Could this little Green Happy Pill help YOU lose weight, give you energy and cut cravings?

Could this little Green Happy Pill help YOU lose weight, give you energy and cut cravings?

Good question….

I was speaking with a couple of friends at the beginning of this year and we were sharing our past successes with both business and weight loss in 2022. One thing that we decided, across the board, is not every product works for every person. See, we are all in different companies representing health and weight loss products. We all have customers who get great results and others who simply walk away defeated believing there is nothing ‘out there’ to help them lose weight… even saying the products we know work for some, didn’t work for them.

One friend has an entire program that includes Shakes, Appetite Suppressers, Vitamin Support (and more) as well as an Educational program. Another friend has a Detox program followed by certain shakes and gut support and her personal coaching. I have a healthy “full circle health” drink that is delicious and resets the metabolism, has a supportive educational program with accountability, etc. In fact this product is far more than just weight loss, it goes “beyond slim” in its approach. It’s how I lost MY weight.

All three of us have GREAT success with the majority of our customers who follow the plan and commit to the necessary lifestyle changes. However, on occasion, there are people who simply do not get the results they desire. This is where having an open mind to trying other things comes into play. This is where I ALSO, on occasion, recommended my customers try other products and programs – even referring them to people I know and trust who sell products that I am not affiliated with.

I often recommend a healthy shake to my customers to support their first meal of the day of the day, after 10-12 hours of intermittent fasting. For many it gives them better results than their normal first meal that “breaks their fast”. We all know “Breaking your fast” with the most nutritional support available, sets the stage for good energy and less cravings throughout the day. Since the company I am working with does not have a shake, I have outsourced (and actually personally been using) a shake from a company that I am a wholesale buyer from for almost 3 years. If there is a healthier shake out there, I don’t know of it. Check out my favorite shake that comes in both vanilla and chocolate. The link below is for the meal replacement shakes that I personally use and recommend. Buy one or buy two, your choice. Buy single packs for $49.97 wholesale and 2-pack for $89.97.

Shakes aside, as there are many of them in the market place other than my personal choice….so what about this little GREEN PILL called Shape-N-Burn, also coined “happy pill”? What about that for weight loss and for energy -while helping with craving and as an appetite suppressant?

I kept hearing this question so I decided to do research and my own personal due-diligence. I found this 3-minute video on You-Tube that pretty much sums up the product and benefits. So rather than me writing about what it does, simply Click below to learn more.

What I continue to learn after decades in the health, nutrition and fitness industries, is that there is no one product that is a perfect fit for every person. Since I like to offer solutions to people who are indeed looking and ready for change, even if it doesn’t always personally benefit me, I continue to share. SHARING is in a woman’s DNA, and if you truly care about someone, you share freely.

Perhaps this information that is both above and below may offer YOU an option for something you are looking for. A New Year’s Resolution Solution, perhaps. The link below is for the Shape-N-Burn (aka “Little Green Happy Pill”)


Wholesale Price: $59.97

  • Retail Price: $99.97


I’ll continue to share products and services with you that will support your health and weight loss journey. Often they are not part of a company I am working with, but I know many friends who can help you find the perfect solution for your personal journey. If I can assist you in any way, please reach out. Email: 802-999-1815, USA, eastern time zone.

The link below is for the Shape-N-Burn Green Happy Pill product, highlighted in the above video. Simply click here:

The Zipslim product ( that I use and love -that has helped me lose weight, comes with a 90-Day money-back guarantee (1 full month refund within a 90-day period) and the ‘Extreme Shake’ and ‘Shape-N-Burn’ come with a 60-Day money-back guarantee (2 full months including SH)

Either way you have NOTHING to lose….but stubborn fat and poor lifestyle habits.

How can I help you become the healthiest version of you this year?

Most Recent Reboot66 Winners with Beyond Slim (Zipslim)

Congratulations to the four $1000 winners of the most recent Reboot66 Challenge. Announcements were made in December 2022, just in time for the winners to enjoy their $1000 CASH bonus. Beyond Slim holds a “Challenge” that excites and engages their Zipslim customers and coaches. Winners were Shelbi Kautzsch, Candace Trass Crute, Jen Keller and Catina Hinton-Finch. Congratulations to 4 very deserving winners.

It’s called The Reboot66 Challenge and is held 4x per year, each quarter. The NEW Reboot66 challenge started January 3, 2023 and you can join at any time by submitting your “BEFORE” photo with your contact information. After 66-90 days you submit your “story” and BEYOND photo and are qualified to WIN. I love that they choose on many factors other than just weight loss. There are two distinct categories, one being UNDER 10 pound weight loss, and OVER 10 pound weight loss. The other categories are decided by popular vote and in the categories of fitter, healthier and happier.

In addition to winners of the Challenge, the COACH with the most customers/coaches submitting stories also won $1000. I’m grateful that I was the winner this past December. I attribute it to attracting motivated people who are committed to making the necessary lifestyle changes for success. Their health and body’s easily reflect their commitment. It was nothing I did, except to be there for accountability and support, for those who wanted it…and of course, encourage them to submit their story. Those people who do participate in the Reboot66 Challenge almost always get better results than non-participants. Accountability, fun, friendship, cheering one another on and the desire for change are many reasons to participate….and it’s FREE. Also, everyone who submits their story wins a free T-shirt.

To sign up for the Reboot66 click on

The more compelling your story and photo selections, the better your chance of winning.

You can submit your story as many times as you like, as long as you update the information and photos. This is why they say “Before” to “Beyond Photos”. For example, I submitted my story three times. The third time my friend, Sarah, helped with the wording and photo selection. In the fall of 2022 I was one of the winners of $1000 and forever grateful.

Here is MY winning story.


Shelbi lost 21 lbs. in 8 weeks- keeps up with five kids better.




Candace went from a size 20 to a size 8 at the age of 60



Jen is a breast cancer survivor who lost 9 lbs. and 10 inches



Catina is down 21 lbs. with more energy and better state of mind.



If you are ready to transform your body and improve your health, give Zipslim and the Reboot66 a 90 day commitment. You’ll be so glad you did. You can get additional information and place our order at

If you have questions please call me at 802-999-1815 or email

To place your order click here: I’ll support you each step of your journey.

Here’s How You Can Save Money on your First Zipslim Order

Here’s How You Can Save Money on your First Zipslim Order

If you’re like me, you love saving money or enjoy a good ‘deal’. I grew up with a mother who clipped coupons each week and shopped accordingly. There was something satisfying about the ‘art of the deal’. Today, I still enjoy saving money when I can and know most people do, which is why – when available- I offer a promo code to new customers on their first Zipslim order.

Sometimes the savings is $10 off, sometimes $20 and sometimes $30. I also enjoy sharing a FREE Zipslim sample with new potential customers for them to experience the delicious taste. The product tastes like blackberry lemonade, comes in both a charged version and decaf, and it offers great health and weight loss benefits. For me personally, it was my MENOPAUSE solution.

Here’s my story:

For additional information on Zipslim, click this link and watch the 5-minute Flip the Switch video

You can also place your Subscribe and Save order via the link below, but before you do make sure you reach out for your personal Promo Code to save you anywhere from $10-$30: Click here:

If you want your Promo Code for savings, or have any questions email me at or call 802-999-1815. The Promo Codes change periodically.

Cheers to becoming Fitter, Healthier and Happier…

Founding Coach at Beyond Slim


Save HERE on your first order of Zipslim $$$

Save HERE on your first order of Zipslim $$$ (This could be your New Years Resolution Solution?)

In December 2020 I was introduced to a new weight loss product that changed my life, and the lives of all I shared with. After successfully losing 30 pounds, when nothing worked since menopause until this, I knew it was something I could get behind and began sharing with others who were also looking for a healthy weight loss solution.

As it turns out, Zipslim is a ‘full circle’ health product that is far MORE than just weight loss, which is why Dr. Drucker, developer of the Zipslim, and CEO/Founder Ray Faltinsky aptly named the product Zipslim, and company Beyond Slim.

If you are looking for a health DEPOSIT and any of these benefits listed below, I’m offering you a way to save $30 on your first Beyond Slim Subscribe and Save order.

Notice the healthy ingredients and also check out the many benefits of Zipslim:






To Save Money on your first order of Zipslim here’s what you need to do:

Call me at (802-999-1815) OR email me at for your personal PROMO CODE. Once you have that, click on this link and at checkout, put in your personal Promo Code. This link is where you will create a customer account and allow you to order.

Beyond Slim has a generous 90-Day money back guarantee. I suggest giving Zipslim at least 60-90 days and follow the proven plan closely. Yes, even if you are not 100% compliant, you’ll receive benefits, but if you are highly motivated like I was and many others- you want to get fitter, healthier and happier AND reach and maintain your ideal weight from NOW ON!

Now that you have a solution, click here:

As a founding coach I can help you reach your goals and support you. Also, Beyond Slim has a Wellness Pro on staff who weekly helps with goal setting, education, workout ideas, accountability, and new recipes. That support can be found in the Beyond Slim Reboot66 Facebook group.

Speaking of Reboot66, once you have placed your order, make sure you sign up for the Reboot66 Contest that is held quarterly. All who submit their “before to beyond” stories will receive a free T-shirt and have a chance to win $500 cash. Click here to sign up

Here is my success story, and I look forward to seeing yours in the near future.

Save -Be Brave and See where you’ll BE in ’23! Let Zipslim be your New Years Resolution Solution!


Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach with Beyond Slim

Does Tavala Trim Work for Energy & Weight Loss?

Does Tavala Trim Work for Energy & Weight Loss?

In November I received a phone call from a friend whom I trust. He was wondering if my husband and I would be interested in trying a new product that his company had recently launched. He was not pitching me on his company or product but honestly wanted our opinion and feedback. Since we have been visible and successful in network marketing we get calls like this often, but there was something about the way we were INVITED to take a look and sample the product, that was honoring and authentic….so we reluctantly said “Sure, send us a Free 7-Day Sample” and we’ll let you know what we think.”

The more I thought about the product, Tavala Trim, the more excited I got to try it as it was during the holiday season and I figured I could use all the help I could get to NOT gain weight between Thanksgiving and New Years. Plus the Ketogenic program I had been on for over a year was NOT working….and I needed help in dropping weight I have gained since menopause.

Due to Thanksgiving the samples arrived a couple of days later than expected and I remember being ANXIOUSLY EXCITED during that weight. Hmmmm, it had been a while since a product had me excited and I found I was getting impatient waiting for our samples to arrive.

When we received our packages in the mail we were VERY impressed with the presentation.

The 7-Day samples were in a beautiful gold envelope – and the interior with the dark purple print looked very ROYAL. I could see the company took pride on the presentation and branding!

The interior opened up with a pocket for the 7 individual samples and instructions on how to use the product for best results. (Simply add content of each pouch to 12-16 ounces of water).

There are products on the market that have a ‘sweet presentation’ but taste horrible or simply do not deliver the results they advertise. I have to say we were VERY impressed with our first experience.

Day 1 we took a full serving size, and since have recommended to people that if they have any sensitivities to natural stimulants, to start with 1/2 package day 1. Within 15 minutes both Dave and I felt more energy- which in a ‘microwave society of wanting a quick fix’ was impressive. Who can’t use a little boost of natural energy or a little more focus, no to mention a boost in metabolism.

The next thing we noticed as the day progressed is we had ZERO hunger….and ZERO cravings. We drank a lot more water throughout the day (good benefit) and the energy boost sustained through the entire day. I am sensitive to most things that offer energy but this was different. It was an even-keel energy that had no crash effects. I slept well that night as well.

Our enjoyment of the product prompted a conversation with our friend and we began to share samples freely with our friends who we thought would appreciate the benefits we were experiencing with the Tavala Trim. To our delight, over 1/2 the people I personally messaged on Facebook or called, wanted to try a sample!!!!!

Flash forward 3 weeks and approximately 30% of the people who have actually opened and tried their samples have become customers or members. That is a HIGH percentage and I know with correct follow up it will improve to the 50% mark…. NOT because I am a good sales person- but because people are LOVING the TAVLA TRIM. What I also love is customers and members pay the same price, and their is No Joining Fee. This allows people to enjoy this product at their own pace, with no pressure.

Don’t take MY word (or the people who shared the below testimonials) give Tavala Trim a Try.

Visit and click on FREE SAMPLES and fill in your information.

“By the way I lost 5 lbs. in a week and still went to 2 parties”! J.E.

“The week before Christmas is hard on a teacher. All those delicious treats staff and students bring you…ugh. So, I thought I’d get through by starting my sample this week. I’ve been pleasantly surprised that my plateau has finally budged. Two days in and I’m 2.75lbs down”. E.H.

“Flavor and consistency of taste. Definitely the Tavala Trim curbs hunger and provides consistent energy-no crash and I can also tell you I am not hungry. I also slept really well.” M.P.

“Day 1, I noticed a huge increase in energy within 15 minutes of drinking the Tavala Trim, and it lasted all day. An increase in energy and focus and no desire to eat sweets- with the holidays here, what a perfect time to enjoy the Trim.” D.J.E.

“I like it.. (Tavala Trim) I have great energy w/o the crash. I’ll stay informed via your Facebook page. I’ll order some soon. Cheers!” M.O.

“A friend’s husband drives Fed. Ex trucks and is using the Tavala Trim to help with energy and focus – rather than relying on unhealthy energy drinks or coffee throughout the night.”

“Day 2 I attended a Christmas Party and was among all kinds of sweets and treats. I was totally in control of my eating and I know the Tavala Trim was the reason! I enjoyed looking at the food but had no desire to binge, like I usually do. I have already dropped a couple of pounds.” D.J.

“I am down to only 1 coffee a day- no need to have my afternoon Starbucks to pull me out of my afternoon slump. I am loving the Tavala Trim AND it tastes good!” J.W.

“We moved on Saturday and I drank the Tavala Trim around 10:30 in the morning. I had so much energy throughout the day- settled into our house late and night and had NO hunger throughout the day. I had a shake for dinner and can tell, in only 5 days I have lost inches and my clothes are getting baggier.” D.E.

“A friend has been using the Tavala Trim for 4 weeks and has lost 20 pounds. This is the only thing they have been doing different…. this works!!!” G.H.

“Down 12 lbs. in 2 weeks”…and this is BEFORE the New Year. Tavala Trim Works!

…..and the feedback that we are getting DAILY exceeds those above.

We are looking for LEADERS to join our team. If that is you, Please contact us with a time that is good for you to see if what we have with TAVALA is the right fit for you.

Dave and Joy


Quick and Easy Weight Loss with Tavala Trim-

Quick & Easy Weight Loss with Trim-

Are you tired of the same old diet plans? products? menus?

Tired of feeling sick and tired when you are trying to lose weight? There is a new breakthrough in weight loss and energy!!!!! and it is called Tavala Trim.

Give us a call to learn more or get your free sample. 802-846-7530 or go to

7-Day Samples are available for only $20 (includes shipping and handling) or you can purchase a 28-day supply for only $69.99 (plus S&H)…. order here:

Expect more Energy- More focus- Appetite Suppressant- Craving Control= WEIGHT LOSS.


5I3I6962_pp20x20Dave and Joy/Global Leaders and Trainers.





Joy’s Day 1- Tavala Trim

Joy’s Day 1 -Tavala Trim

November 29th 2016…. A day I’ll always remember!

A friend recently shared samples of a brand- new product called Tavala Trim. The benefits that caught MY attention were the words TRIM, FOCUS, ENERGY and WEIGHT LOSS. Since going through menopause, my metabolism has slowed down and my energy has shifted….. So I thought, “What the heck, why not try a free sample????”

7-Day sample…

First of all, it was not just a 2-day sample but a 7-Day sample, (We now offer a 3 day Starter Pack – For anyone who looks at our part time income opportunity) – packaged nicely in a golden color envelope and beautifully displayed. My initial impression was WOW, this looks amazing. I hope it tastes as good – and works as well as it is presented!

tavala-trim-visualWe were prepared to try the sample immediately upon getting it from our mailbox so simply opened the packet and put it in 14 ounces of water. (Directions say 12-16 ounces). To my delight, it tasted GREAT and within 15-20 minutes I definitely felt more energy and focus. This feeling actually continued throughout the day into early evening. I couldn’t believe it. On top of that, my appetite was reduced dramatically. I can see how people can lose weight when cravings subside and your appetite is reduced, when your metabolism is enhanced due to the natural ingredients…and you have more energy to be active throughout the day.

Capture MENOPOTI look forward to assessing my results at the end of the week. Friends who I have spoken with have lost weight with Tavala. One dropped 10 lbs. in 7 days and another 6 lbs. in 7 days. WOW, those numbers are impressive!!!!

Tavala Trim is available in capsule and in a powder that you add to water, which is what I am experiencing. get-your-free-sample

Are you looking for more ENERGY? More mental FOCUS? An Appetite SUPPRESSANT? Reduce CRAVINGS? If so, you’ll love Tavala Trim.

Get TRIM before the New Year with Tavala Trim!!!! Currently only available in the USA.

If you’d like your free 3 day Starter pack go to email us at

OR if you know you want a month supply and want to get it as quickly as possible go to

We love our customers and are offering a free 3 day sample for anyone who takes a look at our business opportunity !

5I3I6962_pp20x20Dave and Joy
