Congratulations on deciding to join TAVALA.
Now your question may be: Which Tavala Team do I join?
I remember years ago when I was a newbie in the industry and certainly not what I would call a network marketing professional like I am today. I remember thinking that it was rude to consider joining with anyone BUT the person who shared the product or opportunity with me.
Like many today-they still think it is “right” to join with the person who first told them about the opportunity or introduced them to the company’s product. NOT SO! Luckily more and more people have become far more savvy in the industry and know that shopping for the PERFECT TEAM (like finding the ideal company to join) is more important than aligning with their friend…simply to help them out or keep the friendship in tact.
Last year we had someone tell us it was the WORST decision of her entire life to join with the team she is currently on, but she was almost bullied to do it as to not upset a couple of friendships. She knows she should have joined our team in the best interest for her business and experience and growth with Tavala. Enough said.
So….if you are looking to join Tavala first of all congratulations.
It’s a GREAT decision and you’ll love the products and the company.
DO, however, make the best decision for YOU when signing on the dotted line. WHAT TEAM WILL YOU JOIN?
Are the people on the team you are looking at trustworthy? Do they have integrity? Do they have a culture on their team that you align with? Are they professional or casual with their business? Will they be at Tavala 1, 2 or more years or do they jump from company to company with new opportunities or fads?
Do you LIKE them? Do they have training in place to help your business grow? Do they have a duplication system and team training on an ongoing basis?
All of these are great questions to ask and we encourage you to ask them. Much like if you were joining a corporation and applying for a job, you’d want to make sure that you will be happy with your decision…after all, this industry is about relationship building and hopefully, you’ll be with Tavala for many years to come!
We have an entire list of over 20 reasons to join our TAVALA team and we’ll happily share with you if you are interested. We don’t ‘sell’…. we want this to be the right decision for both parties- you and us- and we’ll be 100% honest with you. One thing I will say is if you are looking for support in the way of a duplication and training system, weekly training, zoom training, regional trainings, assistance with 3-way calls,
mentorship etc. we have all of those things in place. We think they are crucial for the new person starting out but also for the seasoned networking professional who wants to be on the fast track and simply hit GO!
We invite your call. 802-846-7530 or email us at Join us at
Dave and Joy/Global Tavala Leaders