John and Teresa Goetz, top leaders- trainers and income earners, share important NUGGETS on a Saturday Training on December 9th, 2023. It is worth watching & sharing, especially if you are with “livePURE” or looking for a life changing opportunity.
CLICK below for the TRAINING video.
I personally hit the jackpot when our paths crossed on Social Media and when I joined “livePURE”. John and Teresa are the most dedicated, supportive and committed up line support anyone in this industry could ever hope for.
With their 100% support and assistance with my team, I was able to earn $8,751.98 my very first month, reach the level of RUBY director and earn a cruise. I couldn’t have done it on my own!!!!
If you are looking for a great company, we have it with “PURE”. If you are looking for great products, we have it with PURE as well. But without support, mentorship and leadership, even the best company and products can yield less than optimum success or ‘results’. When you join our team you get that for FREE!
If you join my team, you get the best of the best with John and Teresa Goetz, who have been top leaders with “PURE” since 2010. They were introduced to livePURE by Jerod and Heather Burnett,
who are the only Crown Diamonds in the USA with PURE and number one earners. When I say we have the best of the best, we do, but only if you take action. By partnering with the right team and leaders, you can be a winner here. They continue to help create 6 and 7-figure earners each year sine they joined.
In 2024, “Pure” is going to another level, and the timing is NOW to join, or at the very least, take a serious look to see if it is a good fit for what you are looking for.
I invite you.
To learn more go to I’ll gladly answer any questions you may have and show you our system of SHOW SHARE and CONNECT. It’ll also be my pleasure to CONNECT you with John and Teresa.
Now, to get back to the purpose of this post. 🙂
Click below to listen to and watch John and Teresa.
As we close 2023 and set our sights on 2024, I want to wish you a Happy Holiday Season and the best that the New Year can bring you. If you are looking for an opportunity, who knows, this could be exactly what you’ve been looking and praying for. If you are already on my team with PURE, Let’s lock arms and create magic! If you are ‘cross lines’ on TEAM GOETZ, let’s help one another. Together we can make a difference in the world and help make it a healthier place!
Joy Edgerton/ 802-999-1815