It is our pleasure to introduce you to a power-house woman, Betty Rivera. In her own words:
“Having been in Network Marketing I know how important it is to have the right product and support from a company. When I first learned about Tavala I was looking to lose weight but was not interested in dealing with packaged foods.
I received my 3-day sample of the Tavala TRIM and noticed the difference right away. I wasn’t as hungry and I was losing weight! My first week I lost 7 lbs. 
I decided to use the other products and one especially made a difference in my life. That product was Control. I was pre-diabetic and suffered from high blood pressure. I took it faithfully for 1 month and when it was time for my labs and check up I wasn’t in the danger zone for diabetes anymore and my doctor dropped my blood pressure medication from 5 to 4. Now I’m currently only taking two and I have to take my blood pressure on a regular basis as to make sure not to ‘over medicate’. Currently my BP is 118/73 and soon I hope to be off all medication. Awesome!
Now I currently am also using Tamanu Skincare which was a gift from my mother. It is the best! I noticed changes to the texture of my skin within three days. I absolutely love this product. As you can see I am an avid user of Tavala because their products are top rate.
In regards to the business, well there isn’t a better company to be with! The support you receive from your up line is 5 star. Teri and Jim Stull have been there for me from sending me my 3-day sample to joining Tavala as a member and through the devastation of Hurricane Maria. I live in Puerto Rico and as most people know our island was devastated during the hurricane Maria, Sept. 2017. To date, May 21, 2018), 45% of Puerto Ricans are still without power-electricity and internet.
Jim and Teri helped me get my orders in when all I had access to was limited cell service and no internet. It was rough for many months but I pushed through. If there was a time and place for Tavala this was it.
The Quantum Relief Strips and Tavala Trim were popular during the time of the hurricane due to the need for energy and aches and pains from recovery efforts after the storm. Thank goodness for my military years in the Marine Corps which taught me to persevere and improvise. Two things I relied on after the storm….perseverance and the ability to improvise. I was 7 1/2 months without power and still no “home internet”- nor does it seem it’s a possibility for 2018.
I kept meeting people and sharing the Tavala story and products. Here in Puerto Rico these products fit into the culture unlike the packaged foods I previously had. What’s so nice about these products you can literally go to any country that Tavala is and the products fit well because it doesn’t conflict with the different cultures. In other words, your daily diet doesn’t change. You are just eating less because you aren’t as hungry. This makes it better for you to plan on what to eat and make better and healthier food choices. You don’t deprive yourself from the food you love, you just eat less and feel content. I have lost close to 20 lbs. on Trim. It does work.
So you have an awesome up line but it doesn’t stop there, you have their up line as well helping you succeed. In my case that is Dave and Joy. Dave has been a great mentor to me and Joy is so helpful. I couldn’t have been on a better team than theirs. Tavala has a system in place that’s easy to follow and makes it possible to reach heights you may never had reached with another company.
The other thing great about Tavala as a business is you don’t have to invest money to get started.
Yes, you heard that right….Join For FREE!
The compensation plan is like no other and the sky the limit. It will give you what you put into it. As a part-time it’s great and probably won’t be part-time for long before you see the benefits of doing this full-time… without the full-time hours.
But what I like best is the feeling that I am doing good helping others reach their goals… whether it’s to lose weight, better their health, get flawless skin, have more energy, relieve the pain with the Quantrum Relief Strips or better your financial lifestyle. Everything is possible with Tavala- it’s just a matter of making the decision to transform your life… whether health or finances or both.” Betty Rivera
Inspired by Betty’s story? We bet you are! Betty speaks fluent English and Spanish. You can reach Betty at 939-325-4553, by email at GetInGetFitToday@outlook.com or through her Tavala Website at www.GetInGetFitToday.com
So the above information is Betty’s story in her own words on how Tavala (products and opportunity) have assisted her. Now I’d love to add a little from Dave and I.
The picture to the left is Betty’s family!
In speaking with Betty today I fell in love with her dedication to being of service to others and to not letting anything get in her way of reaching her goals. Born in Puerto Rico, when she was 1 years old her family moved to the Bronx, which was a common destination for many Puerto Ricans during that time. (late 1950s). People were searching for a better life and better opportunity for them and their families. By age 4 Betty moved to Aurora, Illinois, where she lived and graduated from high school. From there she was off to Washington, DC. where she joined the Marine Corps. She was there, an active Marine, for 10 years! As you read from above comments, it was in the Marines that she said she learned perseverance and how to improvise.
When Betty shared with me her daily routine following hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico my jaw was open wide. I have never experienced anything like this in my life (61 years) and am not sure I would have such a positive outlook and ability to cope as Betty, and many others, have. In fact, she (at age 55) is currently training for a 10K this coming October and her all-time dream is to some day run in the Marine Corp Marathon!
Following “Maria” Betty would get up at 4 am to get gas. Even though they didn’t open up until 6 am, she was in line early as often the line was 4 hours long! From there she would get in the ICE LINE, for 2 bags of ice so that she could get necessary ice for those who needed to keep their insulin cold. That was often another 3-4 hours wait. From there it was to the ATM, 45 min. to an hour away, where there were often 200 people in line…. each of them ‘hoping’ there would be money when they got to the ATM machine.
With no power, they improvised with other forms of lights- in fact Betty said she became so proficient at doing things in the dark that even now she often forgets to turn on the lights to do things! Because of all of this she claims she is stronger!
During this time Betty often filled water bottles with cold water and ice and added a Tavala TRIM to the bottle. She would supply those in her neighborhood who needed the water, but also the energy and focus (and positive vibes) that the Tavala TRIM supplies.
Betty also shared samples of the Quantum Relief Strips
for those people who were in pain and needed relief. To this day people in her community in Puerto Rico often call her TAVALA rather than Betty!
Betty has experienced results with many of the Tavala products. Her results have inspired her to reach out and help others with health challenges, including weight loss, normalizing blood sugar and blood pressure as well as anti-aging and beautification with the amazing Tavala Tamanu Organic
Skin Care products. She has been able to eliminate special creams prescribed by her doctor for her sensitive skin, which now, according to Betty, is smooth like a baby’s skin.
Betty has lofty goals with TAVALA and recently helped Tavala corporate in the translation of the Tavala Rhythm Duplication Training program. She understands how important it is to have this be available 100% to people who speak and only understand Spanish.
Thank you, Betty Rivera, for your dedication to your team, to your fellow human beings both in Puerto Rico and afar. We are blessed and grateful you are on our Tavala Team. Reach out to Betty today. You’ll be glad you did!
You can reach Betty at 939-325-4553, by email at GetInGetFitToday@outlook.com or through her Tavala Website at www.GetInGetFitToday.com
Dave and Joy/ Global Leaders with Tavala.