Why Network Marketing?
How we went through career loss, annual household income drop of over $125K, assets and property taken away, and the role network marketing played…
Attending the University of Tennessee on an athletic scholarship to play football, earning both All-SEC and Academic All-SEC honors while there, graduating with a business finance degree, being drafted by the L.A. Rams in the Spring of 1990, and meeting the woman of my dreams!!
>>>>> Life was GOOD!!! <<<<<
After a short (VERY Short) tenure with the Rams, I settled into life within the financial services industry, married that woman of my dreams >>>> and she and I were off and running at this game called life!!
One thing led to another, and within a few years I ended up in the commercial banking sector and my banking career was born. Over the next 15 years or so, I worked long hours, weekends, and holidays (yeah, I know, doesn’t sound like banker hours..LOL) building relationships and building my book of business. That hard work was rewarded with promotions, pay raises, and several relocations. Through it all, my rock and my primary supporter cheered me on, all the while, making sure the home-front was in
good working order, EVEN while holding down her own career as a Radiologic Technologist. Even when we decided to start a family, Krista was ALL-IN in supporting me and my (our) career.
>>>>> Life was GOOD!!! <<<<<<
After having our first child Benjamin, we made the decision for Krista to stay at home with our son and become a stay at home mom. We both were working longs hours and she felt like she was missing out on so much of his life. So we made the decision for her to quit her job and jump full time into motherhood!
>>>>> Life was GOOD!!! <<<<<<
Fast forward just a bit, the banking career had progressed. I was now in executive management and in charge of an entire region within the banks operating territory as a Regional President. Krista and I added our second child, our beautiful daughter Emily, we built our dream home, and we were members of the Disney Vacation Club >>> Making an annual pilgrimage to the House of Mickey . We were living within our means, putting money into my 401(k), and making plans for a bright future and possible early retirement!!
>>>>>> Life was GOOD!!! <<<<<<
Then in 2008/2009 the entire financial world was turned on its ear, and like millions of others, my banking career ended abruptly, without warning and without cause. At first, while we were obviously concerned, we had savings, a generous severance package, and we believed that another bank “job” was right around the corner. What we didn’t know was just how bad, and how long, this economic recession (depression) would actually be.
>>>>>>> Life was GOOD!!! <<<<<<
At this point the children were in middle and elementary school, among many other financial sacrifices, the annual pilgrimage to Mickeys House was discontinued, explaining that to young children is none-to-easy …… As the savings and severance pay started running low, our concerns become larger and larger. My awesome wife, who had been volunteering at the elementary school for a couple of years got herself added to the staff. This allowed us to keep health insurance benefits after my COBRA benefits expired >>> THIS move on her part would prove to be a miracle in of itself as you will learn shortly……
>>>>>> Life was GOOD!!! <<<<<<
By now, you are probably asking yourself, where is this all going? What does all this have to do with network marketing and Tavala?
Well, a few months prior to my banking career ending, I was approached by a friend about a product that was healthy and was reported as helping with blood pressure and cholesterol. He knew me well, he knew I was on meds for both of those conditions. I tried it, liked it, and even though I had NO interest in the business aspects >> I enrolled with him to be a USER of the product only. I mean WHY would a bank president actually need to do network marketing?? Well, the products were good and as a result, my health improved and was able to quit taking my meds. I was pleased with that decision, I just wish my arrogance regarding the business had not stood in my way of “seeing” the benefit of building a business BEFORE you actually might NEED that income!!
>>>>> Life was GOOD!!! <<<<<<
When my banking career ended just like that, I began looking for other work within the banking industry, obviously with no luck. Banks would continue to downsize for the next 3-4 years. Within a few months I started looking for any kind of work, but it became very difficult for me to accept that I was “over qualified”. I got so desperate at one point I applied to be a truck loader working the 11pm-5AM shift, so I could still look for work during the day. They said I was “over qualified” >> REALLY??!! The job was literally loading trucks with boxes…… During these months of looking for work with no luck, Krista and I made the decision to pursue this “thing” called network marketing. We felt as though we were led to be involved, at least as a way to earn some income until a new career was secured. And YES >
>>>>> Life was GOOD <<<<<<
So we dove in the network marketing industry head first >>> Attending every meeting, every seminar, every corporate meeting, anything and everything we could attend >>> to learn ALL we could. At the same time, we were trying to build our team, doing everything wrong >> LOL, but what we did have was passion and sincerity. That passion and that “realism” >>> people could relate to and we started to see a team beginning to grow. All the while I was battling a tremendous amount of depression and a sense of failure as a husband, father, and provider >> as our overall household financial situation was still not better. What money we made from networking, coupled with Krista’s salary at the school, plus what odds and ends jobs I could muster, was nowhere close to my previous banking salary.
As the savings ran out, we started getting the late notices, delinquency and default notifications. I was able to provide enough money for the fundamentals, but not enough to cover the things we owed money on. Then to top it all off, our son, became very ill and almost died. He was immediately diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and rushed to the hospital. By the Grace of God they were able to get his blood sugars stabilized and he would OK. After that shock wore off we learned that he would need to be on insulin the remainder of his life. Even with the insurance that Krista was able to provide through work, we were staring at monthly prescriptions for his meds, test strips, and needles of several hundreds of dollars each month (would have been over $1000 without insurance, hence the miracle foreshadowing earlier). So, for a husband and father who was struggling to feed his family, the additional pile on of medical expenses was almost more than I could bare.
Through all this time, God blessed my wife with a heart of patience, support and LOVE. She NEVER, not ONCE did she ever criticize or back track on our decision to pursue networking. I am sure she felt like it at times , but by the Grace of God, all she did do >>> was love me unconditionally. Something that I am truly unworthy and will forever be grateful >>> I am truly a blessed man!
>>>>>> Life was GOOD!! <<<<<<
Looking back on that chapter of our life, we were in fact “led” into network marketing, not because of financial freedom, not because of the products, not for living a life of an entrepreneur and making millions of dollars, none of these was the TRUE reason. God led us to network marketing because He knew the demons that I would be facing internally over the next several years and there were people within the network marketing “path” that He would bring into my walk that would be instrumental in helping me hold onto what little HOPE that I had left >>>> That’s right, we were led to network marketing because God knew that I would need a light of HOPE in my life. You see network marketing, when it is done CORRECTLY in the field, is SO much more than a financial freedom vehicle, SO much more than time freedom vehicle >>> The simple truth is this >>> Network Marketing (when done properly) is something that is brought into people’s lives that can give them HOPE, give them a team of people that truly care about each other and THEM, it allows people to see others when they are at their BEST!
There was a time, when I still had plenty of life insurance in place on my life, and I would be lying, if I said that I never considered the financial aspects of allowing Krista to receive those proceeds………I never came close to planning anything, but I definitely weighed the financial repercussions of what “if” ……. I have often wondered, If I did not have that dream of hitting “Diamond” in that original company we were with, what would I actually have done……..
The MESSAGE we carry is FAR more important than any product that we may have in our catalog.
So, for us, network marketing checks off all the usual categories of “WHY”,
but for us, we choose to share our story, not just because of money or time freedom, but because it just might save another couple by giving them HOPE. HOPE that they can find success in each other and in life, no matter what path they choose.
Our son Ben is now a sophomore at Georgia Southern University pursuing a degree in biology with plans on attending medical school. Our daughter will attending University of Tennessee in the Fall of this year beginning her studies in sports medicine. Krista continues her tenure in the local school system and Kent has successfully started his own company providing construction management services as well as having a partnership in a local tax preparation and business services operation.
Why did we choose Tavala?
We chose Tavala because after these many years of being with certain companies who lack strong corporate skills, and on teams that lack ethical and strong field leadership, we have learned a VERY valuable lesson in this industry >>>>
WHO you are in business with is far more important than the product line and the compensation plan. ALL good companies have a good products, ALL good companies pay commissions, but FEW have field leadership that have their ethical and moral compasses in check, and even FEWER have competent corporate leadership, and Krista and I know that Tavala has both and we are blessed to be a part of the Tavala family and Dave and Joy’s team!
If you’d like to connect with Kent and Krista give them a call. 912-547-4703, lakesidelifestyle@gmail.com or join their Tavala team at www.tavala.biz/kristaandkent.
In OUR WORDS: “It is a pleasure and HONOR having Kent and Krista on our Tavala Team. You won’t find a sweeter, more genuine couple anywhere, let alone in this industry. Their story will no doubt hit home to many- I know we can relate. When you join their team you’ll be great hands!”

Dave and Joy/Global Leaders with Tavala

Dave and Joy/Global Leaders with Tavala.