Thank you, Char-lee Godfrey, (Health, Weight Loss Coach and Entrepreneur) for this great information you posted on Facebook. It will no doubt be useful for people who decide to embrace the KETOGENIC diet, and also incorporate some of Tavala’s products, especially the Tavala Trim.
Here is the Question! Why am I not losing weight? Why am I gaining weight? I’m doing everything right!
Are you really? (in Char-lee’s own words….)
If you are one of those people who’s not losing weight, or possibly gaining weight doing Low Carb/ Keto, you’re likely doing something wrong.
I see so many posts from people saying they aren’t losing or they’ve gained weight. “Why am I gaining weight? I’m doing everything perfectly!” “Why am I not losing weight? I only eat 20 carbs a day!”
Just because you eat 20 carbs or less a day, doesn’t mean you’re doing low carb/keto perfectly. You might think I am being judgmental, well I’m not! I’m just telling you like it is! I want everyone to be successful on their low carb journeys, so I’m saying this to enlighten you!
So here’s the facts, you’re probably NOT doing everything as perfectly as you think you are. More than likely you are eating foods that are not actually low carb acceptable, or possibly eating foods that contain hidden carbs and sugars. Trust me, I know for a fact that many of you ARE NOT eating all low carb acceptable foods, by the amount of posts the admins must remove daily for low carb “unacceptable” foods! As well, calories do count to a certain extent. You can’t eat a 12 oz. steak slathered in a 1/2 stick of butter when your body only needs 4-6 ounces of steak and a pat of butter.
You can’t eat a second portion of Mississippi pot roast, or all the bacon and cheese in the world just because they’re low carb acceptable foods. Just because a food is deemed low carb/keto acceptable doesn’t mean it’s a free for all to eat as much as you want! If you overeat you will gain weight!
People are under the misconception that we can eat unlimited dairy, all the bacon in the world, 3 cups of bulletproof coffee a day, triple servings of meats, unlimited “fat bombs”, and anything that says it’s “sugar free”. This just isn’t true!
You must not overeat any of these foods! If you’re doing any of these things your weight loss will stall, or you will gain!
Here are my suggestions.
Keto isn’t a license to overeat. If you are in fact not losing or you are gaining here is what I suggest you do:
1.) Remove all sugar and grains from your diet immediately! This means no fruit, no so called “low carb” tortilla wraps, and not so called “low carb” ice cream. (Halo Top, etc.)
2. WATCH YOUR PORTION SIZES! Do not overeat because it’s low carb! Try to get in tune with your actual hunger and fullness.
3.) READ LABELS! Look at the carb counts. Look through the list of ingredients for hidden sugars, starches, carbs, and weight loss inhibiting chemicals such as maltodextrin.
4.) Don’t eat keto junk food! This includes bars, shakes, sugar free candies, jello, and pudding, etc… Don’t make keto desserts, especially if you are new this lifestyle. These things should not be consumed daily, but should be kept as an occasional treat, or reserved for special occasions!
***Note: IF you are doing regular “sweet eating,” keto style, and you are new to keto, this is a mistake. Yes, they are low-carb, yes they are “allowed,” but if you are not seeing results then they should go. Not just for results purposes, but also because transferring bad behavior to keto will still cause you to have a dysfunctional relationship with food.
***Also, artificial sweeteners stall, or inhibit weight loss for MANY!
5.) Eat REAL FOOD! I’m not saying you must be a 100% clean eater but do be conscious of your choices because ingredients can matter. Real food should be the ingredients! When you’re looking at a label and half the ingredients are a chemical crap storm, ask yourself if you really want that in your body? As well, many of these chemicals and ingredients we can’t pronounce could be the hidden ingredients causing weight stalls and weight gains.
6.) Limit nuts and berries: yes nuts and berries are low carb acceptable (only after induction, and small portions in moderation), but for many they can stall or stop weight loss. As well, many will find themselves unable to limit themselves, so they’re best to be avoided if you find yourself overeating them.
7.) Reduce your dairy consumption: I know this is a hard one! I love my cheese and heavy whipping cream, but dairy stalls weight loss for many! Try and limit yourself to no more than four ounces. Some will need to limit even more than that, and others may have to eliminate altogether.
8.) Do not overeat protein: Your body is super smart! When you greatly reduce carbs, and overeat protein, your body will take the extra unused protein and turn it into glucose! Ahhhh! That’s the last thing you want. Too much protein can spike insulin, kick you out of ketosis, and start storing fat.
9.) DO NOT CHEAT! No cheat days! No cheat meals! You’ll see people comment that “it broke my stall!” It’s a temporary illusion! In the end this will only inhibit your success. Cheating turns off fat burning and turns on carb cravings! Winners never cheat! Cheaters never win!
10.) ALCOHOL is not your friend when you’re trying to lose weight. Not even if your alcoholic cocktail is low carb, it will still stall weight loss, or cause weight gain. When you drink alcohol your body only processes the alcohol! Therefore anything else you consume gets stored as FAT until your body finishes processing the alcohol. Not to mention it impairs your thinking to make good choices.
Alcohol leads down the road of poor food choices, and overeating. It’s best to avoid alcohol until you’re closer to or at goal. If you must indulge keep away from sugary concoctions and limit yourself to special occasions only.
I hope this helps anyone who may currently be struggling with their weight loss. Best of success to everyone! Keto On!
Now, in MY own words: If you decide to embark on a Ketogenic (aka Keto) diet do your research. There is a ton of information available. The info above is useful but get to know what KETOGENIC means before you jump into this shift in lifestyle.
If you’d like to boost your metabolism, gain control over your appetite and cravings, and have more energy and focus, I personally (Joy here) recommend adding the Tavala Trim to your daily regime.
Ready to get started? Make sure you take BEFORE pictures – measure yourself and take your measurements, and then follow the guidelines above, or in your ketogenic information that you research. To reach Char-lee Godfrey email her at or call her at 815-528-4027. She is a marvelous coach and has LOTS of personal experience in the weight loss industry. She is a product of her own advice.
To place your order for TRIM simply go to or call us for consultation on your
initial order.
We wish you the best on your quest for a healthier you in reaching your ideal and healthy weight.

Dave and Joy/Tavala Global leaders and trainers