Are you looking to JOIN BEYOND SLIM? If so, perhaps you may want to consider why joining my Beyond Slim team offers benefits above and beyond joining other teams.
A little background: I have been in direct sales, network marketing for years with a successful track record, and am a FOUNDING COACH with Beyond Slim. I am very committed to your success and allow you to build at your own pace, versus pushing you in a direction you do not wish to go. This means if you are on my team (LET’s SAY OUR TEAM from now on as we are a team who works and supports our goals together) – you are joining an existing TEAM that is well established and fast growing.
Below you’ll see many reasons why we believe joining our team could offer you a distinct advantage. If you would like to explore this in a confidential conversation, please give me a call to see if we are mutually a good fit with one another. 802-999-1815 or email us to set up a phone or zoom appointment.
First and foremost I am dedicated to the teams success and work our BEYOND SLIM business exclusively, doing no other side-hustles. This is not a hobby or side-project, this IS my work I am dedicated to. Many of us on the team are professionals in the industry of network marketing and love helping build other leaders, as well as supporting our customers. We also have a direct connection to the founder, Ray Faltinsky,
and VP of Sales, Rachel Kellogg-Kimmel, among other corporate staff at Beyond Slim, including Shelley Watson, Field Sales Development Director. 

T.E.A.M.= Together Everyone Achieves More!
I’m thrilled you are looking to join Beyond Slim as it is a breath of fresh air in the industry of networking. Social Referral Marketing vs. the traditional MLM is much more user friendly to all who join. So why Join my team?
- When you join my (our) team you get US, as well as the corporate staff working closely with those dedicated to Beyond Slim. This blends my talents, with my upline sponsor, Sarah Cranston’s experience and talent and the corporate staff, to offer YOU the best support possible.
- We are readily available for Zoom Calls as well 3-way calling. We are comfortable speaking with highly successful and seasoned pros in the industry as well as the ‘newbie’ who is joining this industry for the first time.
- Facebook Group called ‘Beyond Slim Top Dollar Side Hustle’ is a great place to share testimonials, trainings, etc. and to see what is up to date for coaches.
- Facebook Messenger Support for Customers and for the Reboot66 Challenge participants
- I also offer to write blogs for our Team members sharing their successes (business or personal transformation) with their information that will lead them to new sales and team growth.
- Up line Leader Support – 3 Way Call Availability for everyone
- You Tube Channel- never miss a training video or video testimonial. Subscribe today! (Joy Edgerton)
- Blog, on relevant topics
- Available for mentoring, 3-way calls, business conversations and connecting you to corporate or sharing your ideas with decision makers.
I hope I have given you many reasons to check out joining my Beyond Slim team. There ARE other groups you can join – or you can JOIN My Team. Simply click here to learn more.
Care to chat with the founder or VP of Sales Rachel Kimmel or Field Sales Development Director, Shelley Watson? Let’s make it happen. 802-999-1815.
Here’s to a great 2022 and a year of “no regrets”. I look forward to speaking with you in the near future.
Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach with Beyond Slim
802-999-1815/ (to become a customer) (to become a coach)