Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 21

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 21

10 pounds of FAT is a lot of FAT!

I love this visual and what I also find intriguing is the average person who is doing the FGXpress 10-Day Reset of Ketopia IS losing 10 pounds in 10 Days! Now there are many who are dropping a lot MORE weight than 1 pound per day, and there are those – like me- who are dropping approximately .5 lbs. per day. We are all on our Ketopia Journey at our own pace…..but the AVERAGE appears to be a loss of 1 lb. per DAY!

10 pounds of FAT

With Ketopia you lose the RIGHT kind of weight!

When your body is in a nutritional state of “ketosis” as you are Burning FAT for FUEL -rather than CARBS and SUGARS- and I am confident that you will have a lot more energy as you utilize your stored fat for fuel. MORE ENERGY, ZERO CRAVINGS or HUNGER due to the products of KetonX, Dough bites and the FIXX shake.

I could go on and on but you still won’t know until you try it for yourself. (“You’ll Know When You Are There”! is a common motto on this program. ) There are many options available. Please call us at 802-846-7530 for a guideline based on your goals, or visit and click JOIN for wholesale options, and SHOP for retail options. (Hint: If you think you may share Ketopia with others click JOIN! If you think you’ll keep Ketopia a SECRET, click SHOP!)

My results using the Ketopia have been strong and steady….slow and easy….. and my Day 20 results are in the collage of photos below. As a woman who has helped hundreds of people over the years regain their health, their fitness, their self esteem as they regain their health in lifestyle areas, I welcome working with you. I also can say that THIS program has helped ME regain MY self confidence again. At age 58, post menopause, I had gained fat in areas I never had (hello BACK FAT and BELLY FAT) but they are slowly melting!!!! Ketopia has offered me hope – and only 40 days ago, when Ketopia launched- I was desperate to find away to return to my leaner self. That was only a month ago! Let me help you on YOUR KETOPIA JOURNEY!1 Joys Results 1-205I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy & Dave



OH….did we tell you that you can make a ton of money helping your friends get healthier and thinner with Ketopia!???? We are a fast growing team where we work with integrity and have FUN assisting others reach their health and wealth goals.

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 19

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 19

Re-Set your Body in just 10 Days!!!!

If you are Discouraged with the way you look and feel Finally There IS HOPE.


KETOPIA is or call today and we’ll help you place YOUR order. 802-846-7530

Results? More Energy/ Better Mental Clarity/ Weight Loss/ Inch and Fat Loss….all with Zero Cravings and Zero Hunger. HOPE IN A BOX!!!!


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Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 18

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 18

The topic today is HOPE!

If you have been struggling with your weight or body composition and are tired of the same old programs and products on the market check out KETOPIA! Brand New, Scientifically formulated and patented and it works!!!! Burn FAT for Fuel!!!!!


To order your 10-Day Reset of Ketopia go to or call 802-846-7530 and we’ll help YOU chose the best pack for your particular goals. Oh…..and remember to ask us how YOU can make money sharing Ketopia with your friends!

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