What a blessing TAVALA has been for our lives! When I mentioned that today to a friend they asked me IN WHAT WAYS? So as I began to think back, I thought I’d document it as our lives have been enhanced in SO many ways since joining, it really blows my mind. AND….we are just getting started!
We said YES to joining TAVALA back in December …. after hearing what the company has to offer both LEADERS and “Newbies” in the industry of Network Marketing. We weren’t ‘looking’ but we sure were desperate to find something that would work….as our previous business was dead….and losing ground weekly!
Immediately we noticed TAVALA was different than any other company we had looked at (GOOD!) and we loved their approach and vision for the future.
I’m generally a PRODUCT-PERSON and the TAVALA TRIM immediately caught our attention -plus we knew Dr. Min Soo Kim’s newest version of strips called the Quantum Relief Strips
were going to be exclusively available through TAVALA. This time around, however, I was ready to emerge as a top leader and create generational income that we have seen others earn in this industry.
After making a heart felt and educated decision we immediately resigned from our previous company (of 10 + years) knowing that we will go full-out with TAVALA. We had dabbled with another company for 5 months as well trying to create additional income and ended up walking away from that company too….. YUP- leaving both monthly checks… believing (and now discovering) that we can create a much greater and substantial income with TAVALA- while being able to help the average person experience success as well.
(True or False, earning a lot of income and winning trips is MUCH more fun and gratifying if you bring your team with you?)
With TAVALA we are seeing team members who have never had success with other Network Marketing companies experience success! Many people on our team are also new to the industry and both groups are Earning Money! Building Teams! Earning Bonus $ monthly! and more…..
I’m glad we saw the big picture with TAVALA from the beginning and it has proven time and time again that resigning from our previous company (s) was the congruent and smart thing to do! With TAVALA we are helping open new countries – attracting leaders who are looking for a new ‘home’, helping the average person create a positive change in their lifestyle, helping more people earn additional income that has made a huge difference in their lives and more. It is very gratifying and we are only 6 months in!!!! (TAVALA opened November 1st, 2016 and is located in American Fork, Utah!)
Since December we have earned many perks through TAVALA : a pair of Jay Bird Ear Buds, a Go Pro 4 Camera and a monthly LIFESTYLE BONUS $350 each and every month! We have also earned an up-coming Eastern Caribbean Cruise for 2 in November.
The monthly Life Style bonus money can be used for anything you want or desire and while some are using it
for a car-bonus YOU get to choose!
What would YOU do with your $350 monthly Life-Style Bonus? Would it be a new car, dream trip with your family? Start a savings for your kids college or for retirement?
Today, we got a license plate cover in the mail! Although I have never put a license plate cover on our car, it will be put on our Lexus SUV….

If you are looking for a company that is well-funded, forward thinking, doesn’t require a sign up fee, monthly auto-ship order, pays 10% MORE on customers and is growing rapidly….join us with TAVALA.
We are looking for leaders and have everything in place for your quick success. We are also looking to train and mentor anyone who has a positive outlook on life, is fun to be around, is self-motivated and wants to build a team and help others succeed.
Pick up the phone and call us. 🙂 802-846-7530. (Eastern Time Zone, USA)
Dave and Joy
TAVALA just opened Europe as well as Bermuda – who do you know in those areas? Who do you know in the USA and Caribbean? Your contacts could make you very wealthy!
Bahamas, Belgium, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, France, Germany, Jamaica, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks & Caicos, United Kingdom, USA and US Virgin Islands.