New “Hands On” Training Approach Setting Records

Setting new records in your business

January 3rd 2015 we started a new Training program with our team. It’s a Hands On” approach and the results so far have been fabulous.

Instead of the normal 20% of the people we speak with agreeing to go see our company presentation, we now have over 80% agreeing to go to see our presentation. Imagine your business when you are getting 4 times the number of people to go and view your info. Imagine what your check will do!

In the video below, we shared the overview with our team.

If you’re having success with your business now and want to increase the duplication process and assist many on your team…. Check out this overview.

If you’re looking for a team where your up line actually works hands on with you till you’re earning $1500-2500 per month. Send us an email


Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


Instructions on How to use the PowerStrips by FG Xpress

How to use the PowerStrips by FG Xpress

There is so much excitement surrounding a new product called PowerStrips by FG Xpress.

The PowerStrips, listed in July, 2013 by the FDA as a Class 1 Medical Device for Pain Relief and the Look and Feel of the Skin, is catching the attention of not only consumers who are looking for a natural remedy for pain relief- but also health care professionals and wellness enthusiasts who want to help their clients/patients.

Cutting the PowerStrips into Different Size “Strips”:

Many people experience a relief in pain using a full PowerStrip, while others enjoy cutting theirs in several “strips” to apply in different areas. As with any product- you will want to experiment with what works best for you.

When you open the package of PowerStrips you will smell the unique aroma of the PowerStrips. Each PowerStrip, approximately the size of an index card, is applied on or near the site you are experiencing pain. As mentioned above, many people have found that using one PowerStrip cut in many sizes works best for their body and pain relief, while others find using a full PowerStrip near the sight of pain helps them best. One package of 15 PowerStrips (often called the sample pack) is generally a month supply for the average person.



For best results use as directed. If the PowerStrip gets wet the Germanium (Element responsible for the far-infrared technology) loses its effectiveness so we suggest removing before bathing and re-applying using surgical tape, if needed. Some people who have more oily skin find they may need this additional adhesive if reapplying the PowerStrip, while others experience it holding strong 48 hours straight and having to literally peel them off the skin. Because the PowerStrips are water soluble (unlike most “patches” ) people are not experiencing issues with irritation on their skin.


Want to learn more?

Want to try the Power Strips ?

Click here

FG Xpress

Take a seat in the front row of a day one, ground floor, residual business opportunity. The entire world’s address system, available to you DAY ONE! Seamless. One product, one price, patented, doctor-formulated, brand new, first of its kind, category creator and exclusively ours!

Join the race, the human race, in a brother and sisterhood that erases all country lines, politics and logistical obstacles. Don’t miss out, get in now! Start celebrating your suXess!


  • Global Distribution Ready
  • One Product. One Price
  • Doctor Formulated
  • Patented
  • Seamless!


Click here


Power Strips

Dave DeBerardinis
Joy Edgerton


Skype: dave.deberardinis


PowerStrips by FG Xpress

PowerStrips by FG Xpress

PowerStrips by FG Xpress

PowerStrips by FG Xpress

PowerStrips by FG Xpress

PowerStrips by FG Xpress


PowerStrips -US FDA Class 1 Medical Device for PAIN


In 10 short days, breaking news that PowerStrips now listed as FDA Class 1 Medical Device has gained global attention and immediate request! After months of a very tedious, time consuming, and expensive process…FG Xpress has completed the requirements for listing PowersStrips on the FDA Medical Device List!

As a listed “Class 1 Medical Device” this proves to the World that PowerStrips are unique and can bring relief of Pain & Discomfort.

The temperature is heating up in FG Xpress all over the world!! PowerStrips have become viral in over 120 countries! It’s easy to recognize a superior product when people’s personal results surpass their belief and expectations. Simply put… PowerStrips Work!! We have known it for months- that the PowerStrips relieve pain and discomfort…..and now have over 40+ pages of unsolicited testimonials. With the new FDA classification, many people who were once personal believers are now more confident, and are sharing the PowerStrips with their family / friends and anyone they know who can benefit.

The PowerStrips now have the OTC (Over the Counter) Designation from the FDA.

Ingredients in the Power Strips:

Korean Red Ginseng (saponins)- fermented

Germanium- Element (on the upper part of the patch) this reflects far infra-red technology deep. Germanium is a semi-conductor element)

Marine Phytoplankton


Not only is the product exceeding expectations, so is the business behind PowerStrips … putting money in people’s pocket fast! Why?


  • Easy to use,
  • Natural,
  • No side-effects,
  • Quick, noticeable results,
  • FDA listed


Want to learn more?

Want to try the Power Strips ?

Click here

FG Xpress

Take a seat in the front row of a day one, ground floor, residual business opportunity. The entire world’s address system, available to you DAY ONE! Seamless. One product, one price, patented, doctor-formulated, brand new, first of its kind, category creator and exclusively ours!

Join the race, the human race, in a brother and sisterhood that erases all country lines, politics and logistical obstacles. Don’t miss out, get in now! Start celebrating your suXess!


  • Global Distribution Ready
  • One Product. One Price
  • Doctor Formulated
  • Patented
  • Seamless!


Click here


Power Strips

Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


Skype: dave.deberardinis

PowerStrips Power Strips

PowerStrips Power Strips

PowerStrips Power Strips

PowerStrips Power Strips

PowerStrips Power Strips

PowerStrips Power Strips


Advice for the Entrepreneur Building Their FGXpress Business with the PowerStrips

FGXpress Business with the PowerStrips

Entrepreneurship- working with our team with FG Xpress.

I receive great emails BLOGS from Marc and Angel Hack and the insight I personally received from their BLOG today is worth passing along.

As we build our Global FG Xpress business with the PowerStrips, I feel this information is worth passing along to all team members and potential entrepreneurs who are looking for the “right team” to join. Afterall relationship marketing, also known as Network Marketing is truly a personal development business. In addition much like interviewing for a job or company YOU get to choose who you wish to work with!

Our team strongly believes in leadership- helping each team member grow so they reach their goals- and to help develop the leader that is waiting to emerge. We have Master Mind Calls for Leadership and Strategy, Team Business Calls, Personal Development Training, Testimonial Calls- which are nothing but 15-25 min. of straight testimonials on how the PowerStrips are helping people with pain and discomfort AND also one-on-one strategy calls for those who want to reach specific goals.


Advise for the Entrepreneur Building their FG Xpress Business with the PowerStrips

1. Wisdom is not about knowing all the answers.

It’s not the answers you get from others, or even the ones you formulate, that will help you in the long run. It’s the simple questions you ask yourself on a regular basis that will determine the type of person you become. Wisdom is about asking the right questions.

Regardless of your age or stature, life is always filled with unanswered questions. It is the courage to ask these questions and adventurously seek the answers that continues to give life meaning. Have patience with everything that remains unresolved in your heart. Try to love the unanswered questions themselves. Do not demand all the answers; they cannot be given to you because you have to live through them. It is a matter of experiencing everything. Only when you do will you gradually, perhaps without even noticing it, find yourself arriving at the answers you seek.

POINT: Network Marketing is a people business and one about asking questions. WIFM=What’s in it for me?

2. You have to do lots of things you may not be good at to grow.

If you do what you have always done, you will get the same results you have been getting. If you want to stunt your growth and feel stuck in the same place forever, keep making excuses. If, on the other hand, you want to stop feeling trapped, you have to start doing things that make you uncomfortable, things you may not be very good at. You have to stretch yourself.

There is no excuse for remaining stuck. There is no excuse for doing the same things over and over again. Life is too short. Ask yourself if what you’re doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.

The day is rapidly approaching when the risk to remain perched in your nest is far more detrimental than the risk it takes to fly. Fly! Spread your wings. Start now. What a disgrace it would be for you to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of your full potential.

POINT: What are your goals with FG Xpress? Write them down! List 30 day, 60 day, 90 day as well as 1 year and 5 year goals. I know, the ones out there in the distance seem crazy to put in writing but do it. Your success multiples when you write them down! Then, share your goals with your upline support! Everyone benefits.

“You can get everything in your life that you want if you just help enough people get what they want”. Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar







3. Everything you own has an emotional cost of ownership.

No matter what you own there is a maintenance cost. We can speak in dollars – insurance, taxes and interest. Or even in time – cleaning, updating and protecting. But the hardest maintenance cost for most people is simply sentimental value.

We transfer our feelings and memories onto an object and decide we can’t let go because we’ll risk losing the feeling or memory. Before long, we become surrounded by these visual reminders of our memories and no longer have room to make new ones. It’s hard to move forward in your life when your past is crowding your present.

The answer, of course, is to get rid of some of this stuff. But that’s way easier said than done. We often need to be compelled to do this with a move or a lifestyle change. Imagine how much richer life would be if you moved the junk out and made room for new opportunities instead of grudgingly making room only when it was forced upon you. (Read The Joy of Less by Marc and Angel Hack.)

POINT: We know how “stuff” can clutter our life, imagine your health to be like a bank account. What can you do today to become more healthy both physically and financially? Each decision you make is either a deposit into your BANK ACCOUNT OF LIFE, or a withdrawal. Which will YOU do?

4. Flaws are beautiful and likeable.

Nothing is perfect; the world itself is not perfect. But we’re all here living for our dreams and each other, trying the very best we can. And that’s what makes us so darn beautiful. The little things about you that you think are your flaws are often the reasons others fall in love with you.

Accept your flaws. Admit your mistakes. Don’t hide and don’t lie. Deal with the truth, learn the lessons, endure the consequences of reality, and move on. Your truth won’t penalize you. The mistakes won’t hurt you. The denial and cover-up will. People with flaws are beautiful and likeable. Liars and phonies are not. Every beautiful human being is made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions and finished with unique edges.

POINT: Be authentic! Sometimes I think it is difficult in this industry of Network Marketing, but it shouldn’t be!!! Don’t pretend to be anything other than who you are and don’t pretend to be successful and wealthy if you are not. Be transparent. When Dave and I have been totally open and honest, not exaggerating our income or successes, people are attracted to our business on a whole new level AND they are the kind of people we want to be working with. (We call them our HOT TUB friends!) Yes, I hate to admit it but there was a business years ago when almost everyone- including us- inflated how well we were doing….living from one amazing and successful weekly check. Yes in all honestly it WAS what we really did earn- but not consistently. That is not residual income!

5. The things you do for fun can pay the bills if you do them right.

Work, if it is interesting, is a stimulant. It’s worry and a lack of interest in what you’re doing that drains and discourages you. Every one of us should have our hobbies and side interests – as many as we can handle efficiently and happily. Our interests should never be allowed to lag or get cold so that all enthusiasm and passion is wasted. Each day can be a success if you feed your interests as graciously as they feed you.

Happiness is found where interests and capabilities intersect. If you do what you love and then master it so you can do it much better than anyone else you know, it is entirely possible to make a living from it. Even better, you will not get tired out from working when your work interests you. The key is to find the point at which what you love, what you’re good at, and what people will pay for, intersect.

POINT: If you are a “people person”, enjoy helping people, love the industries of personal development, coaching, health, wellness, time freedom….then working with our team with FG Xpress and the PowerStrips may be one of the most rewarding choices you make.


6. Some of the most unpleasant people just need a little love.

Provide support when it makes sense, even when people are cold and unfriendly. Some people are rude and complain as a way of crying for help. They may not be conscious of it though, so their comments come across as attacks rather than requests.

Show a little love and concern. Do something nice for them. Just a simple “Are you okay?” or “Is there anything I can do to help you?” can do wonders in certain situations. Resist the urge to judge or assume. It’s hard to offer compassion when you assume you have them figured out. Let them know they are not alone. People overcome the forces of negative emotions, like anger and hatred, when the counter-forces of love and support are in full effect. (Read The Mastery of Love.)

POINT: You will not be able to control everyone who ends up in your network marketing group. Work with the willing, and if you clash with a particular personality, find someone who can help them so they get what they came for. You never know who they may lead TO your team so treat them with love and respect. Having said that, also work with the willing. Spend 80% of your time with the “willing”.

7. Sometimes the best thing you can do is nothing at all.

Sometimes you need to be alone… not to be lonely, but to enjoy some free time just breathing and being YOU.

In order to be one with your relationships and life’s work, you have to turn away from the busyness of the world for a while. You need to find solitude to refuel. You must become so alone that you withdraw into your innermost self. You must do nothing at all, except to be still with the moment.

You need to ponder your successes and failures in seclusion; you need the sunshine and the moonlight to warm you without companions to distract you, without the ongoing banter, face to face with your inner core, with only the sound of your heartbeat for company.

POINT: There are days when I simply do not want to be on the phone talking to prospects or people on the team. I simply need ME time to replenish my energy! In those unique times, I refuel my life and when I return, I come back fresh and recharged. People will FEEL your energy through your voice, vibration, and very “essence” so if you are not into a certain aspect of the business on a particular day- take the day off or do those behind the scene things that need to be handled to run your business and life effectively and in harmony.



FG Xpress

Want to learn more?

Want to try the Power Strips ?

Click here

FG Xpress

Take a seat in the front row of a day one, ground floor, residual business opportunity. The entire world’s address system, available to you DAY ONE! Seamless. One product, one price, patented, doctor-formulated, brand new, first of its kind, category creator and exclusively ours!

Join the race, the human race, in a brother and sisterhood that erases all country lines, politics and logistical obstacles. Don’t miss out, get in now! Start celebrating your suXess!


  • Global Distribution Ready
  • One Product. One Price
  • Doctor Formulated
  • Patented
  • Seamless!


Click here


Power Strips

Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


Skype: dave.deberardinis

FGXpress PowerStrips

FGXpress PowerStrips

FGXpress PowerStrips

FGXpress PowerStrips

FGXpress PowerStrips

FG Xpress PowerStrip on FDA’s Medical Device List

FG Xpress PowerStrip on FDA’s Medical Device List

  • July 11, 2013, 8:06 a.m. ET

FG Xpress PowerStrip on FDA’s Medical Device List

OREM, Utah–(BUSINESS WIRE)–July 11, 2013—

We have known that the PowerStrips by FG Xpress work and now following this announcement in the Wall Street Journal the opportunity to build a business with FG Xpress has never looked more promising.

ForeverGreen Worldwide Corporation (FVRG), a leading provider of nutritional foods and other healthy products, today announced the company had received FDA listing as a Class 1 Medical device useful as a pain relief product.

Allen Davis, General Counsel, stated, “ForeverGreen, in cooperation with the manufacturer of its PowerStrips product, has completed the tedious, time consuming and expensive process of listing PowerStrips on the FDA medical device list. As a listed Class 1 medical device, the FGX PowerStrips are unique. By focusing heat and energy to the areas where they are applied, PowerStrips can bring relief of pain and discomfort. This is a major differentiator between our PowerStrip patch and nearly all others on the market. This is easily one of the larger milestones we have achieved at ForeverGreen.”

ForeverGreen Worldwide Corporation develops, manufactures and distributes an expansive line of all natural whole foods and products to North America, Australia, Europe, Asia, South America and Africa. Offerings include their new global offering, Power Strips. Additionally, they offer Azul and FrequenSea(TM) whole-food beverages with industry exclusive Marine Phytoplankton, Versativa line of hemp-based whole-food products, A.I.M. Transfer Factor immune support, 03World(TM) weight management products, Pulse-8 powdered L-arginine formula, TRUessence(TM) Essential Oils and Apothecary, 24Karat Chocolate(R), and an entire catalog of meals, snacks, household cleaners and personal care products.

Power Strips now being recognized as a category unto itself!


FGX YES it's that big!


Forward-Looking Statement

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned that certain statements in this release are “forward-looking statements” and involve both known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors. Such uncertainties include among others, certain risks associated with the operation of the company described above. The company’s actual results could differ materially from expected results.

Want to learn more?

Want to try the Power Strips ?

Click here

FG Xpress

Take a seat in the front row of a day one, ground floor, residual business opportunity. The entire world’s address system, available to you DAY ONE! Seamless. One product, one price, patented, doctor-formulated, brand new, first of its kind, category creator and exclusively ours!

Join the race, the human race, in a brother and sisterhood that erases all country lines, politics and logistical obstacles. Don’t miss out, get in now! Start celebrating your suXess!


  • Global Distribution Ready
  • One Product. One Price
  • Doctor Formulated
  • Patented
  • Seamless!


Click here


Power Strips

Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


Skype: dave.deberardinis
PowerStrips Power Strips

PowerStrips Power Strips

PowerStrips Power Strips

PowerStrips Power Strips

PowerStrips Power Strips

PowerStrips Power Strips

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Tags: FG xpress, FGXpress, Forevergreen, Power Strips, PowerStrips, Work with Dave and Joy, workwithdaveandjoy, Medical Device, FDA Medical Device





PowerStrips for Pain Relief and Working Out

PowerStrips for Pain Relief and Working Out

PAIN and DISCOMFORT are nothing to joke about and millions of people are affected by it. As a result many have to limit their life because they can no longer do what they used to be able to do. Although I have been active and healthy my entire life, I got a taste of what this is like last year.

April 2012 I sustained an injury that caused me to have pain and limited range of motion in my right shoulder area. It truly limited my life on so many levels because I had always been very active, strong and enjoyed working out with free weights…and I couldn’t do those things. It was difficult holding my newborn granddaughter for long periods of time, putting on a shirt and then removing it OVER MY HEAD caused pain and my muscle tone in my upper body began to diminish. I wasn’t even able to correctly show my personal training clients proper form with certain exercises because I couldn’t do them – so I became masterful at explaining how to do a certain exercise. It was not a happy time for me.

April of this year and only 1 year later, I was introduced to the PowerStrips by FG Xpress and my life has become enjoyable and pain free again! Initially I placed one PowerStrip on my upper right shoulder area before bed one night and noticed that I was not only able to sleep on my stomach (preferred position) but I was pain free and slept soundly through the night. When I awoke my pain was gone and I could raise my right arm over my head. I wept happy tears.

I am back to working out thanks to the PowerStrips

10 weeks later I remain pain free and have begun to work out again using free weights…..something I have done for decades. I know muscle has memory so I am not concerned about not getting my strength back and dropping body fat- and with the PowerStrips I have the confidence to work out hard again, knowing that they can help me stay pain-free. My energy is high when wearing the PowerStrips and I have begun testing different ways to use the PowerStrips. Yesterday I took one full PowerStrip and cut it in “strips” and applied it to my pec area, my triceps, and my right shoulder. (Chest, Tricep workout). In other words, I am finding that by placing the PowerStrips in the areas that I will be working out it helps with lactic acid build up- aids in recovery time and allows me to get a solid workout.

Now that I CAN workout again, I am looking on getting back in shape with no worries of injury, pain or limitations. This is HUGE!

The POWER STRIPS have blessed so many people who suffer from pain and discomfort. The combination of the Korean Red Ginseng, Marine Phytoplankton, Silver Ions, Germanium, Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium constantly provide your body with the nutrients, minerals and vitamins your body needs to rebuild, renew and regenerate your cells and your body. When you give your body, mind and soul the raw materials it needs to rebuild and renew the possibilities are endless and our bodies can perform miracles by the minute.

PowerStripsThis exercise is one of many I could not do as it was too painful. It became frustrating and because of my pain and limitations I put exercise on hold, which is so unlike me. Now thanks to the PowerStrips I am back working out, re-gaining muscle tone, energy and strength. In addition to the PowerStrips working for Pain Relief and Energy- it has cut down any cravings for sweets and helped with efficient metabolism. I place ½ PowerStrip below my belly button (Dan Tien) which is also helping reduce belly fat….Thank You PowerStrips, I now have my life back.

It is one thing to help someone with pain, but an added bonus when you can help people get BACK to doing those things in life that are dear to them. If you know anyone who can benefit please share the PowerStrips with them.

Check out a couple of testimonies below that I just received on this AMAZING, all natural, holistic, drug free, chemical free product called PowerStrips!

I love these Power Strips! I have osteoarthritis in my lower back, sciatica, and fibromyalgia. I received 2 samples so I put one my one butt cheek where my sciatica pain starts before I went to bed. I had the best deep sleep and woke up in the morning without any muscle pain. I couldn’t believe it. The following day I used the other one on my lower back. My chronic pain was so greatly reduced I couldn’t believe it. I have only used 3 strips so far and yesterday I was walking all day and no sciatica pain!! Unbelievable! Holly
“Digestion has improved tremendously – less cravings- less belly fat….thanks for sharing! Deb

I have had a lower back problem for over 30 years and the last few years while getting out of bed I’ve stooped. After a shower I could straighten up and getting dressed always hurt. I put on my Power Strip and within 2 minutes I felt a relaxing of the area. I then went on my daily bicycle ride 20km and NO pain just power. I put one on the next day, and with just 2 power strips the pain I’ve suffered for 30 years has GONE, WOW WOW THANKS! George

Arthritic pain has subsided….I can now play tennis again and actually open jars. amazing.

No more having to use nasal spray due to sinus issues….and I am told I no longer snore… wife is excited! Lou

Yay! Got my Power Strips and cut 1 into 6 pieces to do trial on sore spots. Right ankle, lower back, right hip, right upper chest/pectorals, left shoulder. Huge relief in lower back, right hip and chest (only on for 4 hours)-one on my back got a little hot during workout. The other 3 I put a waterproof dressing on and they are still on and I feel great. Oh btw I’m at work today & have a 500 pound patient plus my other total care patients so today is a great test day. I’m giving samples out to the other nurses today. Woohoo! Adrienne

Want to learn more?

Want to try the Power Strips ?

Click here

FG Xpress

Take a seat in the front row of a day one, ground floor, residual business opportunity. The entire world’s address system, available to you DAY ONE! Seamless. One product, one price, patented, doctor-formulated, brand new, first of its kind, category creator and exclusively ours!

Join the race, the human race, in a brother and sisterhood that erases all country lines, politics and logistical obstacles. Don’t miss out, get in now! Start celebrating your suXess!


  • Global Distribution Ready
  • One Product. One Price
  • Doctor Formulated
  • Patented
  • Seamless!


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Power Strips

Joy Edgerton

Dave DeBerardinis


Skype: dave.deberardinis


PowerStrips Power Strips

PowerStrips Power Strips

PowerStrips Power Strips

PowerStrips Power Strips

PowerStrips Power Strips

PowerStrips Power Strips

The Self Confidence Formula, from Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich

The Self Confidence Formula, from Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich

First. I know that I have the ability to achieve the object of my Definite Purpose in life, therefore, I DEMAND of myself persistent, continuous action toward its attainment, and I here and now promise to render such action.

Second. I realize the dominating thoughts of my mind will eventually reproduce themselves in outward, physical action, and gradually transform themselves into physical reality; therefore, I will concentrate my thoughts for thirty minutes daily, upon the task of thinking of the person I intend to become thereby creating in my mind a clear mental picture of that person.

Third. I know through the principle of autosuggestion, any desire that I persistently hold in my mind will eventually seek expression through some practical means of attaining the object back of it, therefore, I will devote ten minutes daily to demanding of myself the development of SELF CONFIDENCE.

Fourth. I have clearly written down a description of my DEFINITE CHIEF AIM in life, and I will never stop trying, until I shall have developed sufficient self-confidence for its attainment.

Fifth. I fully realize that no wealth or position can long endure. Unless built upon truth and justice therefore, I will engage in no transaction which does not benefit all whom it affects. I will succeed by attraction to myself the forces I wish to use, and the cooperation of other people. I will induce others to serve me, because of my willingness to serve others. I will eliminate hatred, envy, jealousy, selfishness, and cynicism, but developing love for all humanity; because I know that a negative attitude toward others can never bring me success. I will cause others to believe in me, because I will believe in them and in myself.

I will sign my name to this formula, commit it to memory and repeat it aloud once a day, with full FAITH that It will gradually influence my THOUGHTS and ACTIONS so that I will become a self-reliant, and successful person.


_________________________________ ____________________

Name Date


Want to learn what we do?

Want to try the Power Strips ?

Click here

FG Xpress

Take a seat in the front row of a day one, ground floor, residual business opportunity. The entire world’s address system, available to you DAY ONE! Seamless. One product, one price, patented, doctor-formulated, brand new, first of its kind, category creator and exclusively ours!

Join the race, the human race, in a brother and sisterhood that erases all country lines, politics and logistical obstacles. Don’t miss out, get in now! Start celebrating your suXess!


  • Global Distribution Ready
  • One Product. One Price
  • Doctor Formulated
  • Patented
  • Seamless!


Click here


Power Strips

Dave DeBerardinis
Joy Edgerton

Skype: dave.deberardinis


Think and Grow Rich Power Strips PowerStrips

Think and Grow Rich Power Strips PowerStrips

Think and Grow Rich Power Strips PowerStrips

Think and Grow Rich Power Strips PowerStrips

Think and Grow Rich Power Strips PowerStrips

Think and Grow Rich Power Strips PowerStrips


PowerStrips for a Healthy 24/7 Detox?

PowerStrips for a Healthy 24/7 Detox?

What is Detox?

Detox, short for detoxification, is the body’s natural, ongoing process of neutralizing or eliminating toxins from the body. Toxins are anything that can potentially harm body tissue, including waste products that result from normal cell activity, such as ammonia, lactic acid and homocysteine, and human-made toxins that we are exposed to in our environment, food, and water. The liver, intestines, kidneys, lungs, skin, blood and lymphatic systems work together to ensure that toxins are transformed chemically to less harmful compounds and excreted from the body.

(According to Cathy Wong, About.comGuide, updated October 10, 2012. Health’s Disease and Condition content is reviewed by a Medical Review Board.)

FG Xpress is a company with Global Distribution that launched January 2013, with a product called PowerStrips. One of the Reported Benefits (see below) is 24/7 detox and rebuild.


  • Restful sleep patterns
  • Improved energy and mood
  • Mental clarity, memory and sharper focus
  • Reduced stress and tension
  • Almost instant pain relief
  • Immune system boost
  • Increase muscular strength
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Less cravings for sugar or sweets
  • 24/7 detox and rebuild

Ingredients in the Power Strips:

  • Proprietary blend of Korean Red Ginseng (fermented) Germanium and a base of minerals. (Calcium, magnesium, potassium, silver ion) and marine phytoplankton.

What are PowerStrips?

PowerStrips are a patented topical “3×5.5 inch strip” fusing wave energy and ancient herbs- the main herb being Korean Red Ginseng.



This patented technology and design uses the energy of muscle to jump start and magnify energy, not only to the region, but on a cellular level. Experts believe that health is energy and we are the account managers, it’s about deposits verses withdrawals. It’s simple to make Power Strips a part of your daily deposits- which is why thousands of people are already using the PowerStrips for health and energy.

PowerStripsPower Fact: Ancient Herbs Using Korean Red Ginseng

This unique Ginseng contains Saponin. It is an adaptagen herb that works in harmony with the body where it is needed most: Endocrine System, Immune System, Nervous System, even Cardio, Digestive, and the Metabolism.
This Korean Red Ginseng is not digested, used, and assimilated well through oral consumption which makes the Power Strip the perfect form of delivery!

Power Fact: Delivery


There is a buzz in the medical community about using a topical delivery on the skin. The science has not only come a long way but is proven. The PowerStrips patented exclusive delivery takes the Korean Red Ginseng and a base of a proprietary blend of beneficial minerals for perfect, time-released delivery safely, for maximum benefits!

PowerStrips are for everyone! Health is energy and you are the account manager, it’s about deposits or withdrawals.

PowerStrips are a patented fusion of modern energy and ancient herbs. Everyone needs energy, while many need relief. PowerStrips are worn daily. Each PowerStrip is designed to last a full 48 hours.

Detoxification and the PowerStrips

It’s important to know that detoxification is not a single action—first the toxins are here and then they’re gone. No. Detoxification is a three step process—first they are mobilized from where the body has stashed them to protect itself. Then they are neutralized and finally, eliminated through the colon, kidneys, skin, lungs, and tongue.

If you bring the toxins out of storage faster than the body can neutralize and eliminate them, you get a detox symptom/reaction. This is where the PowerStrips can come into play and assist in the slow and steady “detox and rebuild”. The PowerStrips can be the ideal slow, gradual and gentle detox and rebuild that can leave you feeling more healthy and energized!

There are many ways you can detoxify your body. In our opinion, of the easiest and gentlest forms is by wearing a PowerStrip daily. Below you will learn more about 10 different ways you can eliminate toxins for optimal health and energy.

A water fast is literally the fastest and most intense of all ways to detoxify toxins from your body. People undergoing chemotherapy or with several-year histories of taking strong medical drugs should not do any form of detoxification without discussing this with their medical provider. They have too many toxins to try to detoxify quickly. It will cause too many seriously unpleasant reactions.

One cleanse I personally have done on several occasions is the Master Cleanse (Also known by many as the Lemonade Diet because it uses fresh organic lemons, purified water, Grade B Maple Syrup and cayenne pepper.) Since one of the things cayenne does is dilate blood vessels and dissolve mucus, it acts like an accelerator pedal for the Master Cleanse.

Below is Peter Glickman’s Detox Diet Scale ranked from fastest (1) to slowest (10). (

  1. Pure water fast
  2. The Master Cleanse
  3. Fruit Juice fast (fruits are detoxifiers)
  4. Vegetable Juice fast (veggies build up the body with vitamins, proteins and minerals.
  5. Enemas (can be combined with all other methods except the Master Cleanse)
  6. 100% raw vegan diet
  7. Predominantly raw vegan diet with the rest of the diet being cooked vegetarian food.
  8. 100% vegetarian diet without artificially preserved, colored, flavored, sweetened or prepared foods.
  9. Drinking at least a pint of freshly made green smoothie every day.
  10. 10. Soaking in a hot Epsom salt bath (2 cups to a regular sized tub) at least 3x a week for at least 12 minutes. (Note: this method can be combined with any of the other methods).

Now that you have been introduced to several ways you can eliminate toxins from your body you can make an educated decision of what will work best for you. PowerStrips, by FG Xpress- in my personal opinion, is the easiest and most gentle way to get energy and health and the nutritional benefits.

Fact: When your body is toxin free you WILL have more energy and less pain!



Want to learn more?

Want to try the Power Strips ?

Click here

FG Xpress

Take a seat in the front row of a day one, ground floor, residual business opportunity. The entire world’s address system, available to you DAY ONE! Seamless. One product, one price, patented, doctor-formulated, brand new, first of its kind, category creator and exclusively ours!

Join the race, the human race, in a brother and sisterhood that erases all country lines, politics and logistical obstacles. Don’t miss out, get in now! Start celebrating your suXess!


  • Global Distribution Ready
  • One Product. One Price
  • Doctor Formulated
  • Patented
  • Seamless!


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Power Strips

Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


Skype: dave.deberardinis









PowerStrips for 24/7 Detox?

PowerStrips for 24/7 Detox?

Your Amazing Liver!

One of the benefits we are hearing about from the PowerStrips, from FG Xpress, is that when worn they perform like a 24-7 detox. What an easy, simple and effective way to keep your body performing as it was intended! Simply peel back and adhere to your body. We are experiencing placing the PowerStrips behind the neck (Vagus nerve, and below the belly button (Dan Tien) for additional digestive support. Our friend, a professional reflexologist suggested this and it has been powerful.

REPORTED BENEFITS of the PowerStrips:

  • Restful sleep patterns
  • Improved energy and mood
  • Mental clarity, memory and sharper focus
  • Reduced stress and tension
  • Almost instant pain relief
  • Immune system boost
  • Increase muscular strength
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Less cravings for sugar or sweets
  • 24/7 detox and rebuild

Your Amazing Liver!

PowerStripsThe liver weighs about three pounds and performs more than 500 functions for the body. After the brain, heart and lungs, the liver is the most important organ. Because the liver is so important, your body is designed so that if as much as 80% of your liver were cut out, it would grow back to full size in approximately 3 months! Your body can function almost normally with as little as 1/6th of your liver. Because the liver is designed in this way, it is usually hard to determine if the liver is damaged until the damage is quite advanced.

Traditional Chinese medicine says the liver and kidneys are the organs that “age” us. For this reason, almost all longevity herbs used in Chinese medicine are liver and kidney tonics. Without a clean, efficient liver and healthy kidneys, toxins and waste products are not filtered out of the blood, which then becomes heavier and more sluggish. This causes poor circulation and reduced oxygen and nutrient carrying capacity. As a result, tissues fed by the blood are undernourished. Cells begin to deteriorate and age. The eye and brain cells are especially affected because the blood has to flow against gravity to reach them.

The Master Cleanse is a great way to cleanse your liver and kidneys at the same time as increasing your body’s hydration (the percentage of water in your body). – another great way is as easy as wearing a PowerStrip. (Each PowerStrip is designed to last 48 hours. You can divide them in half, and place wherever you wish to feel relief.)

Some Major Liver Functions:

  • Making three-quarters of your total cholesterol, which is used to produce hormones and bile salts.
  • Storing as much as 1 liter of blood in times of excess blood volume to be able to supply it in times of blood loss or heavy exercise.
  • Metabolizing up to ½ ounce of alcohol per hour.
  • Making 1 quart of bile per day for fat metabolism and neutralizing the acidity of toxins.
  • Detoxifying incompletely digested proteins, excess hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, etc.), drugs, food additives, poisons, etc.
  • Converting beta-carotene to Vitamin A.
  • Breaking down and absorbing vitamins A, D, E, and K. (If your liver is dysfunctional, you will not be able to metabolize these vitamins, no matter how much you take!)
  • Storing excess vitamin A, B-12, D, K, and iron.
  • Converting ammonia, a byproduct of protein metabolism, into urea for kidney excretion.
  • Filtering out bacteria in the blood from the intestines before it enters general circulation.
  • Synthesizing up to 4 ounces of glucose daily, if needed; for example, during fasting or diabetes.
  • Reducing blood sugar swings up to 65%.

The PowerStrips by FG Xpress. Ingredients in the Power Strips:

Proprietary blend of Korean Red Ginseng (fermented) Germanium and a base of minerals. (Calcium, magnesium, potassium, silver ion) and marine phytoplankton.

Want to learn more?

Want to try the Power Strips ?

Click here

FG Xpress

Take a seat in the front row of a day one, ground floor, residual business opportunity. The entire world’s address system, available to you DAY ONE! Seamless. One product, one price, patented, doctor-formulated, brand new, first of its kind, category creator and exclusively ours!

Join the race, the human race, in a brother and sisterhood that erases all country lines, politics and logistical obstacles. Don’t miss out, get in now! Start celebrating your suXess!


  • Global Distribution Ready
  • One Product. One Price
  • Doctor Formulated
  • Patented
  • Seamless!


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Power Strips

Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


Skype: dave.deberardinis




Power Strips PowerStrips

Power Strips PowerStrips

Power Strips PowerStrips

Power Strips PowerStrips

Power Strips PowerStrips

Power Strips PowerStrips



Will the FG Xpress PowerStrips help with Inflammation in my Wrist?

Will the FG Xpress PowerStrips help with Inflammation in my Wrist?

The other day I received an email (later a phone call) from a friend who wanted to know if I thought that the PowerStrips by FG Xpress may help with her wrist pain (carpal tunnel). She had done much research on her own regarding the natural properties of the ingredients IN the PowerStrips and went on to educate ME. I found it quite fascinating!

Power Strips, PowerStripsThe truth is, we don’t prescribe the PowerStrips for any one particular discomfort that people may be experiencing, however, what we personally believe- and have been seeing, is when the body is properly edified with the ideal raw materials, such as are in the PowerStrips, that the body can then go on to “balance” itself more readily.

The Ingredients in the Power Strips are a Proprietary blend of Korean Red Ginseng (fermented) Germanium, a base of minerals. (Calcium, magnesium, potassium, silver ion) and marine phytoplankton.


  • Restful sleep patterns
  • Improved energy and mood
  • Mental clarity, memory and sharper focus
  • Reduced stress and tension
  • Almost instant pain relief
  • Immune system boost
  • Increase muscular strength
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Less cravings for sugar or sweets
  • 24/7 detox and rebuild

I googled how the body deals with inflammation and learned many interesting facts. One study I found fascinating relates to sleep. One benefit that most people experience when using the PowerStrips is restful sleep….myself included.

Sleep quality and duration impacts on inflammation risk:

Scientists at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia, found in a study that sleep deprivation or poor sleep quality raise inflammation, which in turn increase the risk of developing heart disease and stroke.
The team gathered data on 525 middle-aged volunteers who had completed the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire, which asked detailed questions about sleep quality and duration.

They tested the participants’ levels of various inflammatory markers, and then tried to see whether they could link them to quality and duration of sleep. The authors concluded:

“The researchers concluded that: “Poor sleep quality, and short sleep durations are associated with higher levels of inflammation.”

So the question remains unanswered- whether the PowerStrips would help my friend’s wrist discomfort. We believe it will- she believes it will- but don’t take our word for it. If you are looking for relief from any bodily discomfort, or want to experience more energy or any other benefits stated above, please experience the PowerStrips personally and share YOUR testimonial with us. We receive emails, phone calls and posts on Facebook page daily on how the FG Xpress PowerStrips are benefitting.

Want to learn more?

Want to try the Power Strips ?

Click here

FG Xpress

Take a seat in the front row of a day one, ground floor, residual business opportunity. The entire world’s address system, available to you DAY ONE! Seamless. One product, one price, patented, doctor-formulated, brand new, first of its kind, category creator and exclusively ours!

Join the race, the human race, in a brother and sisterhood that erases all country lines, politics and logistical obstacles. Don’t miss out, get in now! Start celebrating your suXess!


  • Global Distribution Ready
  • One Product. One Price
  • Doctor Formulated
  • Patented
  • Seamless!


Click here


Power Strips

Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


Skype: dave.deberardinis



Power Strips PowerStrips

Power Strips PowerStrips

Power Strips PowerStrips

Power Strips PowerStrips

Power Strips PowerStrips