We all want to capitalize on any new fitness program we participate in, so it’s no different to want to capitalize on any new FOOD that we eat as we add it to our daily ‘diet’. We want to get the BEST RESULTS! Due to the state of the entire world with ‘lockdowns’ and restrictions, more people than ever are looking to boost or strengthen their health and immunity and lose weight (pandemic pounds for some.) I was one of those people.
As a result of much research, in December 2020 I decided to add Zipslim, a new product, to MY DAILY NUTRITION, especially after watching several girlfriends literally shrink in 90-days by drinking Zipslim. I had put on a couple of pounds since the ‘pandemic’ fear, but mainly a couple of pounds each year since menopause.
It doesn’t sound like a lot of weight except add 2 lbs. per year of fat x 10 years and you have 20 unwanted pounds…and it wasn’t muscle. It was mainly accumulated around my belly, aka, my men-o-pot’!
Zipslim, a blackberry lemonade flavored drink that ‘flips the switch’ so your metabolism is ON, really did me wonders with reducing belly fat and helping me lose weight. I successfully released weight I couldn’t since menopause.
So what did I ADD to my Zipslim to give me even more of a weight loss and health boost? It was one single, simple addition. A MEAL REPLACEMENT SHAKE. But not just any shake, this particular one that supports weight loss and works in synergy with Zipslim.
Recently I added this shake as my morning meal and as a result of this one addition, it has helped me lose more inches (especially around the belly), while eliminating the concern of getting enough nutrition in my first meal of the day.
It also offers so many benefits to support ongoing weight and fat loss. Just check out the ingredients! I love both flavors, Vanilla and Dutch Chocolate, but the Dutch Chocolate is my favorite.
For more details on the Dutch Chocolate Shake, click here. https://vimeo.com/showcase/6983014/video/758919877
To learn more about the Vanilla Shake click here: https://vimeo.com/347632850
To purchase your EXTREME SHAKE, click here. https://daveandjoy.myctfo.com/shop.html?catekey=weightloss1
This is a great meal replacement even if you aren’t looking to lose weight or add it to your Zipslim. Not all shakes are created equal so choose wisely. Prior to this I decided to use up my current supply of shakes as I didn’t want to throw them away, only to #1, not enjoy them, #2, not get additional benefit like additional weight/fat loss. The Extreme Shake truly is a step above any other shakes I have used. (For those looking for a lower carb shake, this is also Keto-friendly too)
If you have any questions please reach out. All Shakes and other products from CTFO come with a full 60-day money back guarantee. Not satisfied? Simply send the empty bags or remaining products back to the company, and you’ll get not only your 60-day money back but also shipping and handling too.
I look forward to helping YOU become healthier, more fit and happier. I have the tools and am happy to share. As a former personal trainer and transformational life coach, I also have other skills and ideas to help people who are committed to becoming the best they can.
Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach with Beyond Slim
I love helping customers get the best possible results with any products or services I recommend, which means you can buy with confidence.
802-999-1815, joyedgerton@gmail.com,
Zipslim: Purchase here: https://zipslim.info/joy
Extreme Shakes: Purchase here: https://daveandjoy.myctfo.com/shop.html?catekey=weightloss1