We had a Problem – 3 Weeks to our Wedding and We Were Overweight

Could KETOPIA actually help us?

Every Bride and Groom wants to look and feel their best on their wedding day- would you agree? This is Dave and I when we met back in 2007. Like many people over the years we gained weight and were determined to rid it before getting married!

our wedding card

Back in 2014, a week before Dave and I got married we had the privilege of trying a ‘yet to be perfected’ version of Ketopia. We had seen Ron Williams on two occasions and noticed how trim he looked…it was obvious he had LOST WEIGHT and he looked vibrant with energy! He shared with us “shhhhh, it’s KETOPIA and it’s coming out in the future with FGXpress.” I couldn’t forget the obvious transformation he had made in a short time and literally BEGGED him – over and over again, by phone, text and email- to send whatever version he could get his hands on as Dave and I were getting married in several weeks. He promised to!

Flash forward a week and the KETOPIA had not yet arrived. I remember being so keen on dropping 5+ pounds for my wedding day that I purchased a competitor company’s product -in case the KETOPIA did not arrive in time. We were living ocean front in Vero Beach at that time. I recall gagging down a bitter green drink, a handful of pills and consumed mainly a plant based diet… and although I have to say I did drop a couple of pounds- but I was not ‘satisfied’ and it certainly was not a sustainable program for me. Dave refused to even try it!

THEN, when we arrived in Naples, our ‘wedding destination’ -a large box was over-night to us that contained the KETOPIA. Not the amazing version that is soon to be launched July 10th, 2015…but a ‘version’…the one Ron Williams has used. We spoke with director of product development international, Michelle LeSueur who educated us on how to use the program we had received and began our journey – within only 5 days before our wedding day.

The KetonX – back a year ago, was something that we had to mix ourselves and not in the convenient packaging it is today, and there were no DOUGH BITES available either, and we used the THUNDER SHAKE, rather than the FIXX……but guess what? Both Dave and I dropped weight and INCHES in places we wanted to – AND we were NEVER HUNGRY !!!! We were totally satisfied!!!! If memory serves me well in the 5 days we did use the program, I lost 5 pounds and Dave lost 9! WOW!!!!

Dave and Joy holding the sun

Now a year later we are about to begin the ENTIRE PROGRAM OF KETOPIA that is conveniently packaged,TO PERFECTION with all products (KetonX, dough bites, FIXX) including the ketosis testing sticks a year ago!!! We are so excited to do the 10 Day Ketopia Challenge and have a goal of 500 people on our team (and friends of friends) doing this with us. Having had a ‘taste’ of KETOPIA and how energetic and satiated we felt a year ago we KNOW we will love KETOPIA 2015- and reach our goal weight.


What is Ketopia? Are you interested in joining us with a 10 Day Challenge?

Ketopia is a weight loss system. With Ketopia, you take three products during a 10 day weight management kickoff program. The three products include KetonX, Dough Bites, and FIXX. You also have a sensible, high protein meal with green vegetables each day.

Ketopia coming soon

KetonX is a blend of multiple raw natural ingredients designed to put you on the path towards nutritional ketosis and satiety. The formula was studied and developed at the University of South Florida by a world-renowned doctor. Whereas it usually takes 4-5 DAYS to get your body into fat burning mode utilizing your stored FAT FOR FUEL, with KetonX it takes only 4-5 hours! Results- weight loss, fat loss and more energy!


Dough Bites are pieces of cookie dough “formulated to complement KetonX”. They’re high in fiber and probiotics and designed to help you boost your energy and satisfy hunger cravings without sacrificing your dietary goals.

FIXX is a delicious chocolate protein powder- in convenient individual portion control packaging- made from “cold-processed New Zealand whey from clean pasture-raised cows”. FIXX also has 30 organic fruits and vegetables added to provide a blend of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and probiotics. KETONXpatented ingredients

It was worth the wait…..so why WEIGHT? Join us for the 10 Day Challenge with the KETOPIA!!!!!


5I3I6962_pp20x20 Join us

Dave & Joy




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