Take your Oars out of the Water

A few years ago, my partner, Joy and I had just finished listening to an Abraham-Hicks recording on how to allow your life to flow and stop fighting the flow of the river we call our life.

The insight here was to understand the most people put their boat in the river and instead of allowing the flow of the water to carry them down stream, most people hop in and start furiously paddling upstream, in total opposition to the flow of life. Life seems hard this way!

It was a wonderful analogy to how to go with life.

So we talked about getting some oars to hang on our wall. 3 days later as I’m taking out the trash to our community trash bin. We lived in Scottsdale, AZ at the time and in the alley behind the houses was a large circular bin for 3-4 families to use. I was carrying out the trash, opened the bin and before I threw our garbage in, something caught my eye.

The bin was empty except for 1 item… you guessed it! It was an old beat up oar. (It;s smaller oar in the picture!). In the middle of the desert, not near a lake….. an oar shows up! How’s that for Law of Attraction!

Hung high on our living room wall. (It's the smaller oar!)

Hung high on our living room wall. (It’s the smaller oar!)

every place we have lived we have hung this oar on our wall. A little over 2 years ago, we got a 2nd oar from Joy’s dad and hung them together.

Go with the flow. Take your oars out of the water and trust the flow of your life!


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Dave & Joy



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