wanted to shrink! Now THAT is a number I can live with! inch loss

Ketopia is about FAT BURNING….

Ketopia resets the Body so it can burn your stored Body Fat for fuel, rather than relying on carbs and sugars. NO OTHER PROGRAM or cleanse does that. That is why all other programs are a short term success, if that! The KetonX drink that you sip first thing in the morning puts your body into a healthy state of Ketosis within HOURS- not DAYS!

Nutritional programs (OK, DIETS) that drastically lower your calorie intake, or have you consume nothing but liquids (like green drinks or fresh squeezed lemons) may assist you in dropping toxins- I’ve done them- I know! (which leads to losing fat, as fat stores toxins) but they are not long term solutions for reaching your ideal body weight, nor are they sustainable for a long period of life. Ketopia is– as is the KETOGENIC style of eating!

I have had several friends recently ask what will happen after they go off Ketopia? Here’s my take on it. Ketopia is a RESET of the body’s ability to burn FAT for fuel rather than relying on carbs and sugars….so once you go OFF Ketopia your body will continue to burn more efficiently! (Much like rebooting a computer!) Also, for me, my cravings for anything high in sugar, carbs or “foods not on the Ketopia program” is so low that I truly can’t imagine myself ever going back to the unconscious way I was consuming food before. I know for both Dave and I, we plan to continue through Day 30 and then use some of the products periodically to keep our bodies leaner AND – truly- because we love the way they make us feel, we love the taste and also the convenience! OH….and we are saving $ while on Ketopia~

We are enjoying the results but we are only part way to our goals. Once we reach our goal weight/size our goal is to do what we can to maintain it forever. Will I enjoy my wine at night and occasional popcorn at night? probably….but our goal is to eat more CONSCIOUSLY and to keep the ratio of our foods HIGH IN FAT, MEDIUM IN PROTEIN AND LOW IN CARBS!

Come JOIN US and experience Ketopia for yourself!!!!! Then you can tell US what you like about the program and share your many health successes…like ENERGY, MENTAL CLARITY, WEIGHT LOSS, FAT LOSS, INCH LOSS...oh, did we mention if you become a member for only $12 you can earn income by sharing Ketopia with your friends and people you care about?

Don’t wait or hesitate a day longer. Go to

Click on location and then click on Ketopia. Click SHOP for retail or JOIN for Wholesale pricing.

To purchase some of our other products that support optimum health go to

5I3I6962_pp20x20Joy & Dave


What is the Cost of Ketopia?

What is the Cost of Ketopia?

its time to set the reset button

Ketopia is a 10-Day Reset Program to help you begin burning your own stored body fat for fuel, rather than carbs and sugars. This is done through a natural and healthy “ketosis” – a by product of using our 3 products in Ketopia. Interested in losing fat weight and feeling fabulous?

(KetonX, Dough bites and FIXX shake, which are all conveniently packaged in this 10-Day Reset pack!) This makes this program EASY TO FOLLOW, AFFORDABLE & CONVENIENT!


So How Much Does Ketopia Cost?


Decision Making

The cost will vary depending on if you buy RETAIL, WHOLESALE or in the SIZE of your order. (Ketopia, at this time and date (August 11, 2015) is only available in the USA and CANADA.)

Go to or go DIRECT to the actual Ketopia page click here :

At the top of the page you will see a bar across the top: Products, Opportunity, Company, Contact, Shop and Join!

If you want to purchase RETAIL you will click on SHOP.

The COST: 1 10-Day pack of Ketopia is $149 plus S/H and tax if applicable

If you would like to pay WHOLESALE you will click on JOIN!

By joining you pay a one-time membership fee of $12 and then – from now on- can always purchase the Ketopia or any other FGXpress products, at wholesale. become a member

1 10-Day pack of Ketopia is $129 plus S/H and tax if applicable

4 10-Day packs of Ketopia are only $499 plus S/H and tax if applicable

9 10-Day packs of Ketopia are only $999 plus S/H and tax if applicable. Keep in mind the larger packs will save you on S/H and are only available to Members!

The COOL THING is as a member– your NEXT 10-Day Ketopia Reset Pack will only cost $119 and if you go on a monthly auto ship order it is only $109.

Not everyone wants to be a member – which is why there IS RETAIL options available….however as a member- there is no obligation to place orders, but when you do you will get the best pricing on all FGX products! Also you get your own member website that you can share with others and if they purchase ( and you are active) you can make money! AND, referring others means you can get your product for FREE!!!!

When you begin shedding weight and inches your friends will want to know what you are doing and how they can get their KETOPIA! As a member you can simply send them to your free website and they can order direct.fat burning

If you are someone who needs to lose 10 pounds or more you’ll want at the minimum a 2-Pack order. For guidance and purchasing to fit your personal needs and goals please email us at or call (802)-846-7530. We will coach you for FREE to help you reach your health and weight loss goals.

Join us on our Ketopia Journey and share YOUR journey – have fun- get healthy – quick and easy!!!! Did we mention that you can make a ton of money helping your friends get healthier too?

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy & Dave
